PaddlePaddle inference 源码分析(二)
这一部分开始介绍创建Predictor过程, 以下代码均位于paddle/fluid/inference/api目录下
namespace paddle_infer
using Config = paddle::AnalysisConfig;
/// /// \brief A factory to help create predictors. /// /// Usage: /// /// \code{.cpp} /// Config config; /// ... // change the configs. /// auto predictor = CreatePredictor(config); /// \endcode /// PD_INFER_DECL std::shared_ptr<Predictor> CreatePredictor( const Config& config); // NOLINT
void AnalysisConfig::EnableUseGpu(uint64_t memory_pool_init_size_mb, int device_id) { #if defined(PADDLE_WITH_CUDA) || defined(PADDLE_WITH_HIP) use_gpu_ = true; memory_pool_init_size_mb_ = memory_pool_init_size_mb; FLAGS_initial_gpu_memory_in_mb = memory_pool_init_size_mb_; gpu_device_id_ = device_id; #else LOG(ERROR) << "Please compile with gpu to EnableGpu()"; use_gpu_ = false; #endif Update(); }
2.1 Update函数会将修改的配置更新到Config保存的pass_builder_中。
mutable std::unique_ptr<PassStrategy> pass_builder_;
// Transfer pass_builder and copy the existing compatible passes. if (!pass_builder_ || ((use_gpu() ^ pass_builder_->use_gpu())) || ((use_xpu() ^ pass_builder_->use_xpu())) || ((use_npu() ^ pass_builder_->use_npu()))) { if (use_gpu()) { pass_builder_.reset(new GpuPassStrategy); if (use_tensorrt_) { // Append after the Affine_channel_conv_fuse pass. pass_builder()->InsertPass(3, "tensorrt_subgraph_pass"); } } else if (use_xpu()) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( use_gpu(), false, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Only one choice can be made between CPU and XPU.")); pass_builder_.reset(new XpuPassStrategy); } else if (use_npu()) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( use_gpu(), false, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Only one choice can be made between GPU and NPU.")); pass_builder_.reset(new NpuPassStrategy); } else { pass_builder_.reset(new CpuPassStrategy); } }
namespace paddle_infer { std::shared_ptr<Predictor> CreatePredictor(const Config &config) { // NOLINT std::shared_ptr<Predictor> predictor(new Predictor(config)); return predictor; }
Predictor::Predictor(const Config &config) { const_cast<Config *>(&config)->SwitchUseFeedFetchOps(false); // The second parameter indicates that the discard log is not printed predictor_ = paddle::CreatePaddlePredictor< Config, paddle::PaddleEngineKind::kAnalysis>(config); }
enum class PaddleEngineKind { kNative = 0, ///< Use the native Fluid facility. kAutoMixedTensorRT, ///< Automatically mix Fluid with TensorRT. kAnalysis, ///< More optimization. }; template <typename ConfigT, PaddleEngineKind engine> PD_INFER_DECL std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor( const ConfigT& config); template <> PD_INFER_DECL std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor< NativeConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kNative>(const NativeConfig& config); template <> PD_INFER_DECL std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor< AnalysisConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kAnalysis>(const AnalysisConfig& config);
5、CreatePaddlePredictor<AnalysisConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kAnalysis>的具体实现如下,这里省略了部分代码,着重介绍逻辑
template <> std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor< AnalysisConfig, PaddleEngineKind::kAnalysis>(const AnalysisConfig &config) { ...
