
gerrit 命令之query统计提交记录

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使用ssh -p <port> username@gerrit_server gerrit --help可以查询所有支持的命令,如下:

ssh -p 29418 test@ gerrit   --help
gerrit [COMMAND] [ARG ...] [--] [--help (-h)]

 --          : end of options
 --help (-h) : display this help text

Available commands of gerrit are:

   apropos              Search in Gerrit documentation
   ban-commit           Ban a commit from a project's repository
   close-connection     Close the specified SSH connection
   create-account       Create a new batch/role account
   create-branch        Create a new branch
   create-group         Create a new account group
   create-project       Create a new project and associated Git repository
   flush-caches         Flush some/all server caches from memory
   gc                   Run Git garbage collection
   gsql                 Administrative interface to active database
   ls-groups            List groups visible to the caller
   ls-members           List the members of a given group
   ls-projects          List projects visible to the caller
   ls-user-refs         List refs visible to a specific user
   query                Query the change database
   receive-pack         Standard Git server side command for client side git push
   rename-group         Rename an account group
   review               Apply reviews to one or more patch sets
   set-account          Change an account's settings
   set-head             Change HEAD reference for a project
   set-members          Modify members of specific group or number of groups
   set-project          Change a project's settings
   set-project-parent   Change the project permissions are inherited from
   set-reviewers        Add or remove reviewers on a change
   show-caches          Display current cache statistics
   show-connections     Display active client SSH connections
   show-queue           Display the background work queues
   stream-events        Monitor events occurring in real time
   version              Display gerrit version

See 'gerrit COMMAND --help' for more information.


命令再用--help可以查询使用方式,比如 ssh -p <port> username@gerrit_server gerrit query --help 

gerrit query命令格式:

ssh -p <port> username@gerrit_server gerrit query  

ssh -p 29418 username@gerritip gerrit query  --help
gerrit query QUERY ... [--] [--all-approvals] [--all-reviewers] [--comments] [--commit-message] [--current-patch-set] [--dependencies] [--files] [--format FMT] [--help (-h)] [--patch-sets] [--start (-S) N] [--submit-records]

 QUERY               : Query to execute
 --                  : end of options
 --all-approvals     : Include information about all patch sets and approvals
 --all-reviewers     : Include all reviewers
 --comments          : Include patch set and inline comments
 --commit-message    : Include the full commit message for a change
 --current-patch-set : Include information about current patch set
 --dependencies      : Include depends-on and needed-by information
 --files             : Include file list on patch sets
 --format FMT        : Output display format
 --help (-h)         : display this help text
 --patch-sets        : Include information about all patch sets
 --start (-S) N      : Number of changes to skip
 --submit-records    : Include submit and label status



before:'date'             -----查询指定日期之前的修改记录,ex. before:2020-07-31

after:'date'              -------查询指定日期之前的修改记录,ex. after:2020-07-01

change:'ID'                   ---------查询指定change-id的change信息,

conflicts:'ID'           ---------查询指定conflicts-id的change信息

owner:'USER', o:'USER'         -------查询指定owner的change信息

ownerin:'GROUP'            -------查询指定group人员提交的change信息

reviewer:'USER', r:'USER'        -------查询指定审核人员的change信息

reviewerin:'GROUP'       --------查询指定group人员审核的change信息

commit:'SHA1'          -------Changes where 'SHA1' is one of the patch sets of the change.

project:'PROJECT', p:'PROJECT'            -------查询指定项目下的change信息

projects:'xx'            ----------查询项目名以xx开头的所有项目的chage信息

parentproject:'PROJECT'        ----------查询指定项目及其子项目的change信息

branch:'BRANCH'          ---------查询指定分支的change信息

topic:'TOPIC'           ----------查询指定topic的change信息,常与‘branch’,‘project’连用

ref:'xxx'               --------查询目标分支与 xxx匹配的change信息

tr:'ID', bug:'ID'         ---------查询提交信息中包含‘bug’的change信息

message:'MESSAGE'        -------------查询提交信息包含‘MESSAGE’的change信息

comment:'TEXT'          -------查询comment信息包含指定字符串的 change信息

status:xxxxx          -------查询指定状态的change


gerrit可以将多个commit amend到一个提交上,使用的是changeid来区分的,所以这个用的比较多,使用举例如下

ssh -p 29418 test@ gerrit query  --comments change:'I26114833d898f6aa621c3a4b28723134312'



参考:Gerrit的ssh命令之gerrit query详解_易生一世的博客-CSDN博客_gerrit query命令


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