01 2012 档案
摘要:With the iOs SDK 4 now public and the advent of iAds just a few days away, I thought we’d celebrate with a tutorial on how to integrate iAd into your iPhone app!In this tutorial, not only will we show you how to get started with iAd, but we’ll also show you how to deal with some complex issues you m
摘要:Of all of the ways to persist data on the iPhone, Core Data is the best one to use for non-trivial data storage. It can reduce the memory overhead of your app, increase responsiveness, and save you from writing a lot of boilerplate code.However, the learning curve for Core Data can be quite large. T
摘要:0CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); 设置上下文1 CGContextMoveToPoint 开始画线2 CGContextAddLineToPoint 画直线4 CGContextAddEllipseInRect 画一椭圆4 CGContextSetLineCap 设置线条终点形状4 CGContextSetLineDash 画虚线4 CGContextAddRect 画一方框4 CGContextStrokeRect 指定矩形4 CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth 指定矩形线宽度4 CGConte
摘要:官方地址:iOS App Programming Guide ->iCloud StorageiCloud支持两种应用存储:document storage:存储用户文档和应用数据到用户的iCloud账户key-value data storage:分享小量的非关键配置数据到应用的多个实例iCloud App的设计考虑首先需要确认的是采用document storage还是key-value data storage。document storage用于存储应用数据,要么是应用创建并私有管理的数据,要么是用户创建的数据。所有用户面对的数据都应该是document storage,例如用户
摘要:1. 起步1.1 - 关于版本控制1.2 - Git 简史1.3 - Git 基础1.4 - 安装 Git1.5 - 初次运行 Git 前的配置1.6 - 获取帮助1.7 - 小结2. Git 基础2.1 - 取得项目的 Git 仓库2.2 - 记录每次更新到仓库2.3 - 查看提交历史2.4 - 撤消操作2.5 - 远程仓库的使用2.6 - 打标签2.7 - 技巧和窍门2.8 - 小结3. Git 分支3.1 - 何谓分支3.2 - 分支的新建与合并3.3 - 分支的管理3.4 - 利用分支进行开发的工作流程3.5 - 远程分支3.6 - 分支的衍合3.7 - 小结4. 服务器上的 Git4
摘要:1. NSData 与 NSStringNSData-> NSStringNSString*aString = [[NSStringalloc]initWithData:adataencoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];NSString->NSDataNSString*aString =@"1234abcd";NSData*aData = [aStringdataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];2.NSData与ByteNSData-> Byte数组NSString*testString =@&