



  1. How is the project going  项目进展怎么样
  2. please provid the latest SRS(Software Requirements Specification)  请提供最新的SRS(软件需求规范)
  3. Can this problem be reproduced  这个问题可以重现吗
  4.  I have a doctor's appointment  我要去看医生
  5. we will have a meeting scheduled as noted below  我们将按如下所述安排一次会议
  6. Thanks for your reply
  7. Thank you for your time and consideration
  8. Can we discuss it face to face  我们可以当面讨论一下吗
  9. We need to report every other week  我们每隔一周就要汇报
  10. We are out of time   我们没时间了
  11. Can we make our appointment a little later  我们的约会可以往后延期吗?
  12.  I prefer not to postpone the schedule  我不想推迟日程
  13.  Please keep me informed on the matter  请随时让我知道这件事的发展


  1. F.Y.I  for your information
  2. ASAP   as soon as possible
  3. BTW   by the way 顺便问下,顺便提下
  4. EOD   end of the day 下班前,比如说EOD Thursday,就是周四下班前
  5. OT   overtime 加班
  6. OOTO   out of the office, 外出不在办公室



posted @ 2020-01-18 00:16  Programmer_Life  阅读(283)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报