32) service locator design pattern
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ServiceLocatorPatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Service service = ServiceLocator.getService("Service1"); service.execute(); service = ServiceLocator.getService("Service2"); service.execute(); service = ServiceLocator.getService("Service1"); service.execute(); service = ServiceLocator.getService("Service2"); service.execute(); } } interface Service { public String getName(); public void execute(); } class Service1 implements Service { public void execute() { System.out.println("Executing Service1"); } @Override public String getName() { return "Service1"; } } class Service2 implements Service { public void execute() { System.out.println("Executing Service2"); } @Override public String getName() { return "Service2"; } } class InitialContext { public Object lookup(String jndiName) { if (jndiName.equalsIgnoreCase("SERVICE1")) { System.out.println("Looking up and creating a new Service1 object"); return new Service1(); } else if (jndiName.equalsIgnoreCase("SERVICE2")) { System.out.println("Looking up and creating a new Service2 object"); return new Service2(); } return null; } } class Cache { private List<Service> serviceList; public Cache() { serviceList = new ArrayList<Service>(); } public Service getService(String serviceName) { for (Service service : serviceList) { if (service.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(serviceName)) { System.out.println("Returning cached " + serviceName + " object"); return service; } } return null; } public void addService(Service newService) { boolean exists = false; for (Service service : serviceList) { if (service.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(newService.getName())) { exists = true; } } if (!exists) { serviceList.add(newService); } } } class ServiceLocator { private static Cache cache; static { cache = new Cache(); } public static Service getService(String jndiName) { Service service = cache.getService(jndiName); if (service != null) { return service; } InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); Service service1 = (Service) context.lookup(jndiName); cache.addService(service1); return service1; } }
Looking up and creating a new Service1 object Executing Service1 Looking up and creating a new Service2 object Executing Service2 Returning cached Service1 object Executing Service1 Returning cached Service2 object Executing Service2