PI-ActiveView 2.32 说明


These release notes contain late-breaking information.   This version of PI-ActiveView, 2.32, corresponds to the version 2.32 release of PI-ProcessBook in that all of the features in displays of PI-ProcessBook 2.32 are also available in PI-ActiveView 2.32.

This version of PI-ActiveView offers the following features:  all of the functionality of PI-ActiveView 2.2, plus use of the new PI-ProcessBook symbol library, which contains thousands of highly detailed images and schematic symbols



  • PI-ActiveView can view displays created in PI-ProcessBook v 2.32 and earlier.

  • PI-ActiveView can also view displays created in versions of PI-ProcessBook later than 2.32, although any new features or symbols in those displays are not available within PI-ActiveView 2.32.


  • PI-ActiveView can be installed on individual computers from either a conventional setup kit or with an automatic, web-based setup using cabinet files.

  • The main documentation is available in the acview.hlp file in the pipc\acview directory.  The following two help files are also available:

    • cabwizard.hlp in the pipc\acview\webdev directory, which provides assistance with the CabWizard utility.

    • pbdctrl.hlp in the pipc\procbook directory, which describes the programmatic interface for the PI-ActiveView ActiveX control.

  • Batch and SQC trends can be viewed with PI-ActiveView.  PI-BatchView 2.1 and PI-SQC 1.13 are installed along with the PI-ActiveView stand-alone setup kit; a separate license or setup is not required for either product.  These add-ins must be specifically selected to include them in a downloadable installation (using the CabWizard).

  • This version of PI-ActiveView installs ADO (MDAC 2.5) and VBA 6.


The developers' version of PI-ActiveView includes several utilities and sample files to aid in web deployment.  These files are installed by default; please see the Installation Notes section for instructions on installing a stand-alone, users' version of ActiveView without them.

The developers' kit consists of the following components:

  • CabWizard, a utility for generating the cabinet (.CAB) files necessary to automate installation of PI-ActiveView to corporate users via a website.  In addition to the cabinet files required for PI-ActiveView, the CabWizard also provides support for PI-SQC, PI-BatchView, and any additional components that may be required (for example, any ActiveX controls that are used on a display, but not included with PI-ActiveView).

  • A sample site for automatic, web-based installation of PI-ActiveView, located in the pipc\acview\webdev\staging directory.  A description of the site and directions on how to customize it are provided in the same directory.

Fixes and Enhancements


  • New:  PI-ActiveView can view display symbols created with the new symbol library available in PI-ProcessBook 2.3 and later.

  • New:  PI-ActiveView can now be run by restricted users (those without administrative rights) on Windows NT/2000/XP.

  • New: PI-ActiveView now provides limited support for the https: protocol.  If the page containing the ActiveView control and the referenced display file are on the same server, ActiveView can successfully load the display, since a secure connection is established by the browser when the page is first loaded.  Because the control does not perform any special user authentication or certificate validation, accessing a web page and display file on different servers, or using the control in another container (such as Microsoft Office or Visual Basic), is not expected to function properly.

  • Fixed:  Trends with no traces no longer cause system resources to be steadily depleted on Windows 95/98/ME.

  • Fixed:  The PI-ActiveView control no longer exhibits memory leaks when more than six displays are opened sequentially by changing the DisplayUrl property.  The leaks were most noticeable when rotating a series of displays at regular intervals, and would eventually cause the system to crash. 

  • Fixed:  PI-ActiveView no longer causes GDI resource leaks when resizing displays that contain certain ActiveX controls (notably those created with Visual Basic).

  • Fixed:  Certain profile settings (notably those related to trends) are now correctly read from the acview.ini file (broken in PI-ActiveView 2.3 Beta 1).

  • Fixed:  The PI-ActiveView control now behaves properly when the control is hosted in an MDI child form under Visual Basic .NET, and the toolbar state is toggled on or off.

  • Fixed:  The mouse pointer now consistently changes to the trend cursor icon when the mouse is positioned over the left edge of a trend (as long as the trend is large enough to display the time range).

