
Central Authentication Service (单点登录)资料查询















'skin BlueModern


title: CAS Browser Single-Signon Sequence Diagram


actor user as U

participant "Browser" as B

participant "CAS Server" as C

participant "Protected App" as P

participant "Protected App #2" as P2



== First Access ==


U -> B :Goto "app"

Activate B

B -> P : GET https://app.example.com/

activate P

B <-- P : 302 Location: https://cas.example.com/cas/login?\nservice=<i>https%3A%2F%2Fapp.example.com%2F</i>

note right

                Access is unauthenticated so

                forward to CAS for authentication.

                "service" query parameter


                is URL encoded

end note                                            

deactivate P


B -> C: GET https://cas.example.com/cas/login?\nservice=<i>https%3A%2F%2Fapp.example.com%2F</i>

activate B

activate C


B <-- C: CAS Login Form

note right

                User does not have an SSO Session so

                present login form

end note

deactivate C

U <- B: Display CAS\nLogin Form

activate U

U --> B: Submit CAS\nLogin Form

deactivate U

B -> C: POST https://cas.example.com/cas/login?\nservice=<i>https%3A%2F%2Fapp.example.com%2F</i>

note right

                username, password, and login ticket

                are POSTed in the body

end note                                            

activate C

C -> C: Authenticate user

B <-- C: Set-Cookie: CASTGC=TGT-2345678\n302 Location: https://app.example.com/?\nticket=ST-12345678

note right

                User is authenticated so create Single-signon (SSO) session

                CASTGC cookie contains the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)

                The TGT is the session key for the users SSO session

end note

deactivate C

deactivate B


B -> P: GET https://app.example.com/?ticket=ST-12345678

activate P

P -> C: GET https://cas.example.com/serviceValidate?\nservice=<i>https%3A%2F%2Fapp.example.com%2F&\nticket=ST-12345678</i>

note right

                Protected app validates Service

                Ticket (ST) at CAS server over https

end note

activate C

P <-- C: 200 [XML Content]

note left

                CAS returns an XML document which includes

                an indication of success, the authenticated

                subject, and optionally attributes

end note

deactivate C

B <-- P: Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=ABC1234567\n302 Location: https://app.example.com/

note right

                Set the session cookie and forward

                the browser back to the application with

                the service ticket stripped off

                This optional step prevents the browser

                address bar from displaying the ST

end note

deactivate P

B -> P: Cookie: JSESSIONID=ABC1234567 GET https://app.example.com/

activate P

P -> P: Validate session cookie

B <-- P: 200 [Content of https://app.example.com/]

deactivate P

U <-- B: Display "app"

deactivate B




== Second Access To Same Application ==


U-> B: Request resource

activate B

B -> P : Cookie: JSESSIONID=ABC1234567\nGET https://app.example.com/resource

note right

                Session Cookie is sent

                along with the request

end note                                            

activate P

P -> P: Validate session cookie

B <-- P : "200 [Resource Content]"

deactivate P

U <-- B : Display resource

deactivate B




== First Access To Second Application ==


U -> B :Goto "app2"

Activate B

B -> P2 : GET https://app2.example.com/

activate P2

B <-- P2 : 302 Location: https://cas.example.com/cas/login?\nservice=<i>https%3A%2F%2Fapp2.example.com%2F</i>

deactivate P2


B -> C: Cookie: CASTGC=TGT-2345678\nGET https://cas.example.com/cas/login?\nservice=<i>https%3A%2F%2Fapp2.example.com%2F</i>

activate B

activate C

C -> C: Validate TGT

B <-- C: Location: https://app2.example.com/?\nticket=ST-345678

note right

                CAS validates the TGT so no login is required

end note

deactivate C

deactivate B


B -> P2: GET https://app2.example.com/?ticket=ST-12345678

activate P2

P2 -> C: GET https://cas.example.com/serviceValidate?\nservice=<i>https%3A%2F%2Fapp2.example.com%2F&\nticket=ST-12345678</i>

activate C

P2 <-- C: 200 [XML Content]

deactivate C

B <-- P2: Set-Cookie: MOD_AUTH_CAS_S=XYZ1234567\n302 Location: https://app2.example.com/

deactivate P2

B -> P2: Cookie: MOD_AUTH_CAS_S=XYZ1234567 GET https://app2.example.com/

activate P2

P2->P2: Validate session cookie

B <-- P2: 200 [Content of https://app2.example.com/]

deactivate P2

U <-- B: Display "app2"

deactivate B






RESTful 模式下的思考







posted on 2023-06-01 16:22  zno2  阅读(18)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
