

The Product-Minded Software Engineer


curiosity, keen interest, as keen as mustard(wasabi), why (not) do, ship the milestone, autonomous,turn to, manage to, conmunicator

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. It's necessary to keep a keen interst in English. I give you the opportunity as you love learning as keen as mustard. Why not keep going in your direction? I believe you will ship the milestone after two months. They are autonomous in finding ways to get things done rather than turn to their teacher at the beginning. So they are willing to manage to finsh the project. They are smooth communicator, and they can make it clear what they are curious about by talking with others.


take time, empathy,sympathy,thin air,dive, fit in with,metrics

When thinking how to learn English, the first thing I think of is practice. This is what I am doing now. To be honesty, it takes too much time to write an essay with the words I learn today.But I think it's worthy. Because I think proficient English skill does't come out of thin air. It's sympathetic to know other students are going to give up leanring English. But I am empathetic about how they feel. English learning needs learners take a deep dive into practice including listening, speaking, reading,writing etc. Almost people can't fit in with the long-term learning. To encourage ourselves, we need make study metrics.Come on, you are the best.


proactive, take initiative, settle for,specification(spec), jump to, approach, bribe, proficient

I want to be a proactive person, who takes initiative depite the contitions he is in. As a product-minded sofeware engineer, I don't settle for specifcations from product managers. I would like to approach them with my oppions.I don't want to jump to others' ideas without independent thinking. I hope that I will be proficient in English and can wirte paper in English. Because I don't have to approach my mentor with bribes to let me pass.

posted @ 2022-04-19 12:10  小羊Ziyan  阅读(47)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报