
  1: procedure GetBaseClassPro(AClass : TObject;Astrings : TStrings); //获得属性信息
  2: var
  3:   NumPro : integer; //用来记录事件属性的个数
  4:   Pplst : PPropList; //存放属性列表
  5:   Classtypeinfo : PTypeInfo;
  6:   classDataInfo: PTypeData;
  7:   i : integer;
  8: begin
  9:   Classtypeinfo := AClass.ClassInfo;
 10:   classDataInfo := GetTypeData(Classtypeinfo);
 11:   if classDataInfo.PropCount <> 0 then
 12:   begin
 13:     //分配空间
 14:     GetMem(Pplst,sizeof(PpropInfo)*classDataInfo.PropCount);
 15:     try
 16:       //获得属性信息到pplst
 17:       GetPropInfos(AClass.ClassInfo,Pplst);
 18:         for I := 0 to classDataInfo.PropCount - 1 do
 19:         begin
 20:           if Pplst[i]^.PropType^.Kind <> tkMethod then
 21:           //这里过滤掉了事件属性
 22:             Astrings.Add(Format('%s:%s',[Pplst[i]^.Name,Pplst[i]^.PropType^.Name]));
 23:         end;
 24:         //获得事件属性
 25:         NumPro := GetPropList(AClass.ClassInfo,[tkMethod],Pplst);
 26:         if NumPro <> 0 then
 27:         begin
 28:           //给列表添加一些标志
 29:           Astrings.Add('');
 30:           Astrings.Add('-----------EVENT-----------');
 31:           Astrings.Add('');
 32:           for i := 0 to NumPro - 1 do //获得事件属性的列表
 33:             Astrings.Add(Format('%s:%s',[Pplst[i]^.Name,Pplst[i]^.PropType^.Name]));
 34:         end;
 35:     finally
 36:        FreeMem(Pplst,sizeof(PpropInfo)*classDataInfo.PropCount);
 37:     end;
 38:   end;
 39: end;
posted @ 2012-08-31 10:32  realnull  阅读(296)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报