I、Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum. 阅读全文
数组指针(也称行指针)定义 int (*p)[n];()优先级高,首先说明p是一个指针,指向一个整型的一维数组,这个一维数组的长度是n,也可以说是p的步长。也就是说执行p+1时,p要跨过n个整型数据的长度。 如要将二维数组赋给一指针,应这样赋值:int a[3][4];int (*p)[4]; // 阅读全文
Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences ofT inS. A subsequence of a string is a new string which is formed from the 阅读全文