c++ hex string array 转换 串口常用

c++ hex string array 转换


tset string is follow 0x50 55 0x35 00 10 203040506073031323334ff format string is follow 5055350010203040506073031323334F0F now is to convert to a array and then convert to string to show 5055350010203040506073031323334F0F input enter to quit
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> // 大写转换 #include <regex> using namespace std; class string_help { public: string_help(); static bool IsHexNum(char c); static void deleteAllMark(string &s, const string &mark); // 假定完美 hex形式的字符串形如 010203040506...FF 全是大写的并且 // 中间无任何分隔符 const static string demo_srting; // 替换一次 static string replace_all(string& str, const string& old_value, const string& new_value); // 迭代替换 static string replace_all_distinct(string& str, const string& old_value, const string& new_value); // hex数组转换为string static string HexArrayToString(const vector<unsigned char >& data); //转换一个string到完美string static string HexStringFormat(const std::string& data=demo_srting); // string转换为一个数组 static vector<unsigned char> StringToHexArray(const std::string& data=demo_srting); }; const string string_help::demo_srting="500010203040506073031323334ff"; string string_help:: replace_all_distinct(string& str, const string& old_value, const string& new_value) { string::size_type pos=0; while((pos=str.find(old_value,pos))!= string::npos) { str=str.replace(pos,old_value.length(),new_value); if(new_value.length()>0) { pos+=new_value.length(); } } return str; } //替换2 循环替换,替换后的值也检查并替换 12212 替换12为21----->22211 string string_help::replace_all(string& str, const string& old_value, const string& new_value) { string::size_type pos=0; while((pos=str.find(old_value))!= string::npos) { str=str.replace(str.find(old_value),old_value.length(),new_value); } return str; } void string_help:: deleteAllMark(string &s, const string &mark) { size_t nSize = mark.size(); while(1) { size_t pos = s.find(mark); // 尤其是这里 if(pos == string::npos) { return; } s.erase(pos, nSize); } } bool string_help::IsHexNum(char c) { if(c>='0' && c<='9') return true; if(c>='a' && c<='f') return true; if(c>='A' && c<='F') return true; return false; } string string_help::HexStringFormat(const std::string& data) { vector<unsigned char >hex_array; //1. 转换为大写 string format_string=data; transform(data.begin(),data.end(),format_string.begin(),::toupper); //2. 去除0X replace_all_distinct(format_string,"0X"," "); replace(format_string.begin(),format_string.end(),',',' '); replace(format_string.begin(),format_string.end(),',',' '); regex e("\\s+"); regex_token_iterator<string::iterator> i(format_string.begin(), format_string.end(), e, -1); regex_token_iterator<string::iterator> end; while (i != end) { //字串处理 string tmp_get=*i; for(size_t i = 0; i < tmp_get.length(); ) { if(IsHexNum(tmp_get[i])) { if(i+1<tmp_get.length() && IsHexNum(tmp_get[i+1]) ) { string one=tmp_get.substr(i,2); unsigned char value = static_cast<unsigned char>(std::stoi(one,0,16)); hex_array.push_back(value); i++; } else { string one=tmp_get.substr(i,1); unsigned char value = static_cast<unsigned char>(std::stoi(one,0,16)); hex_array.push_back(value); } //break; } i++; } i++; } return HexArrayToString(hex_array); } vector<unsigned char> string_help::StringToHexArray(const std::string& src) { vector<unsigned char> ret; if(src.size()<1) { ret.push_back(0x00); return ret; } for (string::size_type i = 0; i < src.size()-1; i+=2) { string one=src.substr(i,2); unsigned char value = static_cast<unsigned char>(std::stoi(one,0,16)); ret.push_back(value); } return ret; } string string_help::HexArrayToString(const vector<unsigned char >& data) { const string hexme = "0123456789ABCDEF"; string ret=""; for(auto it:data) { ret.push_back(hexme[(it&0xF0) >>4]); ret.push_back(hexme[it&0x0F]); } return ret; } int main() { string test_str="0x50 55 0x35 00 10 203040506073031323334ff"; cout << "tset string is follow"<<endl << test_str<<endl; string good_str=string_help::HexStringFormat(test_str); cout << "format string is follow"<<endl << good_str<<endl; vector<unsigned char> text_array= string_help::StringToHexArray(good_str); string show_srt =string_help::HexArrayToString(text_array); cout << "now is to convert to a array and then convert to string to show"<<endl << show_srt<<endl; cout << "input enter to quit"<<endl; while (cin) { return 0; } return 0; }
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