Developers / Administrators:

  • New:  In addition to the cabinet (.CAB) files used for web deployment, the PI-ActiveView control itself (pbdctrl.ocx) is now digitally signed.

  • Fixed:  The property pages for the PI-ActiveView control now correctly pick up the values for the DisplayUrl and ServerIniUrl properties after they have been changed (broken in PI-ActiveView 2.2).

  • Fixed:  The CabWizard now appears on the taskbar.

  • Fixed:  The file browse button in EXPORT.PDI now works consistently (previously it would not work if the common dialogs control (comdlg32.ocx) was not installed).

Installation Notes


  • Administrative rights required:  PI-ActiveView must be installed by an administrator on Windows NT/2000/XP, whether it is installed via the stand-alone setup or web-based installation.  After installation, PI-ActiveView may be run by restricted users.

  • Upgrading from previous versions:  Installation of PI-ActiveView 2.32 removes any previous versions of PI-ActiveView on your system.  In some cases, you may receive the error message "No features are currently installed" during VBA uninstallation.  This error can be safely ignored.

  • Upgrading PI-ActiveView 2.32:  It is strongly recommended that any beta versions be removed before installing PI-ActiveView 2.32.  This applies regardless of whether PI-ActiveView was installed from the stand-alone setup kit or the web-based installation.  Uninstall the beta software using the Add/Remove Programs control panel.  You should also remove the PI-SDK, unless you have already upgraded to version or higher (see following note).

  • PI-SDK:  Version of the PI-SDK is installed with PI-ActveView.  This version of the PI-SDK installs properly over previously released versions; however, it does not install properly over beta versions.  If you have a beta version of the PI-SDK (or a beta version of another PI product that uses the PI-SDK) you should uninstall the PI-SDK before installing PI-ActiveView, by using the Add/Remove Programs option under the control panel.

  • Users' setup kit:  By default, the developers' tools are installed with the PI-ActiveView stand-alone setup kit.  An end users' setup kit can be created by modifying the setup.ini file included in this kit.  The following steps can be used to create a setup kit for end users:

    1. Copy the PI-ActiveView setup files to a separate, writeable location used for user installations.
    2. Open the copy of setup.ini in a plain text editor such as Notepad.
    3. Add the following line under the [Defaults] section:
    4. Save and close setup.ini.

    This change instructs setup to omit the developers' kit during installation.

  • Installation log:  Setup creates an installation log in the pipc\dat directory.  For stand-alone installations using setup.exe the file is named setupav.log.  For automated, web-based installations, the file is named installav.log.


Known Problems and Limitations


  • Compatibility with PI-ProcessBook:  When equivalent versions of ProcessBook and ActiveView are used, then they are fully compatible with each other.  However, certain issues arise when different versions are installed on the same machine, or when a display developed in one version of ProcessBook is viewed in a different version of ActiveView.  Please see the compatibility section below for details.

  • PI-ActiveView requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater.  PI-ActiveView setup checks the version of IE on your system and does not continue if the required version is not found.

  • Using PI-ActiveView with restricted (non-administrative) users on Windows NT/2000/XP:  PI-ActiveView 2.3 can be run as a restricted user on Windows NT-based systems, with the following limitations:

    • Installation must be performed by an administrator, whether from the setup kit or web-based installation.

    • When upgrading a web-based installation from version 2.2 to 2.3, in some cases permissions may not be set correctly on certain shared DLLs.  Most commonly this affects only PIAPI32.DLL installed in the SYSTEM32 directory, and occurs when a version of the PI-SDK prior to is installed on the system.  Under these circumstances, restricted users see the message "Error - Unable to load DLL:  piapi32.dll," and are unable to use PI-ActiveView.  To correct this problem, the system administrator must change the permissions on the affected DLL(s) to grant users read only access.

