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Reference and allocate a new memory is diffrent

Posted on 2006-01-11 22:02  天生舞男  阅读(206)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

In C#,
1.Test objTest 
   It is not allocate memory ,It is just a statement.

2.Test objExistedTest = new Test();
   Test objTest = objExistedTest;
   objTest will not allocate memory,It is just pointer the objExistedTest address.
3.If you want allocate a new memory,you can use copy constructor in Test class.
  private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   SortedList slNewSortedList = CreateSortedList();
   SortedList slCopySortedList = new SortedList();
   foreach(string strCopySortedListKey in slNewSortedList.Keys)
    //The slCopySortedList can allocate a new memory.
  public SortedList CreateSortedList()
   SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
   mySL.Add( "1", "The" );
   mySL.Add( "2", "quick" );
   mySL.Add( "3", "brown" );
   mySL.Add( "4", "fox" );
   mySL.Add( "5", "jumped" );
   mySL.Add( "6", "over" );
   mySL.Add( "7", "the" );
   mySL.Add( "8", "lazy" );   
   mySL.Add( "9", "dog" );
   return mySL;
