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01 2009 档案
Accelerators for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
摘要:CRM Accelerators are a range of add-on solutions developed for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 customers and partners. Each accelerator is available at no cost and will showcase how the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 platform can be configured and extended to broaden marketing, sales and service capabilities. Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers and partners are encouraged to further extend these accelerators to meet their specific business needs.
SQL Server 2008-建立分区表(Table Partition)
摘要:数据库结构和索引的是否合理在很大程度上影响了数据库的性能,但是随着数据库信息负载的增大,对数据库的性能也发生了很大的影响。可能我们的数据库在一开始有着很高的性能,但是随着数据存储量的急速增长—例如订单数据—数据的性能也受到了极大的影响,一个很明显的结果就是查询的反应会非常慢。在这个时候,除了你可以优化索引及查询外,你还可以做什么?建立分区表(Table Partition)可以在某些场合下提高数据库的性能,在SQL Server 2005中也可以通过SQL语句来创建表分区,但在SQL Server 2008中提供了向导形式来创建分区表。本文介绍了如何来创建分区表。
CRM4.0 – 如何创建Quick Campaign
摘要: Quick Campaign -- “快速促销”是微软Dynamics CRM 3.0和4.0中都提供的一个功能。这个功能可以让个人销售代表快速与他们的客户和潜在的客户取得联系,而不需要市场营销的帮助。这种基于向导的界面能够简化创建促销活动的过程,适用于那些没有传统的市场营销促销活动经验的用户。本文简单介绍了如何在CRM中创建和使用Quick Campaign。
[WPF] - CommandHelper Class for WPF/Silverlight
摘要:Here's a couple classes I've found helpful when writing WPF & Silverlight applications, which I've named simply Command and CommandHelper. Sometimes, you just want to do simple commanding stuff, and you don't need the overhead of RoutedCommand. (Also, Silverlight doesn't have RoutedCommand) The Command class below gives you a quick & easy way to define commands and ways to invoke them: keyboard shortcuts, context menus, toolbars, etc.