    • Permissions on the PIPC\DAT\PILOGIN.INI file are not set to allow write access for restricted users, so the list of PI servers for ActiveView cannot be changed (even if you use the ServerIniUrl property of the PI-ActiveView control).  If you plan on distributing PI-ActiveView by using the web-based setup, then you can work around this limitation by ensuring that all of the required servers are already included in your PILOGIN.INI file when you run the CabWizard.  You can also change the permissions on the PILOGIN.INI file on each restricted user's machine.

    • Due to the use of shared components, if Microsoft Office 2000 is already installed on the system, restricted users may experience minor problems the first time that ActiveView is run.  This issue is indicated by the message "An error occurred and this feature is no longer functioning properly. Would you like to repair this feature now?"  The user can (and should) choose to make the repair.  The first message is followed by an error from the Windows Installer, and a report that ACVIEW.EXE has crashed.  However, the repair can be successfully completed, ActiveView is automatically reloaded, and the original display appears.  From that point on, ActiveView functions correctly.  This problem is caused by the fact that Office 2000 completes certain installation steps only at the time that Office is used for the first time by each user.  It is not observed if any Office 2000 application has been used at any time by the restricted user, before ActiveView is run for the first time.  This problem does not occur with Office 97 or XP.

  • Dialog boxes are sometimes placed behind Internet Explorer making it appear that IE is frozen.  Either use {Alt + Tab} or minimize IE to see the dialog box.

  • A PI-ActiveView control contained within a frame in an HTML page does not respond to the refresh button (with regards to refreshing a PDI) nor does it generate an automatic refresh of a PDI file.

  • PI-ProcessBook supports several different types of button links, not all of which work in PI-ActiveView.  Care must be taken to ensure that buttons work properly in both products.  Use the following guidelines:

    • DisplayUrl buttons work consistently between PI-ProcessBook and PI-ActiveView.  DisplayUrl buttons can accept either a Windows/UNC path, or an http:, ftp:, or file: path.  Note that when using a Windows, UNC, or file: path, users must be granted permission on the referenced network share and file.  There is a slight performance penalty in using an http: or ftp: path, but if you have anonymous access on your web site, these are the easiest to use in terms of security.  When defining a DisplayUrl button with an http: or ftp: path, ProcessBook accepts only an absolute path.  To use a relative path, leave out the protocol prefix.  If you plan to use the same displays in both ProcessBook and ActiveView (rather than copying them to your web server for ActiveView), this is the best type of button link to use.

    • Linked Display buttons that refer to Windows/UNC or file: paths work consistently between both products.  Linked Display buttons that reference http: paths do not work in either PI-ProcessBook or PI-ActiveView.  Note that in order to create a linked display button, you must first open the display using the path as you wish to have it written into the button -- you cannot edit the path in the button's definition.  Users must be granted permission on the referenced network share and file.

    • Linked ProcessBook buttons are ignored in PI-ActiveView, even if the link target is a display file with a .PDI extension.

  • PI-ActiveView may fail upon exiting when a PDI that is viewed through the PI-ActiveView control contains a PI-ActiveView control that points to a display containing a PI-ActiveView control (3 or more recursive).

  • Netscape does not natively support ActiveX controls.  Netscape users need to obtain a third-party plug-in that enables ActiveX controls.

  • If PI-ActiveView is upgraded from a previous version and then uninstalled, some files or folders may remain under the acview\webdev folder.  These may be safely deleted.

  • PI-ActiveView may crash occasionally when printing to a Hewlett-Packard 8000 series LaserJet printer.  This is a problem with the printer driver.  As of this writing, the current version of this driver (version does not address this problem.  This problem is apparent in Internet Explorer 4.0 to 5.0, as well as other host applications.  However, Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0 do not exhibit the problem because the printing model is different.

  • PI-ActiveView may crash if the current user logs out or the system is shut down while Internet Explorer is still active.  To avoid this problem, always close Internet Explorer before logging off.


  • Microsoft Office Problems:

    • The PI-ActiveView control is often resized when it is inserted into Microsoft Excel 2000.  This can be corrected by resizing the control slightly before actually loading a display.  The control can also appear to be the wrong size when the worksheet is printed.  To correct this problem, resize it again.

