Install vista with NTFS and volume Convert tip
Posted on 2005-11-24 12:19 天生舞男 阅读(276) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报If you system volume disk is C:
C: is a FAT32 file type,you want to convert NTFS
you can use convert command in cmd.exe like followed :
convert c: /fs:ntfs
and system will tip you to input volume:
you must input "system" not "c:"
and you enter "y" twice
restart you computer
just like that.
There have two methods to setup vista:
1.In Dos to setup
first in use Dos boot to login Dos and then change directory to i386 to setup
do not use the root directory because the "setup" command cannot run in dos
2.In Windows to setup
first the vista setup program is save in you disk.
when you in windows to setup the vista Operating System will backup you current Operation System with a folder name Windwos.old