Angular vs React – so which do I chose?

Much like anything, pick the tool that fits the job. Angular can produce something very powerful very quickly whereas React gives you the flexibility to pick the architecture and collection of components that best suits your project outcomes.

  • Looking to build something quickly that can be picked up by new developers without long lead times?    Pick Angular.
  • Building a long term project that requires a specific set of components and a componentized architecture?   Pick React.
  • Prefer Angular?   Pick Angular.
  • Prefer React?   Pick React.
  • Interested in using a set of compatible components without being locked in and don’t mind using something in it’s early days?   Investigate Angular 2.0.

posted @ 2016-04-23 10:35  张同光  阅读(90)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报