D. Modulo maths
D. Modulo maths
time limit per test
0.25 smemory limit per test
256 MBinput
standard inputoutput
standard outputBirute loves modular arithmetics, but hates long problem statements.
Given n, find f(n).
The first line contains the number of test cases T (T ≤ 50). In the following T lines there are integer values of number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 10007).
For each test case output one line containing “Case #tc: num”, where tc is the number of the test case (starting from 1) and num is the value of f(n).
Case #1: 1
Case #2: 0
Fun fact: 1 is neither prime nor composite number.
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <cstring> 4 #include <algorithm> 5 #include <set> 6 #define N 10007 7 // #define M 2005 8 // #define inf 8e18 9 #define ll long long int 10 using namespace std; 11 int k[N]; 12 void prime(){ 13 memset(k,0,sizeof(k)); 14 for(int i=2;i<=N;i++){ 15 if(!k[i]){ 16 for(int j=2;j*i<=N;j++) 17 k[i*j]=1; 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 ll pow_mod(ll a,ll b,ll mo) 22 { 23 ll ans=1; 24 a%=mo; 25 while (b){ 26 if (b&1) 27 ans=(ans*a)%mo; 28 b>>=1; 29 a=a*a%mo; 30 } 31 return ans%mo; 32 } 33 int main(){ 34 ll n,m; 35 cin>>n; 36 int t=1; 37 prime(); 38 while(n--){ 39 cin>>m; 40 if(m==1) 41 cout<<"Case #"<<t<<": "<<1<<endl; 42 else if(!k[m]){ 43 cout<<"Case #"<<t<<": "<<pow_mod(2,m-1,m)<<endl; 44 }else{ 45 cout<<"Case #"<<t<<": "<<(((m-1)%m)*((m-1)%m))%m<<endl; 46 } 47 t++; 48 } 49 return 0; 50 }