
  1 global CPVobj = #()
  2 global UV2obj = #()
  3 global CPVobj1 = #()
  4 global UV2obj1 = #()
  5 global PTobj = #()
  6 global IDobj = #()
  7 global PTobj1 = #()
  8 global IDobj1 = #()
  9 --\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 10 fn checkpoly =     --**定义检查是否为poly物体的函数,对skin物体还是有bug**
 11 (
 12     sel = getCurrentSelection()
 13     ------------------------------------
 14     for a=1 to sel.count do
 15     (
 16     if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then  
 17     --判断是否有加了skin修改器,原始层次是否为poly
 18         (
 19             pasteS = copy sel[a].modifiers[#skin]               
 20             --定义一个变量,复制skin修改器
 21                   skinOps.SaveEnvelope sel[a].modifiers[#Skin]  
 22                   --保存skin文件
 23             ConvertToPoly sel[a]                                
 24             --转为poly
 25             --粘贴上之前复制的skin修改器
 26                   skinOps.LoadEnvelope sel[a].modifiers[#Skin] 
 27                   --加载skin文件
 28          )
 29     )
 30         --------------------------
 31     for a=1 to sel.count do
 32     (
 33         if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then print sel[a].name
 34     )
 35         ------------------------------
 36     for a=1 to sel.count do
 37     (
 38         if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then print sel[a].name
 39     )
 40         --------------------------------
 41     for a=1 to sel.count do
 42     (
 43         if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then ConvertToPoly sel[a]
 44     )
 45 )
 46 -----------------------------------------------------
 47 fn getCPVobj =   --定义函数,收集有顶点色的物体
 48     (
 49     sel = getCurrentSelection()
 50     for a=1 to sel.count do
 51     (
 52         if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
 53             (
 54                 --if getnumCPVverts sel[a] != 0 then append CPVobj sel[a].name    
 55                 --**getnumVPCverts只能针对mesh类操作**
 56                 --if getnumCPVverts sel[a] != 0 then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
 57                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name   
 59             --**$.GetMapChannelActive 0 == true 判断通道信息里的0通道是否为真,真表示存在顶点色**
 60                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]  
 61                 print CPVobj
 62             )
 63     )
 64     for a=1 to sel.count do
 65     (
 66         if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
 67             (
 68                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name
 69                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
 70                 print CPVobj
 71             )
 72     )
 73     for a=1 to sel.count do
 74         (
 75         if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
 76             (
 77                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name
 78                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
 79                 print CPVobj
 80             )
 82         )
 83     for a=1 to sel.count do
 84         (
 85         if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
 86             (
 87                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj sel[a].name
 88                 if sel[a].GetMapChannelActive 0 == true then append CPVobj1 sel[a]
 89                 print CPVobj
 90             )
 92         )
 93     )
 95     --\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    
 96 fn getUV2obj =     --定义函数,收集有2U的物体
 97     (
 98         sel = getCurrentSelection()
 99         for a=1 to sel.count do
100         (
101             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
102                 (
103                 if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
104                 --**GetMapSupport可以有meshop和polyop两种,分别针对mesh物体和poly物体**
105                 if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
106                 print UV2obj
107                 )
108         )
109         for a=1 to sel.count do
110         (
111             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
112             (
113                 if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
114                 if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
115                 print UV2obj
116             )
117         )
118         for a=1 to sel.count do
119         (
120             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
121                 (
122                     if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
123                     if meshop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
124                     print UV2obj
125                 )
126         )
127         for a=1 to sel.count do
128         (
129             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
130                 (
131                     if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj sel[a].name
132                     if polyop.GetMapSupport sel[a] 2 == true then append UV2obj1 sel[a]
133                     print UV2obj
134                 )
135         )
136     )
137     --\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
138 fn getPTobj =   --定义函数,收集物体坐标为归零的物体
139     (
140         sel = getCurrentSelection()
141         for a=1 to sel.count do
142         (
143             if sel[a].pivot != [0,0,0] then append PTobj sel[a].name
144             if sel[a].pivot != [0,0,0] then append PTobj1 sel[a]
145             print PTobj
146         )
147     )
148     --\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
149 fn getIDobj =   --定义函数,收集ID不为一的物体
150     (
151     sel = getCurrentSelection()
153         for a=1 to sel.count do
154         (
155             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
156             (
157             Faceid = getFaceMatID sel[a] 1     
158             --**mesh物体直接用 getFaceMatID $ 1;poly物体用polyop.getFaceMatID $ 1**
159             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj sel[a].name
160             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj1 sel[a]
161             print IDobj
162             )
163         )
165         for a=1 to sel.count do
166         (
167             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] != undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
168             (
169             Faceid = polyop.getFaceMatID sel[a] 1
170             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj sel[a].name
171             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj1 sel[a]
172             print IDobj
173             )
174         )
175         for a=1 to sel.count do
176         (
177             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject == editable_poly then
178             (
179             Faceid = polyop.getFaceMatID sel[a] 1
180             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj sel[a].name
181             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj1 sel[a]
182             print IDobj
183             )
184         )
185         for a=1 to sel.count do
186         (
187             if sel[a].modifiers[#skin] == undefined and classof sel[a].baseobject != editable_poly then
188             (
189             Faceid = getFaceMatID sel[a] 1
190             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj sel[a].name
191             if Faceid != 1 then append IDobj1 sel[a]
192             print IDobj
193             )
194         )
195     )
196 fn checkSel =     --定义一个函数,检查是否选择了物体
197 (
198     sel = getCurrentSelection()
199     sel1 = #()
200     if sel.count == 0 then messagebox "请先选择要操作的物体!"
201         for i in sel do
202         (
203         if classof i == editable_poly do join sel1 i
204         )
205         return sel1
206     )
208 --=======================================================
209 --checkpoly()
210 getCPVobj()
211 getUV2obj()
212 getPTobj()
213 getIDobj()
214     print CPVobj
215         print UV2obj
216     print CPVobj1
217         print UV2obj1
218     print PTobj
219     print IDobj
220     print PTobj1
221     print IDobj1


posted @ 2017-09-15 10:09  zolin7  阅读(560)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报