airbase-ng stops working after a while--wifi热点只能连接20秒左右

Hey all,

I recently experienced some problem and can't find a solution...

i installed aircrack-ng on xubuntu 13.04 and tried airbase-ng (for a fakeAP lab).
funnily, after a short while 30-60 seconds, airbase-ng hangs and airodump-ng doesn't see the AP anymore.
tested the same thing in BT5r3 and it worked without problem.
Now coming back to it with kali linux and suddenly expirience exactly the same problem :-(

Anybody have a hint ?

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  answer

Go to the programming catagory at this site and read the WPA2 WPA Enterprise blog. We just finished a rougeAP  workup using kali-linux. You can download the script file etc and read thru the help file maybe there will be something there that will be helpful. You did not print any coding. I can tell you that airbase-ng can be touchy. Try playing around with diifferent commands even when they are equal. For example -e and --essid etc.

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posted @ 2016-02-01 00:00  张同光  阅读(72)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报