    • In Microsoft Word 2000, the PI display disappears and is replaced by the DisplayURL when switching from run mode back to design mode.  In run mode, when the scrollbar is used, the placement of the control is not updated until the mouse button is released.

    • Microsoft Office 97 applications may crash the first time that they are used with the PI-ActiveView control.  In most cases, this problem can be fixed by restarting the application and inserting the control again.  However, event handlers cannot be written for the control's events in VBA; an error message, "Automation type not supported in Visual Basic" is displayed.

  • Distributing Microsoft .NET applications with PI-ActiveView:  If you develop an application in Microsoft .NET that uses the PI-ActiveView control, you should exclude the control from your setup kit.  PI-ActiveView should always be installed using the full setup kit from OSIsoft.  Installing an additional copy of the control with a setup created in .NET prevents displays containing VBA code from loading.

  • The OBJECT tag CODEBASE attribute is intended to accept a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) beginning with a protocol specification (e.g. http: or ftp:).  To use a local filename or UNC, begin the name with file:, otherwise installation is not triggered.  For example:

    <OBJECT ID = "pbd1"
     WIDTH     = 500
     HEIGHT    = 500
     CLASSID   = "CLSID:4F26B906-2854-11D1-9597-00A0C931BFC8"
     CODEBASE  = "file://myserver/download/acviewinf.cab#version=x,x,x,x"
  • Care should be taken in placing VBA code in the DisplayOpen event of a PDI.  This limitation is due to the timing of the PI-ActiveView control loading and the PDI being displayed.  For example, a message box placed in the DisplayOpen event of a PDI is hidden by the browser.  However, if the same message box is placed in a button click procedure, it appears properly.

  • Each container that the PI-ActiveView control is loaded in supports different properties.  For example, Microsoft Internet Explorer supports the Width and Height properties, but not Top and Left.  On the other hand, PI-ProcessBook supports Width, Height along with Top and Left.  To determine the supported properties, insert the PI-ActiveView control into the container and view its properties. 

  • There is no programmatic means for refreshing displays in the PI-ActiveView control.  For applications that embed the control, PDI files timeout as described in the on-line documentation.  This timeout can be set to a shorter time if displays are being developed and tested often.  A refresh of the displays can also be foreced by deleting the temporary internet files either from Internet Explorer or the Internet control panel.

  • The CabWizard is not able to verify whether cab file signatures are successful on Windows 95/98.  The message "Cannot Be Verified" is displayed under the signature heading of the verification report.  This does not mean that the files were not successfully signed. 

  • Even though PI-SQC and PI-BatchView are always installed with the developer's edition of PI-ActiveView, these products are not included by default with the cabinets generated by the CabWizard.  You must explicitly include them by selecting them on the additional components page of the CabWizard.  This is by design.


  • The stand-alone and web-based installations work differently, and neither is designed to upgrade an installation that was performed by the other.  If you have a previous version of PI-ActiveView already installed on your system, you must either install the current version using the same installation method, or uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.

  • The setup log for the web-based installation does not include information about every component.

  • Installing from a self-extracting executable:  If you use the self-extracting executable distributed by OSIsoft to install PI-ActiveView, the setup files are extracted to a local temporary directory.  If the PI-ActiveView setup requires you to reboot your system, these temporary files are not automatically deleted after completion, and should be deleted manually.

  • PI-ActiveView cannot be uninstalled while it is still running, if it was installed using the web-based installation.  To stop PI-ActiveView, first close any applications using the PI-ActiveView control.  Then run the Windows Task Manager, open the Processes tab, choose acview.exe and click End Process.

  • Uninstalling a web-based installation of PI-ActiveView does not remove VBA (by design).

  • The stand-alone setup fails occasionally when installing the PI-SDK on Windows 95.  This problem can be corrected by copying the installation files to the local hard drive and then running setup from there.  After PI-ActiveView has been fully installed, the setup files can be erased from the local drive.

