

tsm_department :部门表
  select * from tsm_employee where dept_no=
 (select dept_no from tsm_department where dept_name='软件开发87部')

 select emp_no,name,position,
(select dept_name from tsm_department d where d.dept_no=e.dept_no) dept_name
from tsm_employee e
where position='项目经理'

  select * from tsm_employee where
 commision >salary
--4、找出佣金高于 薪金60%的雇员, 列出雇员姓名,职位,佣金和薪水
select * from tsm_employee where
commision >salary*0.6

  select * from tsm_employee where dept_no=
 (select dept_no from tsm_department where dept_name='软件开发87部')
 and position in ('项目经理','软件开发工程师')

select * from tsm_employee where dept_no=
 (select dept_no from tsm_department where dept_name='软件开发87部')
 (position in ('项目经理','软件开发工程师')
           or (salary>=20000  and position='部门经理'))
select distinct position from tsm_employee where commision>0
select * from tsm_employee where commision is null or commision <100

 select name from tsm_employee where name not like '%军%' 

 select emp_no||name bie from tsm_employee
select * from tsm_employee order by name 
select * from tsm_employee order by create_date;
select name,position,salary from tsm_employee order by position desc,salary
select month_between(sysdate,create_date)*30 from tsm_employee
 select name from tsm_employee where name like '%王%' 
 select * from scott.dept where deptno in (select deptno from scott.emp);
  select * from scott.emp where sal >
 (select sal from scott.emp where empno=7934)

select empno,ename,
mgr,(select ename from scott.emp where e.mgr=empno) mgrname
from scott.emp e where deptno=
(select deptno from scott.dept where dname='ACCOUNTING')--子查询完成的

 select e.empno,e.ename,
 from scott.emp e
 left join scott.emp e2 on e.mgr=e2.empno
 where e.deptno=
 (select deptno from scott.dept where dname='ACCOUNTING')--使用连接查询

 select e.empno,e.ename,e.hiredate,e.mgr,e2.ename,e2.hiredate from scott.emp e
 left join scott.emp e2 on e.mgr=e2.empno
 where e.hiredate < e2.hiredate

--5、查询出每个部门名称和部门中雇员人数(部门中没有雇员也要显示 人数为0), 
  select deptno,dname,
  (select count(*) from scott.emp e  where e.deptno=d.deptno) count
 from scott.dept d

select empno,ename,
(select dname from scott.dept d where d.deptno=e.deptno) dname
from scott.emp e where job='SALESMAN'

 select empno,ename,
 from scott.emp e
 inner join scott.dept d
 on d.deptno=e.deptno
 where job='SALESMAN'


select job,min(sal) from scott.emp group by job having min(sal)>1999

select * from scott.emp where deptno=
(select deptno from scott.dept where dname='SALES')

 select * from scott.emp where sal>
               (select avg(sal) from scott.emp)

 select * from scott.emp where job=
 (select job from scott.emp where ename='SMITH')
select job,min(sal) from scott.emp group by job


--13、查询出按年薪排序的所有雇员的年薪 * from scott.emp order by sal*12 desc
(select ename from scott.emp where rownum<5 )
 (select ename from scott.emp where rownum<4 )

select * from (select ename,sal,row_number() over
(order by sal desc) rn from scott.emp) where rn=4;

select substr(ename,1,2) from scott.emp

select ename ,empno ,hiredate, add_months(hiredate,120) from scott.emp 

  select ename ,empno ,hiredate from scott.emp where
 extract(month from hiredate)=2

(共几年 ;共几个月;共几天分三个字段显示。保留到小数点后2位) hiredate,
round(months_between(hiredate,sysdate)/12,2) year,
round(months_between(hiredate,sysdate),2) month,
round(months_between(hiredate,sysdate)*30,2) day
  from scott.emp



posted @ 2012-10-19 12:10  邹晟  阅读(594)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报