// 创建完成会将Config设置InValid,保障一个Config对应一个Predictor
VLOG(3) << "create AnalysisConfig"; PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( config.is_valid(), true, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "Note: Each config can only be used for one predictor.")); // 注册OP,只会执行一次 // Register custom operators compiled by the user. // This function can only be executed once per process. static std::once_flag custom_operators_registered; std::call_once(custom_operators_registered, []() { inference::RegisterAllCustomOperator(); }); // 设置GPU参数 if (config.use_gpu()) { ...if (config.thread_local_stream_enabled() && process_level_allocator_enabled) { PADDLE_THROW(platform::errors::Fatal( "When binding threads and streams, the use of " "process-level allocators will result in undefined result " "errors due to memory asynchronous operations." "The thread and stream binding configuration of all " "predictors should be the same in a single process.")); } } std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> predictor(new AnalysisPredictor(config)); // Each config can only be used for one predictor. config.SetInValid(); auto predictor_p = dynamic_cast<AnalysisPredictor *>(predictor.get()); if (!predictor_p->Init(nullptr)) { return nullptr; } if (config.mkldnn_quantizer_enabled() && !predictor_p->MkldnnQuantize()) { return nullptr; } return predictor; }
explicit AnalysisPredictor(const AnalysisConfig &config) : config_(config) { if (config_.shape_range_info_collected()) { config_.SwitchIrOptim(false); config_.EnableMemoryOptim(false); } predictor_id_ = inference::GetUniqueId(); }
bool AnalysisPredictor::Init( const std::shared_ptr<framework::Scope> &parent_scope, const std::shared_ptr<framework::ProgramDesc> &program) { VLOG(3) << "Predictor::init()"; ... // no matter with or without MKLDNN paddle::platform::SetNumThreads(config_.cpu_math_library_num_threads()); if (!PrepareScope(parent_scope)) { return false; } if (!CreateExecutor()) { return false; } if (!PrepareProgram(program)) { return false; } // Prepare executor, create local variables. if (!PrepareExecutor()) { return true; } // Get the feed_target_names and fetch_target_names PrepareFeedFetch(); return true; }
bool AnalysisPredictor::PrepareScope( const std::shared_ptr<framework::Scope> &parent_scope) { if (parent_scope) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL( parent_scope, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "Both program and parent_scope should be set in Clone mode.")); scope_ = parent_scope; status_is_cloned_ = true; } else {
// 获取设备,例如GPU就会调用cuda接口,与设备相关的内容都在platform目录下。这里会读取所有设备,并将其信息保存 paddle::framework::InitDevices(); // TODO(wilber): we need to release memory occupied by weights. scope_.reset(new paddle::framework::Scope()); status_is_cloned_ = false; } sub_scope_ = &scope_->NewScope(); return true; }
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Variable>, KeyHasher> vars_;
place_ = paddle::platform::CPUPlace(); } executor_.reset(new paddle::framework::NaiveExecutor(place_));
10.1 LoadProgramDesc,读取模型文件内容。这里proto定义为framework/framework.proto::ProgramDesc。然后通过proto对象初始化framework::ProgramDesc对象
message OpDesc { message Attr { required string name = 1; required AttrType type = 2; optional int32 i = 3; optional float f = 4; optional string s = 5; repeated int32 ints = 6; repeated float floats = 7; repeated string strings = 8; optional bool b = 10; repeated bool bools = 11; optional int32 block_idx = 12; optional int64 l = 13; repeated int32 blocks_idx = 14; repeated int64 longs = 15; repeated double float64s = 16; }; message Var { required string parameter = 1; repeated string arguments = 2; }; required string type = 3; repeated Var inputs = 1; repeated Var outputs = 2; repeated Attr attrs = 4; optional bool is_target = 5 [ default = false ]; }; message VarDesc { message Attr { required string name = 1; required AttrType type = 2; optional int32 i = 3; optional string s = 4; repeated int32 ints = 5; }; required string name = 1; required VarType type = 2; optional bool persistable = 3 [ default = false ]; // True if the variable is an input data and // have to check the feed data shape and dtype optional bool need_check_feed = 4 [ default = false ]; optional bool is_parameter = 5 [ default = false ]; optional bool stop_gradient = 6 [ default = false ]; repeated Attr attrs = 7; } message BlockDesc { required int32 idx = 1; required int32 parent_idx = 2; repeated VarDesc vars = 3; repeated OpDesc ops = 4; optional int32 forward_block_idx = 5 [ default = -1 ]; } // In some cases, Paddle may perform operator definition iterations, // and the operator uses OpVersionMap for compatibility testing. message OpVersion { required int32 version = 1; } message OpVersionMap { message OpVersionPair { required string op_name = 1; required OpVersion op_version = 2; } repeated OpVersionPair pair = 1; } // Please refer to // // for more details. // TODO(panyx0718): A model can have multiple programs. Need a // way to distinguish them. Maybe ID or name? message ProgramDesc { reserved 2, 3; // For backward compatibility. repeated BlockDesc blocks = 1; optional Version version = 4; optional OpVersionMap op_version_map = 5; }
10.2 NaiveExecutor->CreateVariables,这里将读取的模型文件中的参数信息保存到Scope中vars_。这里会调用两次,一次是将持久化的参数信息保存到父Scope中。第二次将非持久化的参数信息保存到子sub_scope中。
//block_id=0,persistable第一次true,第二次调用false,scope=sub_scope void NaiveExecutor::CreateVariables(const ProgramDesc &desc, int block_id, bool persistable, Scope *scope) { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(scope, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The Scope to hold variables is nullptr.")); auto &global_block = desc.Block(block_id); const auto *anc = scope; PADDLE_ENFORCE_NE( anc->parent(), anc, platform::errors::InvalidArgument("Input scope should be child scope.")); while (anc->parent()) { anc = anc->parent(); } int num_vars = 0; for (auto &var : global_block.AllVars()) { if (var->Name() == framework::kEmptyVarName) { continue; } num_vars++; if (persistable == var->Persistable()) { if (persistable) { if (!anc->FindVar(var->Name())) { auto *ptr = const_cast<Scope *>(anc)->Var(var->Name()); VLOG(3) << scope << " Create persistable variable " << var->Name() << ", which pointer is " << ptr; InitializeVariable(ptr, var->GetType()); } } else { auto *ptr = const_cast<Scope *>(scope)->Var(var->Name()); VLOG(3) << scope << " Create variable " << var->Name() << ", which pointer is " << ptr; InitializeVariable(ptr, var->GetType()); } } } VLOG(4) << "naive executor create " << num_vars << " vars"; }
10.3 OptimizeInferenceProgram.这里会调用Analyzer根据配置过一遍所有PASS,生成经过优化的ProgramDesc,并将inference_program_重置为优化后的argument_.ir_analyzed_program()
// NOTE All the members in AnalysisConfig should be copied to Argument. void AnalysisPredictor::OptimizeInferenceProgram() { // 将config的配置设置到argument中 PrepareArgument(); // 遍历analysis_passes,使用Pass对argument进行处理 Analyzer().Run(&argument_); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( argument_.scope_valid(), true, platform::errors::InvalidArgument("The argument scope should be valid.")); VLOG(5) << "to prepare executor"; ARGUMENT_CHECK_FIELD((&argument_), ir_analyzed_program); inference_program_.reset( new framework::ProgramDesc(argument_.ir_analyzed_program()), [](framework::ProgramDesc *prog) { // Note, please do NOT use any member variables, because member variables may // have been destructed in multiple threads. #if PADDLE_WITH_TENSORRT ... #endif delete prog; }); // The config and argument take a lot of storage, // when the predictor settings are complete, we release these stores. argument_.PartiallyRelease(); config_.PartiallyRelease(); LOG(INFO) << "======= optimize end ======="; }
bool AnalysisPredictor::PrepareExecutor() { DisablePrepareDataOpt(inference_program_, 0, false); executor_->Prepare(sub_scope_, *inference_program_, 0, config_.use_feed_fetch_ops_); PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(sub_scope_, platform::errors::PreconditionNotMet( "The sub_scope should not be nullptr.")); return true; }
void AnalysisPredictor::PrepareFeedFetch() { PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(sub_scope_, platform::errors::InvalidArgument( "The sub_scope should not be nullptr.")); CreateFeedFetchVar(sub_scope_); for (auto *op : inference_program_->Block(0).AllOps()) { if (op->Type() == "feed") { int idx = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("col")); if (feeds_.size() <= static_cast<size_t>(idx)) { feeds_.resize(idx + 1); } feeds_[idx] = op; feed_names_[op->Output("Out")[0]] = idx; idx2feeds_[idx] = op->Output("Out")[0]; } else if (op->Type() == "fetch") { int idx = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("col")); if (fetches_.size() <= static_cast<size_t>(idx)) { fetches_.resize(idx + 1); } fetches_[idx] = op; idx2fetches_[idx] = op->Input("X")[0]; } } }
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