
WPF程序的生命周期由 Application 类控制。Application 类是WPF程序中的核心类,它负责管理整个应用程序的启动、运行和关闭。理解WPF应用程序的生命周期对于开发高效且可维护的WPF应用非常重要。以下是详细讲解WPF程序中 Application 的生命周期。

1. 启动阶段

WPF应用程序的启动由 App.xaml 文件中的 Application 类控制。App.xaml 文件中定义了应用程序的资源、事件处理程序等。应用程序的启动过程通常分为以下几个阶段:

(1) App.xaml 被加载

在WPF应用程序启动时,App.xaml 文件会被加载。这个文件包含了应用程序的基础配置和资源。在 App.xaml 中,可以定义全局的资源字典、样式、主题等资源。

<Application x:Class="WpfApp1.App"
  • x:Class 属性指定了 Application 类的完全限定名。
  • StartupUri 属性指定了应用程序启动时加载的窗口(例如,MainWindow.xaml)。

(2) App 类的初始化

App.xaml 会通过自动生成的 App.xaml.cs 类进行初始化。App 类会创建并启动一个 Application 实例。你可以在 App.xaml.cs 中的构造函数或 OnStartup 方法中执行一些初始化逻辑。

public partial class App : Application
    public App()
        // 这里可以执行一些初始化操作

2. 启动阶段(Startup 事件)

App.xaml 中指定了 StartupUri 后,应用程序启动时,会触发 Startup 事件。Startup 事件是程序启动的一个重要时刻,通常可以在这个阶段执行一些应用程序级别的初始化代码。

public partial class App : Application
    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
        // 你可以在这里添加应用程序的初始化代码
        // 比如,设置主窗口,启动必要的服务等
        MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow();
  • StartupEventArgs 中包含了启动参数(如果有的话)。
  • OnStartup 方法中,我们可以做很多事情,比如配置服务、设置主窗口、加载配置文件等。最重要的是,我们在这里通常会创建并显示主窗口。

3. 主窗口的显示

OnStartup 方法中,我们可以显式地创建主窗口并显示它。通常,MainWindow.xaml 文件会自动被指定为应用程序的主窗口,但你也可以在代码中手动创建并显示它。

MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow();
  • Show() 方法用于显示窗口。窗口显示后,用户可以与应用程序进行交互。

4. 运行阶段(Run 方法)

OnStartup 方法中,Application 对象的 Run 方法会被调用,这意味着应用程序进入了运行状态,开始处理消息循环。此时,应用程序将进入一个消息循环,等待用户输入和事件。

this.Run();  // 运行消息循环
  • Run() 方法的调用意味着应用程序开始接收和处理事件,直到应用程序退出。
  • Application.Run() 是WPF程序的核心方法,它启动了事件处理循环,并且直到应用程序退出前,事件循环会一直运行。

5. 关闭阶段(Exit 事件)

应用程序结束时,WPF会触发 Exit 事件。此时,应用程序已经完全关闭,所有窗口和资源已经释放。你可以在 Exit 事件中执行一些资源清理的操作。

public partial class App : Application
    protected override void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e)
        // 执行关闭前的清理操作,比如保存应用状态,释放资源等
  • ExitEventArgs 中包含了退出时的退出代码,通常是退出的原因或者状态代码。

6. 生命周期的各个重要事件

WPF的 Application 类提供了多个事件,允许开发者在应用程序的不同生命周期阶段插入自定义逻辑:

  • Startup 事件:在应用程序启动时触发。在这里可以处理启动时的逻辑。
  • Activated 事件:在应用程序窗口被激活时触发。每次窗口被激活时都会触发。
  • Deactivated 事件:当应用程序窗口失去焦点时触发。通常用于暂停某些操作或更新状态。
  • Exit 事件:在应用程序退出时触发。用于资源清理等操作。

7. 退出阶段

退出阶段是应用程序生命周期的最后一个阶段。在这个阶段,WPF会销毁所有窗口并清理资源。一旦所有窗口关闭,Application.Run() 会返回,应用程序正式退出。


调用 Shutdown() 方法会触发 Exit 事件并关闭应用程序。

8. Application的生命周期总结

  1. 加载App.xaml:系统加载应用程序配置和资源。
  2. 调用OnStartup:应用程序开始启动,执行初始化代码,创建并显示主窗口。
  3. 调用Run:应用程序进入消息循环,等待事件并响应用户交互。
  4. 调用OnExit:在应用程序退出时,执行清理操作。


