hdu 6231
K-th Number
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 518 Accepted Submission(s): 213
Problem Description
Alice are given an array A[1..N]
with N
Now Alice want to build an array B by a parameter K as following rules:
Initially, the array B is empty. Consider each interval in array A. If the length of this interval is less than K , then ignore this interval. Otherwise, find the K -th largest number in this interval and add this number into array B .
In fact Alice doesn't care each element in the array B. She only wants to know the M -th largest element in the array B . Please help her to find this number.
Now Alice want to build an array B by a parameter K as following rules:
Initially, the array B is empty. Consider each interval in array A. If the length of this interval is less than K , then ignore this interval. Otherwise, find the K -th largest number in this interval and add this number into array B .
In fact Alice doesn't care each element in the array B. She only wants to know the M -th largest element in the array B . Please help her to find this number.
The first line is the number of test cases.
For each test case, the first line contains three positive numbers N(1≤N≤105),K(1≤K≤N),M . The second line contains N numbers Ai(1≤Ai≤109) .
It's guaranteed that M is not greater than the length of the array B.
For each test case, the first line contains three positive numbers N(1≤N≤105),K(1≤K≤N),M . The second line contains N numbers Ai(1≤Ai≤109) .
It's guaranteed that M is not greater than the length of the array B.
For each test case, output a single line containing the M
-th largest element in the array B
Sample Input
5 3 2
2 3 1 5 4
3 3 1
5 8 2
Sample Output
题意:给定n个数,取 这n个数能组成的 所有长度不小于k的 区间 的第k大的数,把这些数放在b数组里,求b中第m大的数。
View Code

1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 #include <set> 5 using namespace std; 6 typedef long long ll; 7 const int maxn = 1e5+10; 8 int nu[maxn]; 9 int num[maxn]; 10 int flag[maxn]; 11 ll m; 12 int ans; 13 ll cnt; 14 int n,k; 15 ll check(int mid) 16 { 17 ans=0,cnt=0; 18 int u=num[mid]; 19 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) 20 { 21 if(nu[i]>=u) 22 flag[i]=1; 23 else flag[i]=0; 24 } 25 int ll=1,rr=0; 26 for(ll=1;ll<=n;++ll) //尺取法 27 { 28 29 while(rr<=n && ans<k) 30 { 31 rr++; 32 if(flag[rr]) ans++; 33 34 } 35 if(rr==n+1) 36 break; 37 cnt+=n-rr+1; 38 if(flag[ll]) 39 ans--; 40 } 41 return cnt; 42 } 43 int main() 44 { 45 int t; 46 47 scanf("%d",&t); 48 while(t--) 49 { 50 scanf("%d %d %lld",&n,&k,&m); 51 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) 52 { 53 scanf("%d",&nu[i]); 54 num[i]=nu[i]; 55 } 56 sort(num+1,num+n+1); 57 int l=1,r=n; 58 int ff=0; 59 while(l<=r) 60 { 61 int mid=(l+r)/2; 62 if(check(mid)>=m) l=mid+1; 63 else r=mid-1; 64 } 65 // printf("%d %d\n",l,r); 66 printf("%d\n",num[r]);//二分的上界,第一个满足check(mid)>=m的值 67 } 68 return 0; 69 }