When I build the boost and record the process to be not forgotten.

Step1:  Get Source code

Download the source code from : http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/.

If you unzip the the source code "boost_1_37_0.zip" to the folder "boost/boost_1_37_0" then we name that folder as the $boost_home.

Step2: Build bjam.

Later it will use bjam to build the boost.

The bjam source code are in   ( $boost_home/tools/jam/src), you can invoke the build bash script ( $boost_home/tools/jam/src/build.bat)to build it.

After build succeed it will produce 'bjam.exe' the folder  ($boost_home/tools/jam/src/bin.ntx86)

Step3: Build the boost library.

3.1 build the all the libarary

   bjam --toolset=msvc-9.0 --prefix=$lib-and-dll-out-dir64$ address-model=64 --build-type=complete install 


    1.the toolset is pecified to msvs-9.0 if vs2009. Other value you can specify depending on your vs version( 2005-msvs-7.0)

        2. "address-model=64"  specifies  the win64

    3. " --prefix=$lib-and-dll-out-dir64$" specifies the folder ,that will be install all the library in it

   It will cost a lot of disk space and time. I have cost 3 hours and 10G disk to build all the library.

3.2 build the specify libaray

    bjam.exe --with-date_time address-model=64 toolset=msvc-9.0 variant=release debug threading=multi stage

    note1: "--with-date_time" --> build the "date_time" library. it can be any library you want.

       2. "threading=multi" ----> to create the library will support muti-thread. ( the library name will with _mt )

      3.  The output libaray will in the stage folder.

   It just build the specify library, so it save a lot of time and disk space.




 1. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/more/getting_started/index.html

 2. http://87426628.blog.163.com/blog/static/6069361820098154195922/

library decription from  http://blog.csdn.net/JsuFcz/archive/2008/11/14/3301766.aspx

· 库前缀
· 库名称
· 编译工具
- gcc
· 线程模式
- mt
· 运行模式
- d
· Boost 版本
- 1_31
· 库类型
posted on 2009-11-12 14:18  RocZhang  阅读(512)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报