WPF应用程序的生命周期由 Application 类控制,涉及到多个重要的阶段:启动阶段、运行阶段、关闭阶段。Application 类为我们提供了丰富的事件和方法,可以用来管理和控制应用程序的各个生命周期阶段。理解这一生命周期对于有效管理WPF应用程序的状态、资源和用户交互非常关键。


#region 程序集 PresentationFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
// C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App.Ref\8.0.11\ref\net8.0\PresentationFramework.dll

using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Resources;
using System.Windows.Threading;

namespace System.Windows
    // 摘要:
    //     Encapsulates a Windows Presentation Foundation application.
    public class Application : DispatcherObject, IQueryAmbient
        // 摘要:
        //     Initializes a new instance of the System.Windows.Application class.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.InvalidOperationException:
        //     More than one instance of the System.Windows.Application class is created per
        //     System.AppDomain.
        public Application();

        // 摘要:
        //     Gets or sets the System.Reflection.Assembly that provides the pack uniform resource
        //     identifiers (URIs) for resources in a WPF application.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A reference to the System.Reflection.Assembly that provides the pack uniform
        //     resource identifiers (URIs) for resources in a WPF application.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.InvalidOperationException:
        //     A WPF application has an entry assembly, or System.Windows.Application.ResourceAssembly
        //     has already been set.
        public static Assembly ResourceAssembly { get; set; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets the System.Windows.Application object for the current System.AppDomain.
        // 返回结果:
        //     The System.Windows.Application object for the current System.AppDomain.
        public static Application Current { get; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets or sets the main window of the application.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Windows.Window that is designated as the main application window.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.InvalidOperationException:
        //     System.Windows.Application.MainWindow is set from an application that's hosted
        //     in a browser, such as an XAML browser applications (XBAPs).
        public Window MainWindow { get; set; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets a collection of application-scope properties.
        // 返回结果:
        //     An System.Collections.IDictionary that contains the application-scope properties.
        public IDictionary Properties { get; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets or sets a collection of application-scope resources, such as styles and
        //     brushes.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Windows.ResourceDictionary object that contains zero or more application-scope
        //     resources.
        public ResourceDictionary Resources { get; set; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets or sets the condition that causes the System.Windows.Application.Shutdown
        //     method to be called.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Windows.ShutdownMode enumeration value. The default value is System.Windows.ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose.
        public ShutdownMode ShutdownMode { get; set; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets or sets a UI that is automatically shown when an application starts.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Uri that refers to the UI that automatically opens when an application
        //     starts.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ArgumentNullException:
        //     System.Windows.Application.StartupUri is set with a value of null.
        public Uri StartupUri { get; set; }
        // 摘要:
        //     Gets the instantiated windows in an application.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Windows.WindowCollection that contains references to all window objects
        //     in the current System.AppDomain.
        public WindowCollection Windows { get; }

        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when an application becomes the foreground application.
        public event EventHandler Activated;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when an application stops being the foreground application.
        public event EventHandler Deactivated;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs just before an application shuts down and cannot be canceled.
        public event ExitEventHandler Exit;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when a navigator in the application begins navigation to a content fragment,
        //     Navigation occurs immediately if the desired fragment is in the current content,
        //     or after the source XAML content has been loaded if the desired fragment is in
        //     different content.
        public event FragmentNavigationEventHandler FragmentNavigation;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when content that was navigated to by a navigator in the application has
        //     been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering.
        public event LoadCompletedEventHandler LoadCompleted;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when the content that is being navigated to by a navigator in the application
        //     has been found, although it may not have completed loading.
        public event NavigatedEventHandler Navigated;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when a new navigation is requested by a navigator in the application.
        public event NavigatingCancelEventHandler Navigating;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when an error occurs while a navigator in the application is navigating
        //     to the requested content.
        public event NavigationFailedEventHandler NavigationFailed;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs periodically during a download that is being managed by a navigator in
        //     the application to provide navigation progress information.
        public event NavigationProgressEventHandler NavigationProgress;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when the StopLoading method of a navigator in the application is called,
        //     or when a new navigation is requested by a navigator while a current navigation
        //     is in progress.
        public event NavigationStoppedEventHandler NavigationStopped;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when an exception is thrown by an application but not handled.
        public event DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventHandler DispatcherUnhandledException;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when the user ends the Windows session by logging off or shutting down
        //     the operating system.
        public event SessionEndingCancelEventHandler SessionEnding;
        // 摘要:
        //     Occurs when the System.Windows.Application.Run method of the System.Windows.Application
        //     object is called.
        public event StartupEventHandler Startup;

