多线程模块 threading模块
- threading.current_thread(): 返回当前的线程对象。
- threading.enumerate(): 返回一个包含正在运行的线程的list。正在运行指线程启动后、结束前,不包括启动前和终止后的线程。
- threading.active_count(): 返回正在运行的线程数量,与len(threading.enumerate())有相同的结果。
threading.Thread(group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, *, daemon=None)
- group 默认为 None,为了日后扩展 ThreadGroup 类实现而保留。
- target 是用于 run() 方法调用的可调用对象。默认是 None,表示不需要调用任何方法。
- name 是线程名称。默认情况下,由 "Thread-N" 格式构成一个唯一的名称,其中 N 是小的十进制数
- args 是用于调用目标函数的参数元组。默认是 ()
- kwargs 是用于调用目标函数的关键字参数字典。默认是 {}。
- daemon表示线程是不是守护线程。
- run(): 用以表示线程活动的方法。
- start():启动线程活动。
- join(timeout=None): 等待至线程中止。这阻塞调用线程直至线程的join() 方法被调用中止-正常退出或者抛出未处理的异常-或者是可选的超时发生。
- isAlive(): 返回线程是否活动的。
- getName(): 返回线程名。
- setName(): 设置线程名。
- name:线程对象名字
- setDaemon():设置是否为守护线程
1 import threading # 导入线程模块 2 import time 3 4 # 线程是多个资源的集合 5 # 线程就是进程里面具体干活的 6 # 线程和线程之间是互相独立的 7 8 def down_load(): 9 time.sleep(5) # 假设线程要执行5秒结束 10 print('运行完了') 11 12 def movie(): 13 print('movie') 14 15 for i in range(10): # 启动10个线程 16 t = threading.Thread(target=down_load) # 实例化线程 17 t.start() # 启动它 18 19 for i in range(10): # 启动10个线程 20 t = threading.Thread(target=movie) 21 t.start()
1 import threading # 导入线程模块 2 import time 3 4 def down_load(): 5 print(threading.current_thread()) # 显示当前线程 6 time.sleep(5) # 假设线程要执行5秒结束 7 print('运行完了') 8 9 def movie(): 10 print('movie') 11 12 for i in range(10): # 启动10个线程 13 t = threading.Thread(target=down_load) 14 t.start() 15 16 for i in range(10): # 启动10个线程 17 t = threading.Thread(target=movie) 18 t.start() 19 20 print(threading.activeCount()) # 查看当前线程数 21 print(threading.current_thread()) # 查看当前线程
<Thread(Thread-1, started 20128)> <Thread(Thread-2, started 9024)> <Thread(Thread-3, started 20484)> <Thread(Thread-4, started 20488)> <Thread(Thread-5, started 20492)> <Thread(Thread-6, started 20496)> <Thread(Thread-7, started 20500)> <Thread(Thread-8, started 20504)> <Thread(Thread-9, started 20508)> <Thread(Thread-10, started 20512)> movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie 11 <_MainThread(MainThread, started 1900)> 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了
1 import threading # 导入线程模块 2 import time 3 4 def down_load(): 5 print(threading.current_thread()) # 显示当前线程 6 time.sleep(5) # 假设线程要执行5秒结束 7 print('运行完了') 8 9 def movie(): 10 print('movie') 11 12 for i in range(10): # 启动10个线程 13 t = threading.Thread(target=down_load) 14 t.start() 15 t.join() # 使用join() 来实现线程同步 16 17 for i in range(10): # 启动10个线程 18 t = threading.Thread(target=movie) 19 t.start() 20 t.join()
1 import threading # 导入线程模块 2 import time 3 4 def down_load(): 5 print(threading.current_thread()) # 显示当前线程 6 time.sleep(5) # 假设线程要执行5秒结束 7 print('运行完了') 8 9 def movie(): 10 print('movie') 11 12 thread_list = [] 13 for i in range(5): # 启动10个线程 14 t = threading.Thread(target=down_load) 15 t.start() 16 thread_list.append(t) #把每个线程加入列表 17 print('thread_list',thread_list) 18 19 for thread in thread_list: 20 thread.join() # 等待子线程结束,然后同时结束 21 22 23 for i in range(10): # 启动10个线程 24 t = threading.Thread(target=movie) 25 t.start() 26 t.join()
1 for i in range(5): # 启动10个线程 2 t = threading.Thread(target=movie) 3 t.start() 4 5 while threading.activeCount()!=1: # 当执行线程数=1时,线程循环结束 6 pass
1 import requests 2 import time 3 from hashlib import md5 4 5 6 def down_load_pic(url): 7 req = requests.get(url) 8 m = md5(url.encode()) 9 with open(m.hexdigest() + '.png', 'wb') as fw: 10 fw.write(req.content) 11 12 13 url_list = ['', 14 '', 15 '', 16 ''] 17 18 start_time = time.time() 19 for url in url_list: 20 down_load_pic(url) 21 end_time = time.time() 22 23 print(end_time - start_time)
