Store and Forward Networking
Efficient Message Transmission:Packet Switching(分组交换)
- Challenge: in a simple approach, like store-and-forward, large messages block small ones(延迟问题)
- Break each message into packets(大化小)
- Can allow the packets from a single message to travel over different paths, dynamically adjusting for use(可不同路径)
- Use special-purpose computers, called routers, for the traffic control(路由器来控制数据移动)
Shared Network
- In order to keep cost low and the connections short geographically - data would be forwarded through several routers.
- Network Connection
- Host A-->Router-->Router-->Host B
- Getting across the country usually takes about 10 “hops”
Layered Network Model
- A layered approach allows the problem of designing a network to be broken into more manageable sub problems(大问题拆分为小问题)
- Best-known model: TCP/IP—the “Internet Protocol Suite”(TCP/IP模型)
- There was also a 7 layer OSI: Open System Interconnection Model(7层模型)
Internet Standards
- The standards for all of the Internet protocols (inner workings) are developed by an organization——Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
- Standards are called “RFCs” - “Request for Comments”(个人可以查看RFC并提出建议,建议-->草案-->审核通过-->新标准)
Layered Architecture
- The Physical and Internet Layers are like trucks and trains - they haul stuff and get it to the right loading dock - it takes multiple steps
- The Transport layer checks to see if the trucks made it and send the stuff again if necessary
Link Layer(aka Physical Layer)
the lowest layer in the Internet Protocol Suite
described in RFC 1122 and RFC 1123
Link Layer Addresses
- Many physical layer devices have addresses built in to them by the manufacturer(制造时就有)
- Wireless Ethernet (Wifi)
Sharing Nicely - Avoiding Chaos
- To avoid garbled messages, systems must observe “rules” (Protocols)
- Ethernet rules are simple
- steps(步骤 !!!)
- Wait for silence
- Begin Transmitting data
- Listen for your own data
- If you cannot hear your own data clearly, assume a collision, stop and wait before trying again
- Each system waits a different amount of time to avoid “too much politeness”
- Invented at PARC (Xerox)
- The first Local-Area-Network
- Connected PC's to laser printers
- Inspired by an earlier wireless network called Aloha from the University of Hawaii
Internetwork Layer(IP)
Internet Protocol Layer(实际移动)
- Goal: Gets your data from this computer to the other computer half way across the world
- Each router knows about nearby routers
- IP Is best effort - it is OK to drop data if things go bad...(丢弃)
IP Addresses
- The IP address is the worldwide number which is associated with one particular workstation or server(全球性)
- network number(6 bit) + computer number within network(6 bit)
Router tables
The best outbound route for each router record to reach another router, dynamic update, an index
DHCP(dynamic host configuraton protocol动态主机配置协议)
- is given a temporary address (被给了临时地址)
- it can not run in the Internet network. It only applies to local network,
- such as and so on.
- the non-routable website.(不可路由地址)
- to control the count of hop
- Abandoned from 255 to 0(减到0时认为无法到达,便舍弃)
Transport Layer(负责移动的可靠性)
TCP(Transport Protocol)
- built on the IP Layer.
- function:to solve some problems that may arise in the IP layer.(弥补Link Layer的不足)
- steps(过程):
- Send and receive feedback(先确认一下)
- acknowledged --> Discard acknowledged packets(确认接受后丢弃)
- Not confirmed --> again(未确认则再发知道成功确认)
Slow Start Algorithm(慢启动算法)(看不太懂)
- First send slowly, then slowly increase the speed.
DNS(Domain Name System)(域名系统)
- A way to remember more easily than an IP address.
- IP:left to right : DNS:right to left
- such
Application Layer(应用层)
Application Protocol
- Ports are dependent on IP, similar to branch paths of IP addresses. Different ports correspond to different functions and services.
- such as:80 , 45
HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
- base on TCP/IP
- client --> click link--> generate links to server --> look up server --> show
- "Hacking" HTTP:pretend browers ,ues "get" commond