        // 摘要:
        //     Returns a resource stream for a content data file that is located at the specified
        //     System.Uri (see WPF Application Resource, Content, and Data Files).
        // 参数:
        //   uriContent:
        //     The relative System.Uri that maps to a loose resource.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Windows.Resources.StreamResourceInfo that contains a content data file
        //     that is located at the specified System.Uri. If a loose resource is not found,
        //     null is returned.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ArgumentNullException:
        //     The System.Uri that is passed to System.Windows.Application.GetContentStream(System.Uri)
        //     is null.
        //   T:System.ArgumentException:
        //     The System.Uri that is passed to System.Windows.Application.GetContentStream(System.Uri)
        //     is an absolute System.Uri.
        public static StreamResourceInfo GetContentStream(Uri uriContent);
        // 摘要:
        //     Retrieves a cookie for the location specified by a System.Uri.
        // 参数:
        //   uri:
        //     The System.Uri that specifies the location for which a cookie was created.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.String value, if the cookie exists; otherwise, a System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception
        //     is thrown.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception:
        //     A Win32 error is raised by the InternetGetCookie function (called by System.Windows.Application.GetCookie(System.Uri))
        //     if a problem occurs when attempting to retrieve the specified cookie.
        public static string GetCookie(Uri uri);
        // 摘要:
        //     Returns a resource stream for a site-of-origin data file that is located at the
        //     specified System.Uri (see WPF Application Resource, Content, and Data Files).
        // 参数:
        //   uriRemote:
        //     The System.Uri that maps to a loose resource at the site of origin.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Windows.Resources.StreamResourceInfo that contains a resource stream
        //     for a site-of-origin data file that is located at the specified System.Uri. If
        //     the loose resource is not found, null is returned.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ArgumentNullException:
        //     The System.Uri that is passed to System.Windows.Application.GetRemoteStream(System.Uri)
        //     is null.
        //   T:System.ArgumentException:
        //     The System.Uri that is passed to System.Windows.Application.GetRemoteStream(System.Uri)
        //     is either not relative, or is absolute but not in the pack://siteoforigin:,,,/
        //     form.
        public static StreamResourceInfo GetRemoteStream(Uri uriRemote);
        // 摘要:
        //     Returns a resource stream for a resource data file that is located at the specified
        //     System.Uri (see WPF Application Resource, Content, and Data Files).
        // 参数:
        //   uriResource:
        //     The System.Uri that maps to an embedded resource.
        // 返回结果:
        //     A System.Windows.Resources.StreamResourceInfo that contains a resource stream
        //     for resource data file that is located at the specified System.Uri.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ArgumentNullException:
        //     The System.Uri that is passed to System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(System.Uri)
        //     is null.
        //   T:System.ArgumentException:
        //     The System.Uri that is passed to System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(System.Uri)
        //     is either not relative, or is absolute but not in the pack://application:,,,/
        //     form.
        //   T:System.IO.IOException:
        //     The System.Uri that is passed to System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(System.Uri)
        //     cannot be found.
        public static StreamResourceInfo GetResourceStream(Uri uriResource);
        // 摘要:
        //     Loads a XAML file that is located at the specified uniform resource identifier
        //     (URI) and converts it to an instance of the object that is specified by the root
        //     element of the XAML file.
        // 参数:
        //   component:
        //     An object of the same type as the root element of the XAML file.
        //   resourceLocator:
        //     A System.Uri that maps to a relative XAML file.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ArgumentNullException:
        //     resourceLocator is null.
        //   T:System.ArgumentException:
        //     The resourceLocator is an absolute URI.
        //   T:System.Exception:
        //     component is of a type that does not match the root element of the XAML file.
        public static void LoadComponent(object component, Uri resourceLocator);
        // 摘要:
        //     Loads a XAML file that is located at the specified uniform resource identifier
        //     (URI), and converts it to an instance of the object that is specified by the
        //     root element of the XAML file.
        // 参数:
        //   resourceLocator:
        //     A System.Uri that maps to a relative XAML file.
        // 返回结果:
        //     An instance of the root element specified by the XAML file loaded.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ArgumentNullException:
        //     resourceLocator is null.
        //   T:System.ArgumentException:
        //     The resourceLocator is an absolute URI.
        //   T:System.Exception:
        //     The file is not a XAML file.
        public static object LoadComponent(Uri resourceLocator);
        // 摘要:
        //     Creates a cookie for the location specified by a System.Uri.
        // 参数:
        //   uri:
