Smith Number


Given a number n, the task is to find out whether this number is a Smith number or not. A Smith number is a composite number whose sum of digits is equal to the sum of digits of its prime factors.

Example 1:

n = 4
The sum of the digits of 4 is 4, and the sum of the digits of its prime factors is 2 + 2 = 4.

Example 2:

n = 378
378 = 21*33*71 is a Smith number since 3+7+8 = 2*1+3*3+7*1.

Your Task:
You don't need to read input or print anything. Your task is to complete the function smithNum() which takes an Integer n as input and returns the answer.

Expected Time Complexity: O(n * log(n))
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(n)

\(1 \le n \le 10^5\)


class Solution:
    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]

    def primeFactors(self, n):
        assert n >= 2
        result = {}
        for i in self.primes:
            while n % i == 0:
                n = n // i
                result[i] = result.get(i, 0) + 1
                if n == 1:
                    return result

        # update primes, only function when `n > self.primes[-1]`
        candidate = self.primes[-1] + 2
        while True:
            if all(candidate % i != 0 for i in self.primes):  # not prime
                while n % candidate == 0:
                    n = n // candidate
                    result[candidate] = result.get(candidate, 0) + 1
                    if n == 1:
                        return result
            candidate += 2

    def smithNum(self, n):
        if n <= 1:
            return 0
        prime_factors = self.primeFactors(n)
        if n in self.primes:
            return 0  # it is a prime, so not smithNum

        sum_digits = lambda k: sum(int(i) for i in str(k))
        v1 = sum_digits(n)
        v2 = sum(v * sum_digits(k) for k, v in prime_factors.items())
        return int(v1 == v2)



import numpy as np

class Solution:
    def __init__(self):
        # initial primes
        self.primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
        self.last_num = self.primes[-1]

    def primeFactors(self, n):
        result = {}
        if n <= 1:
            return result

        # try to simplify n with known primes
        for i in self.primes:
            while n % i == 0:
                n = n // i
                result[i] = result.get(i, 0) + 1
                if n == 1:
                    return result

        # update primes ranging from start to n
        start = self.last_num + 1
        candidates = np.ones(n + 1)  # 0 to n
        for p in self.primes:
            k = int(np.ceil(start / p) * p)
            while k < candidates.size:
                candidates[k] = 0
                k += p
        new_primes = []
        for idx, v in enumerate(candidates[start:]):
            if v:
                p = idx + start
                k = 2 * p
                while k < candidates.size:
                    candidates[k] = 0
                    k += p
        self.last_num = n

        # using new primes to simplify n
        for i in new_primes:
            while n % i == 0:
                n = n // i
                result[i] = result.get(i, 0) + 1
                if n == 1:
                    return result

    def smithNum(self, n):
        if n <= 1:
            return 0
        prime_factors = self.primeFactors(n)
        if n in self.primes:
            return 0  # it is a prime, so not smithNum

        sum_digits = lambda k: sum(int(i) for i in str(k))
        v1 = sum_digits(n)
        v2 = sum(v * sum_digits(k) for k, v in prime_factors.items())
        return int(v1 == v2)



下面是根据答案改出来的可以提交的代码(默默吐槽一下,根本不是 Python 的代码风格……)。

import math

MAX  = 10000
primes = []

# utility function for sieve of sundaram
def sieveSundaram():
    #In general Sieve of Sundaram, produces primes smaller
    # than (2*x + 2) for a number given number x. Since
    # we want primes smaller than MAX, we reduce MAX to half
    # This array is used to separate numbers of the form
    # i+j+2ij from others where 1 <= i <= j
    marked  = [0] * int((MAX/2)+100)
    # Main logic of Sundaram. Mark all numbers which
    # do not generate prime number by doing 2*i+1
    i = 1
    while i <= ((math.sqrt (MAX)-1)/2) :
        j = (i* (i+1)) << 1
        while j <= MAX/2 :
            marked[j] = 1
            j = j+ 2 * i + 1
        i = i + 1
    # Since 2 is a prime number
    primes.append (2)
    # Print other primes. Remaining primes are of the
    # form 2*i + 1 such that marked[i] is false.
    while i <= MAX /2 :
        if marked[i] == 0 :
            primes.append( 2* i + 1)

class Solution:

    def __init__(self):
    def smithNum(self, n):
        original_no = n
        #Find sum the digits of prime factors of n
        pDigitSum = 0;
        while (primes[i] <= n/2 ) :
            while n % primes[i] == 0 :
                #If primes[i] is a prime factor ,
                # add its digits to pDigitSum.
                p = primes[i]
                n = n/p
                while p > 0 :
                    pDigitSum += (p % 10)
                    p = p/10
        # If n!=1 then one prime factor still to be
        # summed up
        if not n == 1 and not n == original_no :
            while n > 0 :
                pDigitSum = pDigitSum + n%10
        # All prime factors digits summed up
        # Now sum the original number digits
        sumDigits = 0
        while original_no > 0 :
            sumDigits = sumDigits + original_no % 10
            original_no = original_no/10
        #If sum of digits in prime factors and sum
        # of digits in original number are same, then
        # return true. Else return false.
        return int(pDigitSum == sumDigits)


Smith Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld
质数(素数)计算器 - 判断一个数是否为质数/素数
素数筛法算法及其原理 - kentle - 博客园

posted @ 2023-12-10 19:25  BuckyI  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报