  • PI-ActiveView web-based installation with PI-SQC and/or PI-BatchView:  If PI-SQC for ActiveView and/or PI-BatchView for ActiveView were installed with the web-based installation at the same time as ActiveView, then there is a single entry under Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel; however, if they were downloaded separately, then there are separate entries.  In this second case, SQC and/or BatchView should be uninstalled before ActiveView is uninstalled:  if ActiveView is uninstalled first, then the additional entries are left behind, and do not work.

  • PI-SQC upgrade via web download:  If PI-SQC 1.0x was downloaded separately from PI-ActiveView 2.1x, then it cannot be upgraded as an individual component via web download, because the original PI-SQC cabinet file did not contain the correct version information.  To work around this issue, upgrade PI-ActiveView and PI-SQC together (add PI-SQC on the additional components page of the CabWizard, and use the resulting ACVIEWINF.CAB file).

  • PI-SDK installation repair:  If the PI-SDK files installed on your system ever become lost or corrupted, the Windows Installer attempts to automatically repair the installation.  If PI-ActiveView was installed from the stand-alone setup kit, then you may be prompted for the original installation disk.  However, if a web-based installation was used, then the installer is unable to locate the PISDK1.CAB file (since it is distributed inside of another cabinet for the download).  If this situation occurs, then copy the PISKD1.CAB file from the PISDK subdirectory on the original installation disk to the PIPC\PISDK subdirectory on the local machine, and let the repair continue.  The CAB file may be safely deleted after the installation has been repaired.

  • Windows 95, with PI-ProcessBook 2.1 upgrade over PI-ProcessBook 2.0 only:  A web-based installation of PI-ActiveView fails if PI-ProcessBook 2.1 is installed on the target machine, if ProcessBook 2.1 was installed as an upgrade over ProcessBook 2.0, and if ProcessBook is installed to the C:\Program Files\PIPC\PROCBOOK directory.  Under the ProcessBook 2.0 setup, the location of the PI-ActiveView ActiveX control (PBDCTRL.OCX) is written to the registry using a short file name (i.e., C:\PROGRA~1\PIPC\PROCBOOK\PBDCTRL.OCX).  The Internet Download Component technology, used in the installation of ActiveView via the web, does not recognize this shortened form of the directory, and thus cannot overwrite the older version of this file.  This problem is not observed in Windows 98 or Windows NT systems.  There are three possible workarounds:

    1. Install ActiveView on client computers using the setup.exe in the install kit with a modified setup.ini to create a client installation (consult the on-line documentation for details on how to do this).

    2. Before installing ActiveView, change the registry entry that specifies the location of the pbdctrl.ocx to specify the long directory name.  Warning:  You should be extremely careful when using the registry editor.  If used incorrectly, you could cause serious problems that require you to reinstall your operating system.

      1. Run regedit from a command prompt or using the Run command on the Start menu.
      2. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID.
      3. Select Edit | Find... from the menu and search for the string pbdctrl.ocx. Look for the occurrence of this string in the InprocServer32 entry.
      4. Change the file location from c:\progra~1\pipc\procbook\pbdctrl.ocx to c:\program files\pipc\procbook\pbdctrl.ocx.

      Installation of ActiveView via the CAB files now works.

    3. Uninstall ProcessBook and the other PI clients (such as DataLink) and reinstall them to a directory whose name is not shortened, such as c:\pipc.  Installation of ActiveView via the CAB files now works.

  • Windows 95/98/ME only:  The web-based installation of PI-ActiveView on Windows 95/98 currently leaves temporary files on the client machine after the installation.  These files take up a considerable amount of disk space (~67 MB) and should be removed.  The following procedure deletes the temporary download files.

    1. Determine the location of the temporary files folder.  This can be done by:
      1. Opening an MS-DOS (command prompt) window.
      2. Entering the set command, which displays all of the current environment variables.
      3. Looking for the TEMP environment variable.  It is usually C:\TEMP or C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.
    2. Start Windows Explorer.
    3. In the left pane of Windows Explorer, select the TEMP folder that you just found.
    4. In the right pane of Windows Explorer, select all the folders named ICDn.TMP.
    5. Delete these folders.
    6. Empty your recycle bin to permanently remove them.  Note:  You can also permanently delete the folders from Windows Explorer using the {Shift + Del} key combination, in which case this step can be omitted.


