



结合已有的表观组的数据,如open chromatin,enhancers和transcribed regions,对我们感兴趣的基因组位点进行注释。


(1)检索的速度快;(2)对结果进行排名,找到最相关的query intervals;


(1)快:使用unified index来确定query和已知的注释文件间的overlap;使用B+树的结构来最小化磁盘空间;

(2)rank:使用Monte Carlo(MC)进行模拟;


-log2(P value)和log2(odds ratio)

注:这里的P value和odds ratio是如何得到的?——构建了一个双尾Fisher's 精确性检验的2×2表。

the number of the intervals that ae in both the query and index file solely in the query file
neither the query file nor the indexed file

estimated by the difference between the union of the two sets and

the quotient pf the mean interval size of both sets and the genome size.




git clone https://github.com/ryanlayer/giggle.gitcd giggle/



giggle, v0.6.3
usage:   giggle <command> [options]
         index     Create an index
         search    Search an index








chr3    93470333        93470834        peak350929      2966    .       26.36807        306.13461       296.64355       172
chrKI270466.1   894     1208    peak603579      2942    .       42.38830        301.80423       294.21622       174
chr20   50191112        50192112        peak313970      2609    .       19.62702        268.04147       260.96368       793
chr15   20276358        20276645        peak179139      2510    .       28.56448        257.99652       251.06773       145
chrKI270732.1   1289    1839    peak604004      2480    .       23.20901        254.93692       248.03578       393
chr7    58090994        58091552        peak522566      2306    .       26.20435        237.37437       230.60510       414
chrKI270736.1   172268  172555  peak604062      2285    .       25.23166        235.32509       228.57751       144
chr10   125404964       125405256       peak74441       2266    .       37.07228        233.42575       226.69434       152
chrY    56763383        56763655        peak624507      2174    .       41.71397        224.06732       217.41508       136
chrGL000009.2   200751  201160  peak603104      2121    .       33.73744        218.70740       212.10054       142


a. 删除那些空文件

find . -name "*" -type f -size 0c | xargs -n 1 rm -f


giggle index -i  /home/xxzhang/data/Epigenome/cistrome/human_factor/human_factor/*.bed  -o human_factor_index/ -f

File type not supported '/home/xxzhang/data/Epigenome/cistrome/human_factor/human_factor/1007_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed'.
giggle: Could not open /home/xxzhang/data/Epigenome/cistrome/human_factor/human_factor/1007_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.



b. 使用实例数据运行

wget  https://github.com/brentp/gargs/releases/download/v0.3.9/gargs_linux

chmod +x gargs_linux #给该文件可执行权限

mv gargs_linux gargs

vim ~/.bashrc #配置路径

source ~/.bashrc

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ gargs
gargs 0.3.9
Usage: gargs [--procs PROCS] [--sep SEP] [--nlines NLINES] [--retry RETRY] [--ordered] [--verbose] [--stop-on-error] [--dry-run] [--log LOG] COMMAND

mkdir repeat
curl -s $url | gunzip -c | cut -f 6,7,8,11,12,13 > repeat/rmsk.bed

curl -s $url | gunzip -c | cut -f 2,3,4,17 > repeat/simpleRepeat.bed

curl -s $url | gunzip -c | cut -f 2,3,4 > repeat/microsat.bed

curl -s $url | gunzip -c | cut -f 2,3,4,5 > repeat/genomicSuperDups.bed

curl -s $url | gunzip -c  | cut -f 3,5,6,7,10,11 > repeat/chainSelf.bed

mkdir repeat_sort
giggle/scripts/sort_bed "repeat/*.bed" repeat_sort 4
giggle index -i "repeat_sort/*gz" -o repeat_sort_b -f -s

giggle search -i repeat_sort_b -r 1:200457776-200457776 -f rmsk,simple -v
chr1    200457488   200457811   L2a LINE    L2  repeat_sort/rmsk.bed.gz



#1、curl 这个命令的意思我理解就是向url发送下载文件的请求;该命令后面参数若干,我也记不住;#似乎这种方法并不需要直接下载文件到本地,而是直接处理。又是极简的一种思路了!

