
arXiv:2209.10832 [pdf, other]
The Origin of the Photospheric Emission of GRB 220426A
Comments: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2022 September 20
Subjects: High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)

GRB 220426A is a bright gamma-ray burst (GRB) dominated by the photospheric emission. We perform several tests to speculate the origin of this photospheric emission. The dimensionless entropy η is large, which is not usual if we assume that it is a pure hot fireball launched by neutrino-antineutrino annihilation mechanism only. Moreover, the outflow has larger η with lower luminosity L in the first few seconds, so that the trend of time-resolved ηL can not be described as a monotonically positive correlation between η and L. A hybrid outflow with almost completely thermalized Poynting flux could account for the quasi-thermal spectrum as well as large η. More importantly, the existence of magnetic field could affect the proton density and neutron-proton coupling effect, so that it could account for the observed trend of time-resolved ηL. The other origins for the photospheric emission, such as non-dissipative hybrid outflow or magnetic reconnection, are not supported because their radiation efficiencies are low, which is not consistent with non-detection of the afterglow for GRB 220426A. Therefore, we think the hybrid outflow may be the most likely origin.

对这个伽马暴, 其光变曲线是这样的: 
发现了三处下降非常陡的光变, 按说伽马暴(一般任何辐射也一样)FRED型的光变是可以理解的, 但突然陡降很难理解. 那篇是绝热演化(这种是最快的衰减形式了), 也是指数式的衰减, 而不会这样. (另一个比较明显的线上是有谱时延)
查了别的观测数据, https://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/other/220426A.gcn3 有GCN条目
比较典型的FRED, 不过它的时间分辨和HXMT的不一样, 不能比较.

Konus-WIND的和HXMT一致 (是他们俩都数据处理有问题, 还是真有陡降?)


但在BATSE的网站上找了几十个, 都没有陡降的现象 https://gammaray.nsstc.nasa.gov/batse/grb/lightcurve/ 
这种都是典型的FRED(要注意有时候看起来像陡降的, 可能是涨落导致的, 那种不算--看背景的强度, +-根号强度的, 算涨落)

还需要看看更多的其它望远镜的GRB光变, 看看陡降是不是一个普遍(真实)存在的现象, 如果是的话, 这是一个很有意思的问题.

posted @ 2022-09-23 16:08  zouyc  阅读(52)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报