1 import requests 2 import time 3 import threading 4 from hashlib import md5 5 6 7 def down_load_pic(url): 8 req = requests.get(url) 9 m = md5(url.encode()) 10 with open(m.hexdigest() + '.png', 'wb') as fw: 11 fw.write(req.content) 12 13 14 url_list = ['', 15 '', 16 '', 17 ''] 18 19 start_time = time.time() 20 for url in url_list: 21 t = threading.Thread( 22 target=down_load_pic, args=( 23 url,)) # 如果只有一个参数的话,url后面要加一个逗号 24 t.start() 25 26 while threading.activeCount != 1: 27 pass 28 29 end_time = time.time() 30 print(end_time - start_time)
- 对主进程来说,运行完毕指的是主进程代码运行完毕
- 对主线程来说,运行完毕指的是主线程所在的进程内所有非守护线程统统运行完毕,主线程才算运行完毕
.setDaemon(True) # 设置子线程为守护线程
1 # 主线程结束,守护线程立马死掉 2 import threading,time 3 4 def down_load(): 5 print(threading.current_thread()) # 显示当前线程 6 time.sleep(5) # 假设线程要执行5秒结束 7 print('运行完了') 8 9 for i in range(5): # 启动10个线程 10 t = threading.Thread(target=down_load) 11 t.setDaemon(True) # 设置子线程为守护线程 12 t.start() # 把子守护线程设置在主线程前 13 14 print('over')# 主线程结束,守护线程立马结束
1 import multiprocessing 2 import time 3 4 5 def down_load(): 6 time.sleep(5) 7 print("运行完了") 8 9 # windows系统要求写 __main__ 10 if __name__ == '__main__': 11 for i in range(5): 12 p = multiprocessing.Process(target=down_load) 13 p.start() 14 print(multiprocessing.current_process())
import multiprocessing import time def down_load(): time.sleep(5) print("运行完了") # windows系统要求写 __main__ if __name__ == '__main__': for i in range(5): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=down_load) p.start() while len(multiprocessing.active_children())!=0: # 等待子进程结束 pass print(multiprocessing.current_process()) print('end')
<_MainProcess(Process-3, started)> end <_MainProcess(Process-1, started)> end <_MainProcess(Process-2, started)> end <_MainProcess(Process-4, started)> end <_MainProcess(Process-5, started)> end 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 运行完了 <_MainProcess(MainProcess, started)> end
pip3.5 install virtualenv
pip3.5 install parameterized
virtualenv UTP # 在该目录下创建一个叫UTP的虚拟环境
1.python项目中必须包含一个 requirements.txt 文件,用于记录所有依赖包及其精确的版本号。以便新环境部署。
pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
TestCase 也就是测试用例
TestSuite 多个测试用例集合在一起,就是TestSuite
TestLoader 是用来加载TestCase到TestSuite中的
TestRunner 是来执行测试用例的,测试的结果会保存到TestResult实例中,包括运行了多少测试用例,成功了多少,失败了多少等信息
1 import unittest 2 import HTMLTestRunner 3 4 5 def add(a, b): 6 return a + b 7 8 9 class AddTest(unittest.TestCase): # unittest.TestCase 副类 10 @classmethod 11 def setUpClass(cls): # 所有用例执行前,执行它 12 print("setUpClass") 13 14 @classmethod 15 def tearDownClass(cls): # 所有用例执行完,执行它 16 print("tearDownClass") 17 18 def setUp(self): # 每条用例执行前,执行它 19 print('setUP') 20 21 def tearDown(self): # 每条用例执行后,执行它 22 print('tearDown') 23 24 def test_normal(self): # 用例必须以test 开头运行 25 result = add(1, 1) 26 self.assertEqual(1, result) 27 28 def test_error(self): 29 result = add(1, 1) 30 self.assertEqual(1, result, '结果计算错误') # 可以传错误提示参数 31 32 33 if __name__ == '__main__': 34 file = open('report.html', 'wb') 35 runner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner(file, title='测试报告') 36 test_suite = unittest.makeSuite(AddTest) # 变成测试集合 37
生成HTML测试报告的BeautifulReport 源码Clone地址为,其中BeautifulReport.py和其template是我们需要的关键。