  • Windows 2000/XP only:  Windows File Protection is activated for several files during setup.  Under most circumstances, Windows automatically restores the files without any noticeable effects.  However, if the backup copies of these files have been deleted or renamed, you are prompted to insert the Windows 2000/XP CD during setup so that the files can be restored.


PI-ActiveView / PI-ProcessBook Compatibility Issues

When equivalent versions of ActiveView and ProcessBook are used together, then they are fully compatible with each other.  For example, ProcessBook 2.31 and ActiveView 2.32 are equivalent because the major and minor versions are the same (both 2.3).  A few issues arise when different versions are used, because both applications share the same type libraries and several of the same DLLs.  The first part of this section offers some general rules about type library compatibility between the two products, which primarily affects how VBA code operates in ProcessBook displays.  The second part of this section addresses some specific issues that may be encountered when both products are installed on the same machine.

Type Library Compatibility

When the versions of both products are equivalent, then all VBA code available in ProcessBook will be available in ActiveView.  However, when the versions are different, then some of the VBA code that is available with the newer product is not available in the other.  In addition, the order in which the products are installed affects the way that the type libraries are registered.

  • If ActiveView is the only one of the two products installed on the machine, then all VBA in any display created with the equivalent version of ProcessBook (or any previous version) functions correctly within ActiveView.  Other applications on the machine (e.g., Excel) are not able to use ActiveView's type library because it is registered as hidden.

  • If equivalent versions of ActiveView and ProcessBook are installed on the same machine, but ActiveView was installed before ProcessBook, then the type library is hidden (and unavailable to other applications) until ProcessBook is run for the first time.

  • Previous versions of ProcessBook with the current version of ActiveView:

    • If ActiveView is installed after ProcessBook, then the ProcessBook type library remains the only version that is registered, and only VBA that is compatible up to that version of ProcessBook can be executed in ActiveView.  Newer displays can be viewed in ActiveView, but VBA code may generate errors or may simply not run.

    • If a previous version of ProcessBook is installed after ActiveView, then all VBA that is compatible up to the installed version of ActiveView runs properly in ActiveView.  After installing ProcessBook, the type library remains hidden (and unavailable to other applications) until ProcessBook is run for the first time.  In addition, some VBA code may not execute properly in ProcessBook.  To correct this problem, run ActiveView again and then close it.

  • If a newer version of ProcessBook is installed with the current version of ActiveView, then all VBA that is compatible up to the new version of ProcessBook functions properly in ProcessBook.  However, only VBA that is compatible up to the installed version of ActiveView runs properly in ActiveView.

Note that in addition to released versions of PI-ProcessBook, the preceding rules may also apply to beta versions.

Specific Issues and Workarounds

Symptom: Using the PI-ActiveView control starts ProcessBook instead of ActiveView, and drawing is unsatisfactory.
Cause: This problem is usually caused by installing ProcessBook after a web-based setup of ActiveView.  ActiveView installs the PI-ActiveView control to the Downloaded Program Files folder, while ProcessBook installs a different, incompatible version to the PROCBOOK folder.  (This is not a problem with the stand-alone setup kit for ActiveView, which places the control in the PROCBOOK folder.)
Solution: There are two workarounds:
  1. Reinstall ActiveView.  If your web page(s) include the proper CODEBASE line, then this happens automatically the first time that ActiveView is used after ProcessBook is uninstalled.

  2. Manually re-register the correct version of the control.  Open a command prompt and enter one of the following commands, depending on your operating system:

    Windows NT/2000: regsvr32 "c:\winnt\downloaded program files\pbdctrl.ocx"
    Windows XP: regsvr32 "c:\windows\downloaded program files\pbdctrl.ocx"
    Windows 95/98/ME: c:\windows\system\regsvr32 "c:\windows\downloaded program files\pbdctrl.ocx"

    Note:  The names of these folders on your system may be different from the examples above.

