
 arXiv:2209.03363 [pdf]
A long gamma-ray burst from a merger of compact objects
Comments: original version, accepted for publication after revision
Subjects: High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE); Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are flashes of high-energy radiation arising from energetic cosmic explosions. Bursts of long (>2 s) duration are produced by the core-collapse of massive stars, those of short (< 2 s) duration by the merger of two neutron stars (NSs). A third class of events with hybrid high-energy properties was identified, but never conclusively linked to a stellar progenitor. The lack of bright supernovae rules out typical core-collapse explosions, but their distance scales prevent sensitive searches for direct signatures of a progenitor system. Only tentative evidence for a kilonova has been presented. Here we report observations of the exceptionally bright GRB211211A that classify it as a hybrid event and constrain its distance scale to only 346 Mpc. Our measurements indicate that its lower-energy (from ultraviolet to near-infrared) counterpart is powered by a luminous (~1E42 erg/s) kilonova possibly formed in the ejecta of a compact binary merger.

位置在宿主星系的略外侧, 和致密星并合一致

左图是谱, 有一个明显的黑体成分(千新星)
右边是温度, 半径, 热成分光度的演化, 以及和著名千新星AT2017gfo的比较. 可以说是相当一致.




没有超新星成分, 注意和千新星的时标, 这里是几十天的量级了.
(奇怪为什么不用更强大些的望远镜, 可以把几个倒三角往下压得更低一些.)



    posted @ 2022-09-09 09:15  zouyc  阅读(45)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报