
(转)《算法艺术与信息学竞赛》题目- 提交方式对照表

摘要: idtitlehow2submitsourcepage1盒子里的气球82图书馆ural118893钓鱼uva757pas134照亮的山景135镜子盒156折纸痕uva177pas197三色多边形ural1181208聪明的学生209丢失的数2310月亮之眼2811Yanghee的数表2912原子链3113铁轨uva514c3614小球钟——时间与运动uva239*3815笑脸acmpj.zstu.edu.cn/JudgeOnline/ 25274016猜猜我想说什么4417勇士Ilya的故事ural10885018蚂蚁和瓢虫http://www.acm.cs.ecnu.edu.cn/ 1340 阅读全文

posted @ 2013-03-10 21:21 仗剑奔走天涯 阅读(521) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

SGU101 - 200分类

摘要: 101 Domino 欧拉路102 Coprime 枚举/数学方法103 Traffic Lights 最短路104 Little Shop of Flowers 动态规划105 Div 3 找规律106 The Equation 扩展欧几里德107 987654321 Problem 找规律108 Self-numbers II 枚举+筛法递推109 Magic of David Copperfield II 构造110 Dungeon 计算几何+模拟111 Very Simple Problem 模拟笔算开方112 a^b-b^a 高精度113 Nearly Prime Numbers 判 阅读全文

posted @ 2013-03-10 01:49 仗剑奔走天涯 阅读(255) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

UVA10905 - Children's Game

摘要: 4thIIUCInter-UniversityProgramming Contest, 2005AChildren’s GameInput: standard inputOutput: standard outputProblemsetter:Md.KamruzzamanThere are lots of number games for children. These games are pretty easy to play but not so easy to make. We will discuss about an interesting game here. Each playe 阅读全文

posted @ 2013-03-10 01:29 仗剑奔走天涯 阅读(224) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