*      *      *

"Could not open <filename>" is displayed in the PI-ActiveView control, even though ACVIEW.EXE is started properly and remains running in the background.

- or -

VBA code fails to run in ActiveView and the VBA editor opens up unexpectedly, with the error message "Compile error:  User-defined type is not defined."


This problem is usually caused by installing ProcessBook after a web-based setup of ActiveView, and then removing ProcessBook.  The registry keys for the shared type libraries are not cleaned up by the ProcessBook uninstallation.  This problem can also sometimes be caused by upgrading from older versions of ActiveView via the web-based setup.


Two registry keys must be deleted using the registry editor.  Warning:  You should be extremely careful when using the registry editor.  If used incorrectly, you could cause serious problems that require you to reinstall your operating system.

  1. Run regedit from a command prompt or using the Run command on the Start menu.

  2. Find the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{0CF87D80-9E07-11CF-840C-00AA00422A4A}.  Confirm that you have selected the correct key by checking for "PI-ProcessBook Type Library" or "PI-ActiveView Type Library" beneath it, and delete the key.

  3. Find the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{C8C67C62-C9A5-11D1-A499-00A0C9236737}.  Confirm that you have selected the correct key by checking for "PI-ProcessBook Symbol Library" or "PI-ActiveView Symbol Library" beneath it, and delete the key.

ActiveView will properly register these type libraries again the next time that it is run (note that this must be done by a user with administrative rights).  You might need to reboot the system for proper operation.

*      *      *

Both ProcessBook and ActiveView display error messages that SDKREG.DLL and PILOG32.DLL cannot be loaded, and terminate immediately after being started.


This problem is usually caused by upgrading ProcessBook from version 2.2 to 2.3, in conjunction with a web-based setup of ActiveView.  Another indication is that the error message "Module not found" is generated during ProcessBook setup.  Because of Windows 2000 compliance, the location of these DLLs was changed for ProcessBook 2.3, and this conflicts with the copies installed by ActiveView.


This situation can be corrected by manually repairing the ProcessBook installation from Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.  Note that if ActiveView is uninstalled, then the Windows Installer detects that the DLLs have been removed, and automatically repairs the ProcessBook installation the next time that it is run.  Also note that you must have access to the original setup files when repairing the ProcessBook installation.

*      *      *

ActiveView displays an error message that PILOG32.DLL cannot be loaded, and terminates immediately after being started.


This problem is usually caused by installing ActiveView via the web-based setup on a machine that already has ProcessBook 2.2 or 2.3, and then removing ProcessBook.  The number of references for this shared file is not adjusted properly, and it is removed by the ProcessBook uninstallation.


This situation can be corrected by reinstalling ActiveView.  Since the web-based setup of ActiveView is governed by the version of the PI-ActiveView control, you can force a reinstallation in one of three ways:

  1. Uninstall ActiveView from Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel

  2. Unregister or delete the PI-ActiveView control (pbdctrl.ocx) in the Downloaded Program Files folder

  3. Increment the required version of the control on the CODEBASE line of your ActiveView web page(s).  (Note that this causes the web-based setup to execute each time the page is accessed, because the specified version of the control is never installed.  This solution is best used with a separate download page.)

*      *      *

ActiveView displays an error message that the SVG Converter add-in cannot be loaded, and asks the user to remove it from the list of available add-ins.  Some or all VBA code may not run in ActiveView.


This problem is caused by uninstalling ProcessBook 2.2 or 2.3 on a machine that also has ActiveView.  ProcessBook and ActiveView can use many of the same add-ins, and share the same registry location for add-in configurations.  The SVG Converter files are installed and removed along with ProcessBook, but the registry keys are not removed when ProcessBook is uninstalled.


This situation should be corrected automatically the second time that ActiveView is run after uninstalling ProcessBook.  The first time that it is run, you should answer <Yes> to remove the SVG Converter from the list of available add-ins.  If VBA code does not execute, then end ACVIEW.EXE in task manager, and restart it.

posted on 2006-11-23 23:42  zljini  阅读(3771)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报