Cs Tip15: 允许的 Markup/html 标记 communityserver.config

有人在CommunityServer.org中问怎样在帖子中发表Google Video, embed Google Video in a blog post.

Gary Mcpherson告诉在CommunityServer.config中的<MarkUp>下启用<embed>



The MarkUp section lists Html and Attributes which users are allowed to enter when creating new posts. Any element or attribute not included in this list will either be removed or encoded (ie, they will NOT be rendered as markup).

Elements in the globalAttributes section with enable = true will be allowed for all valid Html elements. Invalid attributes always removed!

Elements listed in the html section will be treated as valid. If you would like to enable additional attributes, you can list them with a value

译者注: 这段不知道怎么翻译好,就看英文应该好一些, 大概的意思是markup下的标记被允许

posted on 2006-08-09 20:57  xwang  阅读(240)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
