ceph unfound objects 处理

ceph Vol 45 Issue 1

1.unfound objects blocking cluster, need help!


I have a production cluster on which 1 OSD on a failing disk was slowing the whole cluster down. I removed the OSD (osd.87) like usual in such case but this time it resulted in 17 unfound objects. I no longer have the files from osd.87. I was able to call "ceph pg PGID mark_unfound_lost delete" on 10 of those objects.

On the remaining objects 7 the command blocks. When I try to do "ceph pg PGID query" on this PG it also blocks. I suspect this is same reason why mark_unfound blocks.

Other client IO to PGs that have unfound objects are also blocked. When trying to query the OSDs which has the PG with unfound objects, "ceph tell" blocks.

I tried to mark the PG as complete using ceph-objectstore-tool but it did not help as the PG is in fact complete but for some reason blocks.

I tried recreating an empty osd.87 and importing the PG exported from other replica but it did not help.

Can someone help me please? This is really important.

这个问题是作者一个集群中(ceph 0.94.5)出现了一个磁盘损坏以后造成了一些对象的丢失,然后在做了一定的处理以后,集群状态已经正常了,但是还是新的请求会出现block的状态,这个情况下如何处理才能让集群正常,作者贴出了pg dump,ceph -s,ceph osd dump相关信息,当出现异常的时候,需要人协助的时候,应该提供这些信息方便其他人定位问题,最后这个问题作者自己给出了自己的解决办法,出现的时候影响是当时的流量只有正常情况下的10%了,影响还是很大的


[root@lab8106 ceph]# rados -p rbd put testremove testremove
[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph osd map rbd testremove
osdmap e85 pool 'rbd' (0) object 'testremove' -> pg 0.eaf226a7 (0.27) -> up ([1,0], p1) acting 


systemctl stop ceph-osd@1
ceph osd out 1



[root@lab8106 ceph]# rados -p rbd get testremove testfile

前端rados请求会卡住,后端出现 requests are blocked


ceph pg 0.27 mark_unfound_lost delete



[root@lab8106 ceph]# rados  -p rbd  get testremove  a
error getting rbd/testremove: (2) No such file or directory



如果不想看到老的 slow request ,那么就重启这个卡住的PG所在的osd,如果本来就正常了,那么这个异常状态就会消失


posted @ 2016-11-04 17:50  武汉-磨渣  阅读(533)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报