L2R 二:常用评价指标之AUC
# coding=utf-8 # auc值的大小可以理解为: 随机抽一个正样本和一个负样本,正样本预测值比负样本大的概率 # 根据这个定义,我们可以自己实现计算auc from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc, roc_auc_score import random import time import sys import codecs import numpy as np def timeit(func): """ 装饰器,计算函数执行时间 """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): time_start = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) time_end = time.time() exec_time = time_end - time_start print("{function} exec time: {time}s".format(function=func.__name__, time=exec_time)) return result return wrapper def gen_label_pred(n_sample): """ 随机生成n个样本的标签和预测值 """ labels = [random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(n_sample)] preds = [random.random() for _ in range(n_sample)] return labels, preds def load_label_pred(label_file): with codecs.open(label_file, "r", "utf-8") as f: labels = np.array([float(l.strip().split("\t")[0]) for l in f.readlines()]) with codecs.open(label_file, "r", "utf-8") as f: preds = np.array([float(l.strip().split("\t")[1]) for l in f.readlines()]) return labels, preds @timeit def sklearn_auc_api(labels, preds): """ 直接调用sklearn包中的结果 """ auc = roc_auc_score(labels, preds) return auc #print("auc:"+str(auc)) @timeit def naive_auc(labels, preds): """ 最简单粗暴的方法 先排序,然后统计有多少正负样本对满足:正样本预测值>负样本预测值, 再除以总的正负样本对个数 复杂度 O(NlogN), N为样本数 """ n_pos = sum(labels) n_neg = len(labels) - n_pos total_pair = n_pos * n_neg labels_preds = zip(labels, preds) labels_preds = sorted(labels_preds, key=lambda x: x[1]) accumulated_neg = 0 satisfied_pair = 0 for i in range(len(labels_preds)): if labels_preds[i][0] == 1: satisfied_pair += accumulated_neg else: accumulated_neg += 1 return satisfied_pair / float(total_pair) @timeit def approximate_auc(labels, preds, n_bins=100): """ 近似方法,将预测值分桶(n_bins),对正负样本分别构建直方图,再统计满足条件的正负样本对 复杂度 O(N) 这种方法有什么缺点?怎么分桶? """ n_pos = sum(labels) n_neg = len(labels) - n_pos total_pair = n_pos * n_neg pos_histogram = [0 for _ in range(n_bins)] neg_histogram = [0 for _ in range(n_bins)] bin_width = 1.0 / n_bins for i in range(len(labels)): nth_bin = int(preds[i] / bin_width) if labels[i] == 1: pos_histogram[nth_bin] += 1 else: neg_histogram[nth_bin] += 1 accumulated_neg = 0 satisfied_pair = 0 for i in range(n_bins): satisfied_pair += (pos_histogram[i] * accumulated_neg + pos_histogram[i] * neg_histogram[i] * 0.5) accumulated_neg += neg_histogram[i] return satisfied_pair / float(total_pair) if __name__ == "__main__": #labels, preds = gen_label_pred(10000000) labels, preds = load_label_pred(sys.argv[1]) naive_auc_rst = naive_auc(labels, preds) #approximate_auc_rst = approximate_auc(labels, preds) approximate_auc_rst = 0 sklearn_rst = sklearn_auc_api(labels, preds) print("naive auc result:{},approximate auc result:{},sklearn auc result:{}".format(naive_auc_rst, approximate_auc_rst, sklearn_rst)) """ naive_auc exec time: 31.7306630611s approximate_auc exec time: 2.32403683662s naive auc result:0.500267265728,approximate auc result:0.50026516844 """