orchard cms学习点滴(一)(命令行命令)

1、codegen module HNATC.CustomAds /IncludeInSolution:true 生成模块框架

2、用codegen part 自动生成内容。前提是安装Code Generation Extensions模块。

语法:codegen part <module_name> <part_name> [/Properties:<comma-delimited list of name:type pairs>]

举例:codegen part HNATC.CustomAds AdPart /Properties: Name:string, Price:int

它会自动生成:handler, driver, model, record, display and editor shapes and updates the Placement.info file with default Content:before placement 大大减轻了工作量


3、codegen datamigration HNATC.CustomAds 生成Migrations.cs类

4、codegen controller HNATC.CustomAds AdsController


原文Generating Orchard content parts via command-line

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