
F.S.为Full Scale,即bai满量程输出。满量程输出是指传du感器的被测量达zhi到最大值时,dao传感器对应zhuan的输出值。




1、LSB的意思是:全称为baiLeast Significant Bit,在二进制数中意为最低有效位,一般来说,MSB位于二进制数的最左侧,LSB位于二进制数的最右zhuan侧。

2、MSB的意思是:全称为Most Significant Bit,在二进制数中属于最高有效位,MSB是最高加权位,与十进制数字中最左边的一位类似。


State of charge (SoC) is the level of charge of an electric battery relative to its capacity. The units of SoC are percentage points (0% = empty; 100% = full).

voltage :

This method converts a reading of the battery voltage to SoC, using the known discharge curve (voltage vs. SoC) of the battery. However, the voltage is more significantly affected by the battery current (due to the battery's electrochemical kinetics) and temperature. This method can be made more accurate by compensating the voltage reading by a correction term proportional to the battery current, and by using a look-up table of battery's open circuit voltage vs. temperature.

In fact, it is a stated goal of battery design to provide a voltage as constant as possible no matter the SoC, which makes this method difficult to apply. 

posted on 2020-12-06 19:01  荷树栋  阅读(306)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
