
到新公司接手了别人的Kettle ETL作业。

发现每次启动 Kettle ,日志中都会出现下面的错误,虽然不影响运行结果,但是看着不爽:

18:41:15,327 INFO  [KarafInstance] 
*** Karaf Instance Number: 2 at /server/software/pdi-ce- ***
***   tegration/./system/karaf/caches/default/data-18                       ***
*** Karaf Port:8803                                                         ***
*** OSGI Service Port:9052                                                  ***
18:41:15,328 INFO  [KarafBoot] Checking to see if org.pentaho.clean.karaf.cache is enabled
六月 08, 2018 6:41:16 下午 org.apache.karaf.main.Main$KarafLockCallback lockAquired
信息: Lock acquired. Setting startlevel to 100
2018/06/08 18:41:16 - Kitchen - Start of run.
2018/06/08 18:41:16 - RepositoriesMeta - Reading repositories XML file: /home/John.Liu/.kettle/repositories.xml
2018/06/08 18:41:17 - cfgbuilder - Warning: The configuration parameter [org] is not supported by the default configuration builder for scheme: sftp
18:41:17,808 ERROR [BootFeaturesInstaller] Error Boot feature pdi-dataservice not found
18:41:17,808 ERROR [BootFeaturesInstaller] Error Boot feature pentaho-client not found
18:41:17,808 ERROR [BootFeaturesInstaller] Error Boot feature pentaho-metaverse not found
18:41:17,808 ERROR [BootFeaturesInstaller] Error Boot feature pdi-data-refinery not found
18:41:17,808 ERROR [BootFeaturesInstaller] Error Boot feature config not found
六月 08, 2018 6:41:18 下午 org.pentaho.caching.impl.PentahoCacheManagerFactory$RegistrationHandler$1 onSuccess

 解决方法(公司使用的是 6.1 版本,其他版本没用过):




然后删除 <pdi_home>/system/karaf/caches目录


posted @ 2018-06-08 18:59  像我这种两三⑩岁的人  阅读(3852)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报