#2、gunzip -c 解压缩文件

#3、cut -f 剪切,且剪切时按照fields定位(这里的field我理解的就是空格)。

#4、sort_bed这行代码,直接把文件夹下的bed文件全部排序并压缩了 只是不知道4 这里是什么意思?(查了一下,是线程的意思)

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 repeat]$ /home/xxzhang/workplace/software/giggle/scripts/sort_bed
usage: sort_bed <input path> <output dir> <threads>





注:这个simpleRepeat.bed文件倒是挺有意思的,可以把序列也一起显示出来,或许我也可以这样放到我的那个汇总的gene list文件中。



 c. 使用自己的数据在反馈上述结果的基础上,再进行测试。


/home/xxzhang/workplace/software/giggle/scripts/sort_bed "/home/xxzhang/data/Epigenome/cistrome/human_factor/human_factor/*.bed" human_factor_sort 32

giggle index -i "human_factor_sort/*.gz"  -o human_factor_index -f -s
Indexed 235577307 intervals.

giggle search -i human_factor_index -r 9:2843571-2843877   -v






d. 将人特异性的repeat element的intervals的文件作为输入。



 cat /home/xxzhang/data/Sequencing/multiz_alignment/insertion_backup/repeat_result.txt |awk '{print $1,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8}'>human_specifc_repeat.bed




gzip -9 human_specifc_repeat.bed


(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ giggle search -i human_factor_index -q human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz   -v -o |head
Not a BGZF file 'human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz'
giggle: Error loading query file human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz.



bgzip human_specifc_repeat.bed


giggle search -i human_factor_index -q human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz   -v -o |head









/home/xxzhang/workplace/software/giggle/scripts/sort_bed "/home/xxzhang/workplace/project/giggle_workplace/*.bed" ./ 32



(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ giggle search -i human_factor_index -q human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz   -v -o |head
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ giggle search -i repeat_sort_b -q human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz   -v -o |head



(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ giggle search -i human_factor_index -r 13:24136818-24137129 -v
chr13   24136956        24137184        peak42704       57      .       4.37756 7.61568 5.75469 23      human_factor_sort/85217_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz




(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ giggle search
giggle, v0.6.3
usage:   giggle search -i <index directory> [options]
             -i giggle index directory
             -r <regions (CSV)>
             -q <query file> #这里并没有具体的注释,输入文件的格式。
             -o give reuslts per record in the query file (omits empty results)
             -c give counts by indexed file
             -s give significance by indexed file (requires query file)
             -v give full record results
             -f print results for files that match a pattern (regex CSV)
             -g genome size for significance testing (default 3095677412)
             -l list the files in the index






使用vim的set list指令查看,还是能够发现一些不同的。我发现我自己生生的这个文件中有多余的空格,也许问题就在这个地方。



sed 's/\s\+/\t/g' test.bed >test2.bed #将其中的多个空格,替换为tab键。





bgzip -c test2.bed >test2.bed.gz

time giggle search -i human_factor_index -q test2.bed.gz -v -o |head






(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ sed 's/\s\+/\t/g' human_specifc_repeat.bed >human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ vim human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ bgzip -c human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed >human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed.gz
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ time giggle search -i human_factor_index -q human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed.gz -s > human_specifc_repeat.result

real    0m13.427s
user    0m10.042s
sys     0m0.926s
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ time giggle search -i human_factor_index -q human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed.gz -v -o  > human_specifc_repeat_intervals.result

real    9m0.734s
user    2m4.403s
sys     0m31.394s





(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ rm -R repeat_sort
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ rm -R repeat_sort_b/
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ rm -R repeat
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ rm test*
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ rm GSM1218850_MB135DMMD.peak.*
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ rm human_specifc_repeat.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ rm human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz




(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ mv human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed human_specifc_repeat.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ mv human_specifc_repeat_v2.bed.gz human_specifc_repeat.bed.gz



e. 理解该程序的输出结果。




这里有两个关键的值:odds ratio和fishers two tail的P值;==>我的意思大概是说这个转录因子和我们感兴趣的这个区间,结合的富集的程度;通过这个信息,我们也许会得到比较有意思的结果。(我自己还蛮期待的)




d. 绘制有生物学意义的图(回到文献,看他们那张图能够说明什么,给我们什么启示)。







(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ cp ./

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ sed 's/\s\+/\t/g' hg38_stat_SINE_LINE_LTR_SVA_v2.txt >all_repeat.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ vim all_repeat.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ bgzip -c all_repeat.bed >all_repeat.bed.gz
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ time giggle search -i human_factor_index -q all_repeat.bed.gz -s > all_repeat.result
real    2m49.920s
user    2m26.874s
sys     0m10.522s

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ time giggle search -i human_factor_index -q all_repeat.bed.gz -v -o  > all_repeat_intervals.result #这个文件略大,感觉要跑一会儿#




22:08 代码还是没有跑完,但是提交到服务器上了。


#(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ awk '{print $1,$4}' human_specifc_repeat.result |head >./odds_ratio_plot/human_specific_odds.txt #这里出错了

awk '{print $1,$4}' human_specifc_repeat.result  >./odds_ratio_plot/human_specific_odds.txt

