10.5 Synchronizing goroutines with WaitGroup

Synchronizing goroutines with WaitGroup

While working with concurrently running code branches, it is no exception that at some point the program needs to wait for concurrently running parts of the code. This recipe gives insight into how to use the WaitGroup to wait for running goroutines. 

package main

import "sync"
import "fmt"

func main() {
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		go func(idx int) {
			// Do some work
			defer wg.Done()
			fmt.Printf("Exiting %d\n", idx)
	fmt.Println("All done.")

Exiting 9
Exiting 6
Exiting 7
Exiting 8
Exiting 3
Exiting 0
Exiting 1
Exiting 2
Exiting 4
Exiting 5
All done.

With help of the  WaitGroup struct from the sync package, the program run is able to wait until some finite number of goroutines finish. The WaitGroup struct implements the method Add to add the number of goroutines to wait for. Then after the goroutine finishes,  the Done method should be called to decrement the number of goroutines to wait for. The method Wait is called as a block until the given number of Done calls has been done (usually at the end of a goroutine). The WaitGroup should be used the same way as all synchronization primitives within the sync package. After the creation of the object, the struct should not be copied.


posted on 2018-03-27 00:53  cucy_to  阅读(130)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
