

源码地址: https://gitee.com/layty/test-dlopen

结论: 会


结论: 不会,要先close,再open即可


#include <iostream>
extern "C"{
void say_hello(){
    static int i=0;
    std::cout << "Hello, from dlopen!" << i++ << std::endl;



#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>    // dlopen, dlerror, dlsym, dlclose
typedef void(*say_hello)(void);
const char* dllPath = "./libdlopen.so";
int main()
    for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
        void* handle = dlopen( dllPath, RTLD_LAZY );
        if( !handle )
            fprintf( stderr, "[%s](%d) dlopen get error: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, dlerror() );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
            std::cout << "handle addr is " << handle << std::endl;
        say_hello fun = (say_hello)dlsym( handle, "say_hello" );
        //std::cout << "handle addr is close " << handle << std::endl;


layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ./main1
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0
handle addr is 0x55692beb3ed0


//std::cout << "handle addr is close " << handle << std::endl;


handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is 0x55725a3eaed0
handle addr is close 0x55725a3eaed


结论: 唯一的句柄,内存共享

layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.2.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.3.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.4.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.5.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.6.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.7.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.8.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.9.so
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ln -s libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.0.so


#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>    // dlopen, dlerror, dlsym, dlclose

typedef void(*say_hello)(void);
const char* dllPath = "./libdlopen.so";

int main()
    for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
        char dllPathsoft[100];

        void* handle = dlopen( dllPathsoft, RTLD_LAZY );
        if( !handle )
            fprintf( stderr, "[%s](%d)@%s dlopen get error: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, dllPathsoft,dlerror() );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
            std::cout << "handle addr is " << handle << std::endl;
        say_hello fun = (say_hello)dlsym( handle, "say_hello" );
        //std::cout << "handle addr is close " << handle << std::endl;
        // dlclose(handle);


handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!1
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!2
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!3
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!4
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!5
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!6
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!7
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!8
handle addr is 0x55acb4ee8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!9



layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ./main4
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0
handle addr is 0x55d04e7bbed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x55d04e7bbed0


结论: 会有不同的地址映射

cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.10.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.11.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.12.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.13.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.14.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.15.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.16.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.17.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.18.so
cp  libdlopen.so libdlopen.so.19.so


#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>    // dlopen, dlerror, dlsym, dlclose

typedef void(*say_hello)(void);
const char* dllPath = "./libdlopen.so";

int main()
    for(int i=10;i<20;i++)
        char dllPathsoft[100];

        void* handle = dlopen( dllPathsoft, RTLD_LAZY );
        if( !handle )
            fprintf( stderr, "[%s](%d)@%s dlopen get error: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, dllPathsoft,dlerror() );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
            std::cout << "handle addr is " << handle << std::endl;
        say_hello fun = (say_hello)dlsym( handle, "say_hello" );
        //std::cout << "handle addr is close " << handle << std::endl;
        // dlclose(handle);


layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ./main5 
handle addr is 0x55e15ac76ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac77940
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac77fa0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac78600
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac78c60
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac792c0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac79920
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac79f80
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac7a5e0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is 0x55e15ac7ac40
Hello, from dlopen!0



layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ./main6
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0
handle addr is 0x564ba76c4ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
handle addr is close 0x564ba76c4ed0


main7不close直接open 不会更新,也应该这样,否则内存什么的怎么处理


#include <iostream>

extern "C"{

void say_hello(){
    static int i=0;
    std::cout << "Hello, from dlopen new!" << i++ << std::endl;



#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>    // dlopen, dlerror, dlsym, dlclose

typedef void(*say_hello)(void);
const char* dllPath = "./libdlopen.so.main7.so";

int main()
    for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
        void* handle = dlopen( dllPath, RTLD_LAZY );
        if( !handle )
            fprintf( stderr, "[%s](%d) dlopen get error: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, dlerror() );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
            std::cout << "handle addr is " << handle << std::endl;
        say_hello fun = (say_hello)dlsym( handle, "say_hello" );
        std::cout << "handle addr is close " << handle << std::endl;
        std::cout << "wait to replace so " << handle << std::endl;


ln -sf libdlopen.so  ./libdlopen.so.main7.so

ln -sf libdlopen2.so  ./libdlopen.so.main7.so

layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ./main7 
handle addr is 0x55a2dd4f7ed0
handle addr is close 0x55a2dd4f7ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
wait to replace so 0x55a2dd4f7ed0
handle addr is 0x55a2dd4f7ed0
handle addr is close 0x55a2dd4f7ed0
Hello, from dlopen!1
wait to replace so 0x55a2dd4f7ed0


 ln -sf libdlopen2.so  
layty@ubuntu:~/work/Test/dlopen/build$ ./main8
handle addr is 0x55fec2ce8ed0
handle addr is close 0x55fec2ce8ed0
Hello, from dlopen!0
wait to replace so 0x55fec2ce8ed0
--------------------------------------------------这个地方使用 新开一个终端执行ln -sf libdlopen2.so  ./libdlopen.so.main7.so
handle addr is 0x55fec2ce8ed0
handle addr is close 0x55fec2ce8ed0
Hello, from dlopen new!0-----------------------------可以看到so使用新的,类似于热更新了
wait to replace so 0x55fec2ce8ed0
posted @ 2022-06-27 14:12  zongzi10010  阅读(1572)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报