Quickly and partly build&debug OOo on ubuntu
Quickly and partly build&debug my working modules for OOo on ubuntu:
-->download the source (the mininal modules is ok,and don't omit any file in the root of the src tree.)
-->cd the src dirctory and create your configure file(eg. myconfigure.sh) like this:
./configure --with-use-shell=bash --disable-gnome-vfs --without-system-stdlibs --disable-build-mozilla --with-lang=$LANG --with-ant-home=/opt/apache-ant-1.7.0 --enable-hids
-->run myconfigure.sh,it will check all tools needed and mention you to install if there is no such one. Just be patient and do what it tells. Configure will success when all tools are ready.
-->run bootstrap, and source LinuxX86.Set.sh
-->download the prepared solver package of the same source, unpack and put it under the root of the source; download the prepared Iinstal package, unpack, cd DEBS and sudo dpkg -i *.deb( By default it will be installed in /opt/ )
-->cd module you want to debug or code, build debug=t
-->copy *.so in unxlng**.pro/lib to and replace all these in OOo install directory
You can use gdb to start debugging NOW!
Below is my steps:
1. co or export minimal source from svn
$ svn co http://..../src src -N //checkout all files(no directory) under the root of src
$ svn export http://.../svn/.../src/default_images src/default_images
$ cp myconfigure.sh src/
$ cp src_solver.tar.gz src/
$ tar xzfv src_solver.tar.gz //solver was unpacked under the root of src
2. compile
$ cd src/
$ ls -l
& chmod u+x * //let it be excutable
& ./myconfigure.sh //run the configure script to check all requirements (configure command with many possible options)
-->unowinreg.dll should be copied to src/external/unowinreg/
& ./bootstrap //to create the dmake executable required to build OOo
& source LinuxX86Env.Set.sh (or LinuxX86-64Env.Set.sh) //to set up the environment for the build
3. build
checkout instsetoo_native and build, you will get the install package.
$cd src/instsetoo_native
$cd unxlngi6.pro/OpenOffice/deb/install/en-US/DEBS/
$sudo dpkg -i *.deb // -i install, by default it will be installed at /opt/
checkout some important and your working modules.
important modules: svx(共用),sfx2( 万能入口)
your working module: sc,sw...
$cd src/module
$build debug=t