#(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ awk '{print $1,$4}' all_repeat.result |head >./odds_ratio_plot/all_odds.txt

awk '{print $1,$4}' all_repeat.result >./odds_ratio_plot/all_odds.txt

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ cd odds_ratio_plot/

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 odds_ratio_plot]$ sed 's/human_factor_sort\///g' all_odds.txt | sed 's/_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz//g' >all_odds_v3.txt #通道真好用,可以去掉一些东西#又是一个极简的思路

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 odds_ratio_plot]$ sed 's/human_factor_sort\///g' human_specific_odds.txt  | sed 's/_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz//g' >human_specific_odds_v3.txt #极简是最优雅的一条解决方案

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 odds_ratio_plot]$ R

R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> all_data<-read.table("all_odds_v3.txt")
> human_specific<-read.table("human_specific_odds_v3.txt")
> colnames(all_data)<-c("TF","odds_all")
> colnames(human_specific)<-c("TF","odds_Hs")
> merge_data<-merge(all_data,human_specific)
> head(merge_data)
    TF   odds_all    odds_Hs
1 1006 0.47956931 0.13710985
2 1007 0.19325949 0.12020182
3 1009 0.02118476 0.83990674
4 1010 0.60468109 0.13898023
5 1011 0.23594378 0.04056846
6 1012 0.26688225 0.12174564

> write.table(merge_data,"odds.txt",quote=F,row.names=F)


> qc_data<-read.table("human_factor_full_QC.txt",sep="\t",fill=T,header=T,na.strings="",comment.char="#",quote="")
> head(qc_data)
  DCid      Species     GSMID Factor Cell_line    Cell_type Tissue_type FastQC
1    1 Homo sapiens GSM448026  BTAF1      HeLa   Epithelium      Cervix      9
2    2 Homo sapiens GSM448027  GAPDH      HeLa   Epithelium      Cervix      9
3    4 Homo sapiens GSM540707   EGR1      K562 Erythroblast Bone Marrow      9
4    6 Homo sapiens GSM460127   TCF4    LS174T   Epithelium       Colon      9
5    8 Homo sapiens GSM460125   TCF4    LS174T   Epithelium       Colon      9
6    9 Homo sapiens GSM460124   TCF4    LS174T   Epithelium       Colon      9
  UniquelyMappedRatio   PBC PeaksFoldChangeAbove10        FRiP
1              0.0502 0.880                    406 0.094809301
2              0.0274 0.931                    248 0.175196234
3              0.0845 0.893                    500 0.036462381
4              0.0007 0.819                      7 0.021363742
5              0.0583 0.346                     22 0.004400244
6              0.1380 0.372                   1043 0.050072836
1          0.3523726
2          0.2470817
3          0.5229698
4          0.3333333
5          0.5102041
6          0.8650915
> odds<-read.table("odds.txt")
> head(odds)
  V1                V2                V3
1 TF          odds_all           odds_Hs
2  1  2.43309999969923  3.91180734283374
3  2  32.2100357010977  4.55942577377889
4  4 0.304161474441714 0.560265117134011
5  6  2.81268582755203  13.2220390009941
6  8   25.958534422235  10.8848430321593
> odds<-read.table("odds.txt",header=T)
> head(odds)
  TF   odds_all    odds_Hs
1  1  2.4331000  3.9118073
2  2 32.2100357  4.5594258
3  4  0.3041615  0.5602651
4  6  2.8126858 13.2220390
5  8 25.9585344 10.8848430
6  9  0.3630817  0.3967151
> colnames(odds)[1]
[1] "TF"
> colnames(odds)[1]<-"DCid"
> merge_data<-merge(qc_data,odds)
> head(merge_data)
  DCid      Species     GSMID Factor Cell_line    Cell_type Tissue_type FastQC
1    1 Homo sapiens GSM448026  BTAF1      HeLa   Epithelium      Cervix      9
2    2 Homo sapiens GSM448027  GAPDH      HeLa   Epithelium      Cervix      9
3    4 Homo sapiens GSM540707   EGR1      K562 Erythroblast Bone Marrow      9
4    6 Homo sapiens GSM460127   TCF4    LS174T   Epithelium       Colon      9
5    8 Homo sapiens GSM460125   TCF4    LS174T   Epithelium       Colon      9
6    9 Homo sapiens GSM460124   TCF4    LS174T   Epithelium       Colon      9
  UniquelyMappedRatio   PBC PeaksFoldChangeAbove10        FRiP
1              0.0502 0.880                    406 0.094809301
2              0.0274 0.931                    248 0.175196234
3              0.0845 0.893                    500 0.036462381
4              0.0007 0.819                      7 0.021363742
5              0.0583 0.346                     22 0.004400244
6              0.1380 0.372                   1043 0.050072836
  PeaksUnionDHSRatio   odds_all    odds_Hs
1          0.3523726  2.4331000  3.9118073
2          0.2470817 32.2100357  4.5594258
3          0.5229698  0.3041615  0.5602651
4          0.3333333  2.8126858 13.2220390
5          0.5102041 25.9585344 10.8848430
6          0.8650915  0.3630817  0.3967151
> subData<-merge_data[,c(1,4,6,7,14,15)]
> head(subData)
  DCid Factor    Cell_type Tissue_type   odds_all    odds_Hs
1    1  BTAF1   Epithelium      Cervix  2.4331000  3.9118073
2    2  GAPDH   Epithelium      Cervix 32.2100357  4.5594258
3    4   EGR1 Erythroblast Bone Marrow  0.3041615  0.5602651
4    6   TCF4   Epithelium       Colon  2.8126858 13.2220390
5    8   TCF4   Epithelium       Colon 25.9585344 10.8848430
6    9   TCF4   Epithelium       Colon  0.3630817  0.3967151

