
宏定义 object-c 单例

2012-10-19 14:30  三戒1993  阅读(113)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

今天发现单例用宏来声明 确实很实用,所以记录下来


#define GTMOBJECT_SINGLETON_BOILERPLATE(_object_name_, _shared_obj_name_)

static _object_name_ *z##_shared_obj_name_ = nil; 

+ (_object_name_ *)_shared_obj_name_ {            

@synchronized(self) {                           

if (z##_shared_obj_name_ == nil) {            

/* Note that ‘self’ may not be the same as _object_name_ */                              

/* first assignment done in allocWithZone but we must reassign in case init fails */     

z##_shared_obj_name_ = [[self alloc] init];                                              

_GTMDevAssert((z##_shared_obj_name_ != nil), @”didn’t catch singleton allocation”);      



return z##_shared_obj_name_;                    


+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {              

@synchronized(self) {                           

if (z##_shared_obj_name_ == nil) {            

z##_shared_obj_name_ = [super allocWithZone:zone];

return z##_shared_obj_name_;                




/* We can’t return the shared instance, because it’s been init’d */

_GTMDevAssert(NO, @”use the singleton API, not alloc+init”);       

return nil;                                     


- (id)retain {                                    

return self;                                    


- (NSUInteger)retainCount {                       

return NSUIntegerMax;                           


- (void)release {                                 


- (id)autorelease {                               

return self;                                    


- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {               

return self;                                    
