Now we know a lot about him. Still, somebody doesn't. here's where it's from


Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #1: Prefers Plays

Many Alan Rickman fans often wonder why Alan Rickman hasn't been in more movies. The fact is, he actually prefers plays. He has actually turned down leading roles because he'd rather do something more artistic.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #2: Has a Speech Impediment

If you were to ask a female Alan Rickman fan what they loved about him, they would say his voice. Alan Rickman's voice is almost orgasmic. But, the fact is, Alan Rickman has a speech impediment to thank for his current voice. When he was younger his jaw was actually tight, which led to the way he talks now.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #3: In a Long-Term Relationship

No, Alan Rickman is not married, but he has been in a relationship for over the past forty years. Yes, 40 years! He met his long-term girlfriend while in acting school. Many fans wonder why he hasn't gotten married to his long-term girlfriend, but there have been few interview in which he speaks of her.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #4: Works Hard for Charities

Alan Rickman is very passionate about helping people. He is always donating to charity and working to get more donations for certain charities. He has appeared in commercials that have helped certain causes and he has even posed for a poster that promotes reading.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #5: Has Very Few Leading Roles

Alan Rickman fans are a little bummed that he has so few leading roles. He mostly plays supporting characters and sometimes he's not even seen at all, as is the case in The Hitchhiker's Guide where he plays the robot Marvin.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #6: Became Popular in American after Die Hard

Alan Rickman has been acting for years, but it wasn't until 1988 that Americans discovered him. In 1988, he appeared as Hans Gruber in Die Hard and Americans immediately feel in love with him. People also discovered that he could do more than British accent. In Die Hard he not only plays a German character, but pulls off an amazing American accent as well.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #7: Does a Great Job with American Accents

Alan Rickman can pull off any accent imaginable. Throughout the years, he has pulled off a German accent, an all American accent, and even a Southern accent. His best voice work can be heard in the movie Something the Lord Made where he pulls off a beautiful 1940s Tennessee accent.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #8: Plays a Villain in Most of His Movies

It's rare to see Alan Rickman play a good guy. But, why should he be good when he's so good at being bad? He's a villain that you just can't help but love. A couple of examples include his characters Snape and the Sheriff of Nottingham. 

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #9: Full Name and Birthday

Alan Sydney Patrick Rickman born February 21, 1946.

Little Known Facts about Alan Rickman #10: Wanted to Be a Graphic Artist

Alan Rickman wasn't always interested in being an actor. In fact, he originally wanted to be a graphic artist. Thankfully, he changed his mind.