(OK) Creating manually one VMs from an existing VDI file in CLI (VBoxManage) in Fedora 23
VBoxManage list runningvms
VBoxManage guestproperty get android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP"
VBoxManage showvminfo android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --details
VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1
VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate Winxp
(OK) Creating manually one VMs from an existing VDI file in CLI (VBoxManage) in Fedora 23
//successful (natpf1, NAT Port Forwarding) OK OK OK
getprop service.adb.ip
getprop service.adb.tcp.port
setprop service.adb.ip
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
stop adbd
start adbd
tunctl -t tap_a_1
ip link set up dev tap_a_1
brctl addif br_a_1 tap_a_1
brctl addbr br_a_1
ip link set up dev br_a_1
ifconfig br_a_1 up
brctl addbr br_a_0
ip link set up dev br_a_0
ifconfig br_a_0 up
// bridged, --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none, android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-0
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-0 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-0 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic1 bridged --bridgeadapter1 br_a_1 --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-0 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-0 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-0.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-0;
tunctl -t tap_a_1
ip link set up dev tap_a_1
brctl addbr br_a_1
brctl addif br_a_1 tap_a_1
ip link set up dev br_a_1
ifconfig br_a_1 up
// bridged, --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none, android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic1 bridged --bridgeadapter1 br_a_1 --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1;
// natpf1, --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --natpf1 adb,tcp,*,5555,*,5555; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1;
// natpf1, --nic2 bridged --bridgeadapter2 br_a_1
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic2 bridged --bridgeadapter2 br_a_1 --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --natpf1 adb,tcp,*,5555,*,5555; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1;
adb -s emulator-5554 shell
adb -s emulator-5554 shell ls /
// vboxnet0, --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 Am79C973 --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 Am79C973 --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0 --nic2 bridged --bridgeadapter2 br_a_1 --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1;
tunctl -t tap_a_1
ip link set up dev tap_a_1
brctl addbr br_a_1
brctl addif br_a_1 tap_a_1
ip link set up dev br_a_1
ifconfig br_a_1 up
// vboxnet0, --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 Am79C973 --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0 --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none;
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 Am79C973 --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0 --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1;
The following commands are not used
adb connect;
adb devices
adb -s root
adb -s shell
adb disconnect
adb connect && adb -s root
adb devices
adb -s root
adb -s shell
adb disconnect
stop adbd
start adbd
virtualbox nat port forwarding adb "device offline"
[root@localhost tools]# pwd
[root@localhost tools]#
[root@localhost tools]# ./android update adb
adb has been updated. You must restart adb with the following commands
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb version
[root@localhost tools]#
./android update adb
./android update sdk --no-ui
Run these commands
adb kill-server
android update sdk --no-ui
adb start-server
To verify that it worked, run 'adb version' before and after the commands and make sure it is the latest. The reason for the adb kill-server command is that it it most likely running, and it can't be updated while it is running, so you have to kill it first.
VBoxManage showvminfo "android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1" | grep NIC
ifconfig br_a_1 down
brctl delif br_a_1 tap_a_1
brctl delbr br_a_1
ifconfig tap_a_1 down
tunctl -d tap_a_1
tunctl -t tap_a_1
ip link set up dev tap_a_1
brctl addbr br_a_1
brctl addif br_a_1 tap_a_1
ip link set up dev br_a_1
ifconfig br_a_1 up
//successful (hostonly, vboxnet0)
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 Am79C973 --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0 --nic2 none --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1;
VBoxManage createvm --name android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --ostype Linux_64 --register; VBoxManage modifyvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --memory 1024 --vram 128 --usb off --audio pulse --audiocontroller sb16 --acpi on --rtcuseutc off --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --nic1 hostonly --nictype1 Am79C973 --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0 --nic2 bridged --bridgeadapter2 br_a_1 --nic3 none --nic4 none; VBoxManage storagectl android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4; VBoxManage storageattach android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium /run/media/root/158a840e-63fa-4544-b0b8-dc0d40c79241/virtualbox-os/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1.vdi; VBoxManage startvm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1;
route add -net netmask gw
route add -net netmask gw
route del -net netmask
VBoxManage unregistervm android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1
rm /root/VirtualBox\ VMs/android-x86_64-6.0-rc1-1 -rf
ifconfig br_a_1 down
brctl delif br_a_1 tap_a_1
brctl delbr br_a_1
ifconfig tap_a_1 down
tunctl -d tap_a_1
sleep 30; adb connect; sleep 1; adb -s root; sleep 1; adb connect; sleep 1; adb -s root; sleep 1; adb connect; adb -s shell mkdir -p /opt/android-on-linux/quagga/out/etc; adb -s shell cp /system/xbin/quagga/etc/zebra.conf /opt/android-on-linux/quagga/out/etc/; adb -s shell cp /system/xbin/quagga/etc/ospf6d.conf /opt/android-on-linux/quagga/out/etc/; adb -s shell /system/xbin/quagga/zebra -d; adb -s shell /system/xbin/quagga/ospf6d -d; adb -s shell ifconfig eth1 down; adb -s shell ifconfig eth1 netmask up; adb -s shell ifconfig eth0 down
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