        //     The System.Uri that specifies the location for which the cookie should be created.
        //   value:
        //     The System.String that contains the cookie data.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception:
        //     A Win32 error is raised by the InternetSetCookie function (called by System.Windows.Application.SetCookie(System.Uri,System.String))
        //     if a problem occurs when attempting to create the specified cookie.
        public static void SetCookie(Uri uri, string value);
        // 摘要:
        //     Searches for a user interface (UI) resource, such as a System.Windows.Style or
        //     System.Windows.Media.Brush, with the specified key, and throws an exception if
        //     the requested resource is not found (see XAML Resources).
        // 参数:
        //   resourceKey:
        //     The name of the resource to find.
        // 返回结果:
        //     The requested resource object. If the requested resource is not found, a System.Windows.ResourceReferenceKeyNotFoundException
        //     is thrown.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.Windows.ResourceReferenceKeyNotFoundException:
        //     The resource cannot be found.
        public object FindResource(object resourceKey);
        // 摘要:
        //     Starts a Windows Presentation Foundation application.
        // 返回结果:
        //     The System.Int32 application exit code that is returned to the operating system
        //     when the application shuts down. By default, the exit code value is 0.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.InvalidOperationException:
        //     System.Windows.Application.Run is called from a browser-hosted application (for
        //     example, an XAML browser application (XBAP)).
        public int Run();
        // 摘要:
        //     Starts a Windows Presentation Foundation application and opens the specified
        //     window.
        // 参数:
        //   window:
        //     A System.Windows.Window that opens automatically when an application starts.
        // 返回结果:
        //     The System.Int32 application exit code that is returned to the operating system
        //     when the application shuts down. By default, the exit code value is 0.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.InvalidOperationException:
        //     System.Windows.Application.Run is called from a browser-hosted application (for
        //     example, an XAML browser application (XBAP)).
        public int Run(Window window);
        // 摘要:
        //     Shuts down an application.
        public void Shutdown();
        // 摘要:
        //     Shuts down an application that returns the specified exit code to the operating
        //     system.
        // 参数:
        //   exitCode:
        //     An integer exit code for an application. The default exit code is 0.
        public void Shutdown(int exitCode);
        // 摘要:
        //     Searches for the specified resource.
        // 参数:
        //   resourceKey:
        //     The name of the resource to find.
        // 返回结果:
        //     The requested resource object. If the requested resource is not found, a null
        //     reference is returned.
        public object TryFindResource(object resourceKey);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.Activated event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     An System.EventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnActivated(EventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.Deactivated event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     An System.EventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnDeactivated(EventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.Exit event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     An System.Windows.ExitEventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.FragmentNavigation event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.Navigation.FragmentNavigationEventArgs that contains the event
        //     data.
        protected virtual void OnFragmentNavigation(FragmentNavigationEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.LoadCompleted event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnLoadCompleted(NavigationEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.Navigated event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnNavigated(NavigationEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.Navigating event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs that contains the event
        //     data.
        protected virtual void OnNavigating(NavigatingCancelEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.NavigationFailed event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationFailedEventArgs that contains the event
        //     data.
        protected virtual void OnNavigationFailed(NavigationFailedEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.NavigationProgress event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationProgressEventArgs that contains the event
        //     data.
        protected virtual void OnNavigationProgress(NavigationProgressEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.NavigationStopped event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnNavigationStopped(NavigationEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.SessionEnding event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.SessionEndingCancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnSessionEnding(SessionEndingCancelEventArgs e);
        // 摘要:
        //     Raises the System.Windows.Application.Startup event.
        // 参数:
        //   e:
        //     A System.Windows.StartupEventArgs that contains the event data.
        protected virtual void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e);
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