1 import os 2 import sys 3 from io import StringIO as StringIO 4 import time 5 import json 6 import unittest 7 import platform 8 import base64 9 from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib 10 import traceback 11 from functools import wraps 12 13 __all__ = ['BeautifulReport'] 14 15 HTML_IMG_TEMPLATE = """ 16 <a href="data:image/png;base64, {}"> 17 <img src="data:image/png;base64, {}" width="800px" height="500px"/> 18 </a> 19 <br></br> 20 """ 21 22 23 class OutputRedirector(object): 24 """ Wrapper to redirect stdout or stderr """ 25 26 def __init__(self, fp): 27 self.fp = fp 28 29 def write(self, s): 30 self.fp.write(s) 31 32 def writelines(self, lines): 33 self.fp.writelines(lines) 34 35 def flush(self): 36 self.fp.flush() 37 38 39 stdout_redirector = OutputRedirector(sys.stdout) 40 stderr_redirector = OutputRedirector(sys.stderr) 41 42 SYSSTR = platform.system() 43 SITE_PAKAGE_PATH = get_python_lib() 44 45 FIELDS = { 46 "testPass": 0, 47 "testResult": [ 48 ], 49 "testName": "", 50 "testAll": 0, 51 "testFail": 0, 52 "beginTime": "", 53 "totalTime": "", 54 "testSkip": 0 55 } 56 57 58 class PATH: 59 """ all file PATH meta """ 60 # config_tmp_path = SITE_PAKAGE_PATH + '/BeautifulReport/template/template' 61 # config_tmp_path = SITE_PAKAGE_PATH + '/BeautifulReport/template/template' 62 config_tmp_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/template/template' 63 64 65 class MakeResultJson: 66 """ make html table tags """ 67 68 def __init__(self, datas: tuple): 69 """ 70 init self object 71 :param datas: 拿到所有返回数据结构 72 """ 73 self.datas = datas 74 self.result_schema = {} 75 76 def __setitem__(self, key, value): 77 """ 78 79 :param key: self[key] 80 :param value: value 81 :return: 82 """ 83 self[key] = value 84 85 def __repr__(self) -> str: 86 """ 87 返回对象的html结构体 88 :rtype: dict 89 :return: self的repr对象, 返回一个构造完成的tr表单 90 """ 91 keys = ( 92 'className', 93 'methodName', 94 'description', 95 'spendTime', 96 'status', 97 'log', 98 ) 99 for key, data in zip(keys, self.datas): 100 self.result_schema.setdefault(key, data) 101 return json.dumps(self.result_schema) 102 103 104 class ReportTestResult(unittest.TestResult): 105 """ override""" 106 107 def __init__(self, suite, stream=sys.stdout): 108 """ pass """ 109 super(ReportTestResult, self).__init__() 110 self.begin_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) 111 self.start_time = 0 112 = stream 113 self.end_time = 0 114 self.failure_count = 0 115 self.error_count = 0 116 self.success_count = 0 117 self.skipped = 0 118 self.verbosity = 1 119 self.success_case_info = [] 120 self.skipped_case_info = [] 121 self.failures_case_info = [] 122 self.errors_case_info = [] 123 self.all_case_counter = 0 124 self.suite = suite 125 self.status = '' 126 self.result_list = [] 127 self.case_log = '' 128 self.default_report_name = '自动化测试报告' 129 self.FIELDS = None 130 self.sys_stdout = None 131 self.sys_stderr = None 132 self.outputBuffer = None 133 134 @property 135 def success_counter(self) -> int: 136 """ set success counter """ 137 return self.success_count 138 139 @success_counter.setter 140 def success_counter(self, value) -> None: 141 """ 142 success_counter函数的setter方法, 用于改变成功的case数量 143 :param value: 当前传递进来的成功次数的int数值 144 :return: 145 """ 146 self.success_count = value 147 148 def startTest(self, test) -> None: 149 """ 150 当测试用例测试即将运行时调用 151 :return: 152 """ 153 unittest.TestResult.startTest(self, test) 154 self.outputBuffer = StringIO() 155 stdout_redirector.fp = self.outputBuffer 156 stderr_redirector.fp = self.outputBuffer 157 self.sys_stdout = sys.stdout 158 self.sys_stdout = sys.stderr 159 sys.stdout = stdout_redirector 160 sys.stderr = stderr_redirector 161 self.start_time = time.time() 162 163 def stopTest(self, test) -> None: 164 """ 165 当测试用力执行完成后进行调用 166 :return: 167 """ 168 self.end_time = '{0:.3} s'.format((time.time() - self.start_time)) 169 self.result_list.append(self.get_all_result_info_tuple(test)) 170 self.complete_output() 171 172 def complete_output(self): 173 """ 174 Disconnect output redirection and return buffer. 175 Safe to call multiple times. 