Android性能优化之Systrace工具介绍(一) _&& Systrace生成的trace.html打开空白或者打不开的解决办法
- 内核部分:Systrace利用了Linux Kernel中的ftrace功能。所以,如果要使用Systrace的话,必须开启kernel中和ftrace相关的模块。
- 数据采集部分:Android定义了一个Trace类。应用程序可利用该类把统计信息输出给ftrace。同时,Android还有一个atrace程序,它可以从ftrace中读取统计信息然后交给数据分析工具来处理。
- 数据分析工具:Android提供一个脚本文件,位于Android SDK目录/tools/systrace中,其内部将调用atrace程序)用来配置数据采集的方式(如采集数据的标签、输出文件名等)和收集ftrace统计数据并生成一个结果网页文件供用户查看。 从本质上说,Systrace是对Linux Kernel中ftrace的封装。应用进程需要利用Android提供的Trace类来使用Systrace.
使用Systrace前,要先了解一下Systrace在各个平台上的使用方法,鉴于大家使用Eclipse和Android Studio的居多,所以直接摘抄官网关于这个的使用方法,不过不管是什么工具,流程是一样的:
- 手机准备好你要进行抓取的界面
- 点击开始抓取(命令行的话就是开始执行命令)
- 手机上开始操作
- 设定好的时间到了之后,会将生成Trace文件,使用Chrome将这个文件打开进行分析
Using Eclipse
In Eclipse, open an Android application project.
- Switch to the DDMS perspective, by selecting Window > Perspectives > DDMS.
- In the Devices tab, select the device on which to run a trace. If no devices are listed, make sure your device is connected via USB cable and that debugging is enabled on the device.
- Click the Systrace icon at the top of the Devices panel to configure tracing.
- Set the tracing options and click OK to start the trace.
Using Android Studio
In Android Studio, open an Android application project.
- Open the Device Monitor by selecting Tools > Android > Monitor.
- In the Devices tab, select the device on which to run a trace. If no devices are listed, make sure your device is connected via USB cable and that debugging is enabled on the device.
- Click the Systrace icon at the top of the Devices panel to configure tracing.
- Set the tracing options and click OK to start the trace.
Using Device Monitor
Navigate to your SDK tools/ directory.
- Run the monitor program.
- In the Devices tab, select the device on which to run a trace. If no devices are listed, make sure your device is connected via USB cable and that debugging is enabled on the device.
- Click the Systrace icon at the top of the Devices panel to configure tracing.
- Set the tracing options and click OK to start the trace.
Command Line Usage
$ cd android-sdk/platform-tools/systrace
$ python --time=10 -o mynewtrace.html sched gfx view wm
- -h, –help Show the help message.(帮助)
- -o Write the HTML trace report to the specified file.(即输出文件名,)
- -t N, –time=N Trace activity for N seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. (Trace抓取的时间,一般是 : -t 8)
- -b N, –buf-size=N Use a trace buffer size of N kilobytes. This option lets you limit the total size of the data collected during a trace.
- -k
- —ktrace= Trace the activity of specific kernel functions, specified in a comma-separated list.
-l, –list-categories List the available tracing category tags. The available tags are(下面的参数不用翻译了估计大家也看得懂,贴官方的解释也会比较权威,后面分析的时候我们会看到这些参数的作业的):
- gfx - Graphics
- input - Input
- view - View
- webview - WebView
- wm - Window Manager
- am - Activity Manager
- audio - Audio
- video - Video
- camera - Camera
- hal - Hardware Modules
- res - Resource Loading
- dalvik - Dalvik VM
- rs - RenderScript
- sched - CPU Scheduling
- freq - CPU Frequency
- membus - Memory Bus Utilization
- idle - CPU Idle
- disk - Disk input and output
- load - CPU Load
- sync - Synchronization Manager
- workq - Kernel Workqueues Note: Some trace categories are not supported on all devices. Tip: If you want to see the names of tasks in the trace output, you must include the sched category in your command parameters.
- —app= Enable tracing for applications, specified as a comma-separated list of package names. The apps must contain tracing instrumentation calls from the Trace class. For more information, see Analyzing Display and Performance.
- —link-assets Link to the original CSS or JavaScript resources instead of embedding them in the HTML trace report.
- —from-file= Create the interactive Systrace report from a file, instead of running a live trace.
- —asset-dir= Specify a directory for the trace report assets. This option is useful for maintaining a single set of assets for multiple Systrace reports.
- -e
- —serial= Conduct the trace on a specific connected device, identified by its device serial number.
alias st-start='python /home/gaojianwu/Software/android-studio/sdk/platform-tools/systrace/'
alias st-start-gfx-trace = ‘st-start -t 8 gfx input view sched freq wm am hwui workq res dalvik sync disk load perf hal rs idle mmc’
这样在使用的时候,可以直接敲 st-start-gfx-mx4 即可,当然为了区分和保持各个文件,还需要加上 -o xxx.Trace .上面的命令和参数不必一次就理解,只需要记住如何简单使用即可,在分析的过程中,这些东西都会慢慢熟悉的。
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