j0057 4 +357

just a test-黑暗中的矩阵,寒星光芒四射!


BackTrac 目录详解 BT4

BackTrack 4.0 系统菜单中Backtrack目录详解:
1.Information Gathering //踩点,信息收集//
2.Network Mapping //网络映射//
3.Vulnerability ldentification //确定可利用漏洞//
4.Web Application Analysis //Web应用程序分析//
5.Radio Network Analysis //无线网络分析//
6.Penetration //渗透//
7.Privilge Escalation //提权//
8.Maintaining Access //后门//
9.Covering Tracks //清除痕迹//
10.Digital Forensics //数字取证//
11.Reverse Engineering //反编译//
12.Voice Over IP //网络电话//
13.Miscellaneous //其他//

1.Information Gathering //踩点,信息收集// 子目录
1.1.All //全部//
1.2.Archive //文档//
1.3.DNS //DNS//
1.4.Route //路由//
1.5.Searchengine //搜索工具//

1.1.All //全部//
1.1.1 0trace 使用方法及参数说明 -粗解

]#/usr/local/sbin/0trace.sh -h
/usr/local/sbin/0trace.sh iface target_ip [ target_port ]
-h 帮助
/usr/local/sbin/0trace.sh iface target_ip [ target_port ]
iface 路由接口,target_ip 目标IP,target_port[目标端口]
]#/usr/local/sbin/0trace.sh eth0 80

1.1.2 DMitry 使用方法及参数说明 -详解
]#dmitry -h
Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
"There be some deep magic going on"

dmitry: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: dmitry [-winsepfb] [-t 0-9] [-o %host.txt] host
   -o     Save output to %host.txt or to file specified by -o file
   -i     Perform a whois lookup on the IP address of a host
   -w     Perform a whois lookup on the domain name of a host
   -n     Retrieve Netcraft.com information on a host
   -s     Perform a search for possible subdomains
   -e     Perform a search for possible email addresses
   -p     Perform a TCP port scan on a host
* -f     Perform a TCP port scan on a host showing output reporting filtered ports
* -b     Read in the banner received from the scanned port
* -t 0-9 Set the TTL in seconds when scanning a TCP port ( Default 2 )
*Requires the -p flagged to be passed
-h 帮助
-o 保存扫描结果到指定文件中。默认生成格式是txt
-i 对主机IP地址WHOIS查询
-w 对主机域名WHOIS查询
-n 信息检索Netcraft.com主机
-s 搜寻子网
-e 邮件地址搜索
-p TCP端口扫描
-f 显示-p参数扫描时端口被过滤的主机
-b 在横幅阅读收到扫描端口
-t 0-9 设置时间,在几秒钟内扫描TCP端口(默认2)
]#dmitry -p -o /home/lnnchinese/1
//扫描127.0.0.1 所开放端口,保存扫描报道到/home/lnnchinese/1 文件中//

]#dmitry -p -f
//扫描127.0.0.1 所开放端口,并显示被防火墙过滤的端口//

]#dmitry -i

]#dmitry -w


1.1.3 DNS-Walk使用方法及参数说明 -待解

1.1.4 DNSTracer 使用方法及参数说明 -待解
]#dnstracer -h
dnstracer: invalid option -- 'h'
DNSTRACER version 1.9 - (c) Edwin Groothuis -

Usage: dnstracer [options] [host]
       -c: disable local caching, default enabled
       -C: enable negative caching, default disabled
       -o: enable overview of received answers, default disabled
       -q <querytype>: query-type to use for the DNS requests, default A
       -r <retries>: amount of retries for DNS requests, default 3
       -s <server>: use this server for the initial request, default localhost
                  If . is specified, A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET will be used.
       -t <maximum timeout>: Limit time to wait per try
       -v: verbose
       -S <ip address>: use this source address.
       -4: don't query IPv6 servers

1.1.13 Gooscan 使用方法及参数说明 -粗解

]#/pentest/enumeration/google/gooscan/gooscan -h
gooscan <-q query | -i query_file> <-t target>
       [-o output_file] [-p proxy:port] [-v] [-d]
       [-s site] [-x xtra_appliance_fields]
       (query)    is a standard google query (EX: "intitle:index.of")
       (query_file)   is a list of google queries (see README)
       (target)    is the Google appliance/server
       (output_file) is where the HTML-formatted list of results goes
       (proxy:port)   address:port of a valid HTTP proxy for bouncing
       (site)        estricrts search to one domain, like microsoft.com。
       (xtra_appliance_fields)   are required for appliance scans
       -v turns on verbose mode
       -d hex-encodes all non-alpha characters
Friendly example:
gooscan -t google.fda.gov -q food
       -x "&client=FDA&site=FDA&output=xml_no_dtd&oe=&lr=&proxystylesheet=FDA"
Google terms-of-service violations:
gooscan -t
www.google.com -q "linux"
gooscan -t
www.google.com -q "linux" -s microsoft.com
gooscan -t
www.google.com -f gdork.gs

Gooscan google scanner by j0hnny

]#/pentest/enumeration/google/gooscan/gooscan -t
www.google.com -q "welcome" -s linux.com
执行结果 "welcome" returned 2820 results.

]#/pentest/enumeration/google/gooscan/gooscan -t baidu.com -q lnnchinese -x "s?wd="


1.1.14 itrace 使用方法及参数说明 -粗解

]#itrace -h
itrace: invalid option -- 'h'
Usage: itrace [-vn] [-pX] [-mX] [-tX] -i<dev> -d<destination>

-v    verbose
-n    reverse lookup IPs
-pX     send X probes (default=3)
-mX     maximum TTL (default=30)
-tX     timeout X sec (default=3)
-i<dev> use this device
-d<des> trace to this destination

]#itrace -v -d -i eth0
//-i 就是要用到的网络设配,,-d 呢就是对这个目标进行追踪,-v呢就是详细的意思//
8(1)   []
9(1)   []
10(1) [] (reply)

1.1.18 Metagoofil 使用方法及参数说明 -粗解

usage: metagoofil options

       -d: domain to search
       -f: filetype to download (all,pdf,doc,xls,ppt,odp,ods, etc)
       -l: limit of results to work with (default 100)
       -o: output file, html format.
       -t: target directory to download files.

       Example: metagoofil.py -d microsoft.com -l 20 -f all -o micro.html -t micro-files

]#/pentest/enumeration/google/metagoofil/metagoofil.py -d linux520.com -l 20 -f mdb -o /home/linux520.html -t forumdisplay.php?fid=7

1.1.25 theharvester 使用方法及参数说明 -粗解
Usage: theharvester options

   -d: domain to search or company name

   -l: limit the number of results to work with(msn goes from 50 to 50 results,
         google 100 to 100, and pgp does'nt use this option)

   -b: data source (google,msn,pgp,linkedin)

Examples:./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 500 -b google

      ./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -b pgp

      ./theharvester.py -d microsoft -l 200 -b linkedin

]#/pentest/enumeration/google/theharvester/theHarvester.py -d ms08_067 -b google
//-d参数 后面添加要搜索的内容,-b在帮助中有详细说明 -b: data source (google,msn,pgp,linkedin)//


posted on 2011-03-12 16:03  君宝  阅读(513)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报