176 """ 177 if self.sys_stdout: 178 sys.stdout = self.sys_stdout 179 sys.stderr = self.sys_stdout 180 self.sys_stdout = None 181 self.sys_stdout = None 182 return self.outputBuffer.getvalue() 183 184 def stopTestRun(self, title=None) -> dict: 185 """ 186 所有测试执行完成后, 执行该方法 187 :param title: 188 :return: 189 """ 190 FIELDS['testPass'] = self.success_counter 191 for item in self.result_list: 192 item = json.loads(str(MakeResultJson(item))) 193 FIELDS.get('testResult').append(item) 194 FIELDS['testAll'] = len(self.result_list) 195 FIELDS['testName'] = title if title else self.default_report_name 196 FIELDS['testFail'] = self.failure_count 197 FIELDS['beginTime'] = self.begin_time 198 end_time = int(time.time()) 199 start_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(self.begin_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) 200 FIELDS['totalTime'] = str(end_time - start_time) + 's' 201 FIELDS['testError'] = self.error_count 202 FIELDS['testSkip'] = self.skipped 203 self.FIELDS = FIELDS 204 return FIELDS 205 206 def get_all_result_info_tuple(self, test) -> tuple: 207 """ 208 接受test 相关信息, 并拼接成一个完成的tuple结构返回 209 :param test: 210 :return: 211 """ 212 return tuple([*self.get_testcase_property(test), self.end_time, self.status, self.case_log]) 213 214 @staticmethod 215 def error_or_failure_text(err) -> str: 216 """ 217 获取sys.exc_info()的参数并返回字符串类型的数据, 去掉t6 error 218 :param err: 219 :return: 220 """ 221 return traceback.format_exception(*err) 222 223 def addSuccess(self, test) -> None: 224 """ 225 pass 226 :param test: 227 :return: 228 """ 229 logs = [] 230 output = self.complete_output() 231 logs.append(output) 232 if self.verbosity > 1: 233 sys.stderr.write('ok ') 234 sys.stderr.write(str(test)) 235 sys.stderr.write('\n') 236 else: 237 sys.stderr.write('.') 238 self.success_counter += 1 239 self.status = '成功' 240 self.case_log = output.split('\n') 241 self._mirrorOutput = True # print(class_name, method_name, method_doc) 242 243 def addError(self, test, err): 244 """ 245 add Some Error Result and infos 246 :param test: 247 :param err: 248 :return: 249 """ 250 logs = [] 251 output = self.complete_output() 252 logs.append(output) 253 logs.extend(self.error_or_failure_text(err)) 254 self.failure_count += 1 255 self.add_test_type('失败', logs) 256 if self.verbosity > 1: 257 sys.stderr.write('F ') 258 sys.stderr.write(str(test)) 259 sys.stderr.write('\n') 260 else: 261 sys.stderr.write('F') 262 263 self._mirrorOutput = True 264 265 def addFailure(self, test, err): 266 """ 267 add Some Failures Result and infos 268 :param test: 269 :param err: 270 :return: 271 """ 272 logs = [] 273 output = self.complete_output() 274 logs.append(output) 275 logs.extend(self.error_or_failure_text(err)) 276 self.failure_count += 1 277 self.add_test_type('失败', logs) 278 if self.verbosity > 1: 279 sys.stderr.write('F ') 280 sys.stderr.write(str(test)) 281 sys.stderr.write('\n') 282 else: 283 sys.stderr.write('F') 284 285 self._mirrorOutput = True 286 287 def addSkip(self, test, reason) -> None: 288 """ 289 获取全部的跳过的case信息 290 :param test: 291 :param reason: 292 :return: None 293 """ 294 logs = [reason] 295 self.complete_output() 296 self.skipped += 1 297 self.add_test_type('跳过', logs) 298 299 if self.verbosity > 1: 300 sys.stderr.write('S ') 301 sys.stderr.write(str(test)) 302 sys.stderr.write('\n') 303 else: 304 sys.stderr.write('S') 305 self._mirrorOutput = True 306 307 def add_test_type(self, status: str, case_log: list) -> None: 308 """ 309 abstruct add test type and return tuple 310 :param status: 311 :param case_log: 312 :return: 313 """ 314 self.status = status 315 self.case_log = case_log 316 317 @staticmethod 318 def get_testcase_property(test) -> tuple: 319 """ 320 接受一个test, 并返回一个test的class_name, method_name, method_doc属性 321 :param test: 322 :return: (class_name, method_name, method_doc) -> tuple 323 """ 324 class_name = test.