> write.table(subData,"metadata.txt",quote=F,row.names=F,sep="\t")



(还有就是继续看文献,整理gene list的数据)

2022.07.22  14:10 在想是怎么回事

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ grep "73092" human_specifc_repeat.result
human_factor_sort/73092_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz    5       4       335.87713655578017      1.481888494486196e-08   0.99999999997797281     1.481888494486196e

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ grep "73092" all_repeat.result
human_factor_sort/73092_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz    5       5       1.5065803663953232e-06  1       1       1       -0

看注释文件上写得是,这边第二列指的是file size,而第三列是overlaps;我原以为指的是有多少片段是位于我们要搜寻的序列中,但是为啥一个是4,一个是5,它的odds_ratio相差那么大呢?因此,肯定是我理解的不太对。


(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ cat human_specifc_repeat.bed |sort |uniq -c |awk '$1>1'
      2 chr10   54757277        54757580        AluYg6  Alu     SINE
      2 chr1    107922671       107922978       AluYh3  Alu     SINE
      2 chr11   110974095       110974409       AluYb8  Alu     SINE
      2 chr11   122510721       122511034       L1PA2   L1      LINE
      2 chr11   16466649        16466954        AluYa5  Alu     SINE
      2 chr11   20650656        20650965        AluY    Alu     SINE
      2 chr1    144924459       144924754       AluYc   Alu     SINE
      2 chr1    156327262       156328873       SVA_D   SVA     SVA
      2 chr1    161959403       161959694       AluYa5  Alu     SINE
      2 chr1    184309605       184309913       AluYa5  Alu     SINE



(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ mkdir new_trial
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ cat human_specifc_repeat.bed |sort |uniq >./new_trial/human_specific_repeat_uniq.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ cd new_trial/
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 new_trial]$ vim human_specific_repeat_uniq.bed
(base) [xxzhang@mu02 new_trial]$ bgzip -c human_specific_repeat_uniq.bed >human_specific_repeat_uniq.bed.gz

(base) [xxzhang@mu02 new_trial]$  time giggle search -i ../human_factor_index -q human_specific_repeat_uniq.bed.gz -s > human_specifc_repeat_uniq.result

real    0m32.606s
user    0m9.975s
sys     0m1.091s


(base) [xxzhang@mu02 giggle_workplace]$ grep '73092_sort_peaks' all_repeat_intervals.result
chr20   26080324        26080900        peak2   130     .       11.02002        19.28667        13.03425        286     human_factor_sort/73092_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz
chr20   26080324        26080900        peak2   130     .       11.02002        19.28667        13.03425        286     human_factor_sort/73092_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz
chr20   35975051        35975475        peak3   258     .       15.12442        33.05297        25.81777        219     human_factor_sort/73092_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz
chr20   35975051        35975475        peak3   258     .       15.12442        33.05297        25.81777        219     human_factor_sort/73092_sort_peaks.narrowPeak.bed.gz






参考文献:[1] Layer RM, Pedersen BS, DiSera T, Marth GT, Gertz J, Quinlan AR. GIGGLE: a search engine for large-scale integrated genome analysis. Nat Methods. 2018 Feb;15(2):123-126.

                    [2] https://github.com/ryanlayer/giggle


posted on 2022-07-22 20:49  孟灵己  阅读(175)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报