


2、在安装lightdb的服务器上面安装oracle客户端,并配置tnsname,同时安装依赖yum install libaio (ltdts_recvlogical工具需要)

export ORACLE_HOME=/home/lightdb/instantclient_21_6
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

vim $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = test)




[lightdb@lightdb instantclient_19_10]$ ltdts_recvlogical --help
ltdts_recvlogical controls LightDB logical decoding streams.

  ltdts_recvlogical [OPTION]...

Action to be performed:
      --create-slot      create a new replication slot (for the slot's name see --slot)
      --drop-slot        drop the replication slot (for the slot's name see --slot)
      --start            start streaming in a replication slot (for the slot's name see --slot)

  -E, --endpos=LSN       exit after receiving the specified LSN
  -f, --file=FILE        receive log into this file. - for stdout(deprecated), use debug.dat instead. 
                         debug.dat enable debug mode, otherwise not log. only should use for test
  -F  --fsync-interval=SECS
                         time between write to the oracle database (default: 10)
      --if-not-exists    do not error if slot already exists when creating a slot
  -I, --startpos=LSN     where in an existing slot should the streaming start
  -n, --no-loop          do not loop on connection lost
  -o, --option=NAME[=VALUE]
                         pass option NAME with optional value VALUE to the
                         output plugin, multiple option can be passed by repeat multiple -o option
                         see all wal2sql options,
  -P, --plugin=PLUGIN    use output plugin PLUGIN (default: wal2sql, ltdts_recvlogical only support wal2sql, this option reserved only for compatible)
  -s, --status-interval=SECS
                         time between status packets sent to server (default: 10)
  -S, --slot=SLOTNAME    name of the logical replication slot
  -v, --no-verbose       don't output verbose messages
  -V, --version          output version information, then exit
  -?, --help             show this help, then exit

Connection options:
  -d, --dbname=DBNAME    database to connect to
  -h, --host=HOSTNAME    database server host or socket directory
  -p, --port=PORT        database server port number
  -U, --username=NAME    connect as specified database user
  -w, --no-password      never prompt for password
  -W, --password         force password prompt (should happen automatically)
  -T, --target=target_type    sync to where. only-debug|oracle|lightdb|redis|kafka|es|mysql. 
                                      22.2 only support only-debug(not insert oracle, just to json parse)|oracle target. 

Oracle connection options:
  -t, --tnsname=TNSNAME               database to connect to
  -u, --oracle-username=NAME          connect as specified database user
  -k, --oracle-password=PASSWORD      oracle password
  --ignore-duplicate                  ignore duplicate error, when insert into oracle
  --ignore-not-found                  ignore 0 effected rows, when update/delete to oracle
  -z, --date_format=DATE_FORMAT             nls_date_format, default is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS
  -Z, --timestamp_format=TIMESTAMP_FORMAT   nls_timestamp_format, default is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6

Report bugs to <>.
LightDB home page: <>




ltdts_recvlogical --create-slot --slot=test_perf5 --plugin=wal2sql -d t1223 -h -p 6789

ltdts_recvlogical: error: could not send replication command "CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT "test_perf" LOGICAL "wal2sql" NOEXPORT_SNAPSHOT": ERROR:  logical decoding requires wal_level >= logical

[lightdb@lightdb ~]$ ltsql -p 6789
ltsql (13.3-22.2)
Type "help" for help.

lightdb@postgres=# select slot_name,plugin,slot_type from pg_replication_slots; 
    slot_name     | plugin  | slot_type 
 ltcluster_slot_2 |         | physical
 test_perf        | wal2sql | logical
(2 rows)


[lightdb@lightdb ~]$ ltdts_recvlogical --tnsname=test --oracle-username=test --oracle-password=test --start --slot=test_perf5 -o include-types=false -o include-type-oids=true -d t1223 -h -p 6789 -f debug.dat
start to sync message to oracle
start to sync message to oracle
start to sync message to oracle
started thread list: [0,1,2,3]
start to sync message to oracle
ltdts_recvlogical: starting log streaming at 0/0 (slot test_perf5)
ltdts_recvlogical: streaming initiated
ltdts_recvlogical: 22-07-01 13:43:10: confirming write up to 0/0, flush to 0/0 (slot test_perf5)
empty xlog record, just a ddl or not supported dml(not insert/update/delete/truncate)
ltdts_recvlogical: 22-07-01 13:43:20: confirming write up to 1/215C16C0, flush to 1/215C16C0 (slot test_perf5)
ltdts_recvlogical: 22-07-01 13:43:30: confirming write up to 1/215C65A0, flush to 1/215C65A0 (slot test_perf5)


empty xlog record, just a ddl or not supported dml(not insert/update/delete/truncate)

not supported type, oid=2950
posted @ 2022-07-01 16:02  起司24  阅读(232)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报