__class__.__qualname__ 325 method_name = test.__dict__['_testMethodName'] 326 method_doc = test.__dict__['_testMethodDoc'] 327 return class_name, method_name, method_doc 328 329 330 class BeautifulReport(ReportTestResult, PATH): 331 img_path = 'img/' if platform.system() != 'Windows' else 'img\\' 332 333 def __init__(self, suites): 334 super(BeautifulReport, self).__init__(suites) 335 self.suites = suites 336 self.log_path = None 337 self.title = '自动化测试报告' 338 self.filename = 'report.html' 339 340 def report(self, description, filename: str = None, log_path='.'): 341 """ 342 生成测试报告,并放在当前运行路径下 343 :param log_path: 生成report的文件存储路径 344 :param filename: 生成文件的filename 345 :param description: 生成文件的注释 346 :return: 347 """ 348 if filename: 349 self.filename = filename if filename.endswith('.html') else filename + '.html' 350 351 if description: 352 self.title = description 353 354 self.log_path = os.path.abspath(log_path) 355 356 self.stopTestRun(self.title) 357 self.output_report() 358 text = '\n测试已全部完成, 可前往{}查询测试报告'.format(self.log_path) 359 print(text) 360 361 def output_report(self): 362 """ 363 生成测试报告到指定路径下 364 :return: 365 """ 366 template_path = self.config_tmp_path 367 # template_path = "D:\\PythonUnittest\\Template\\template" 368 override_path = os.path.abspath(self.log_path) if \ 369 os.path.abspath(self.log_path).endswith('/') else \ 370 os.path.abspath(self.log_path) + '/' 371 372 with open(template_path, 'rb') as file: 373 body = file.readlines() 374 with open(override_path + self.filename, 'wb') as write_file: 375 for item in body: 376 if item.strip().startswith(b'var resultData'): 377 head = ' var resultData = ' 378 item = item.decode().split(head) 379 item[1] = head + json.dumps(self.FIELDS, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) 380 item = ''.join(item).encode() 381 item = bytes(item) + b';\n' 382 write_file.write(item) 383 384 @staticmethod 385 def img2base(img_path: str, file_name: str) -> str: 386 """ 387 接受传递进函数的filename 并找到文件转换为base64格式 388 :param img_path: 通过文件名及默认路径找到的img绝对路径 389 :param file_name: 用户在装饰器中传递进来的问价匿名 390 :return: 391 """ 392 pattern = '/' if platform != 'Windows' else '\\' 393 394 with open(img_path + pattern + file_name, 'rb') as file: 395 data = 396 return base64.b64encode(data).decode() 397 398 def add_test_img(*pargs): 399 """ 400 接受若干个图片元素, 并展示在测试报告中 401 :param pargs: 402 :return: 403 """ 404 405 def _wrap(func): 406 @wraps(func) 407 def __wrap(*args, **kwargs): 408 img_path = os.path.abspath('{}'.format(BeautifulReport.img_path)) 409 try: 410 result = func(*args, **kwargs) 411 except Exception: 412 if 'save_img' in dir(args[0]): 413 save_img = getattr(args[0], 'save_img') 414 save_img(func.__name__) 415 data = BeautifulReport.img2base(img_path, pargs[0] + '.png') 416 print(HTML_IMG_TEMPLATE.format(data, data)) 417 sys.exit(0) 418 print('<br></br>') 419 420 if len(pargs) > 1: 421 for parg in pargs: 422 print(parg + ':') 423 data = BeautifulReport.img2base(img_path, parg + '.png') 424 print(HTML_IMG_TEMPLATE.format(data, data)) 425 return result 426 if not os.path.exists(img_path + pargs[0] + '.png'): 427 return result 428 data = BeautifulReport.img2base(img_path, pargs[0] + '.png') 429 print(HTML_IMG_TEMPLATE.format(data, data)) 430 return result 431 return __wrap 432 return _wrap
1 import unittest 2 from BeautifulReport import BeautifulReport 3 4 if __name__ == '__main__': 5 test_suite ='TestScripts', pattern='test*.py') 6 result = BeautifulReport(test_suite) 7'HC_Unittest测试报告', description='单元测试报告')