Unit9 Mangement Strategies—— I

1. 下面我想就管理中的组织结构这个问题谈谈个人粗浅的看法.

要点: "粗浅的"这个一般不翻译

全句可翻译为: I would like to put forward my own opinion about organizing in management.


2. 为了让人们能够更好的合作,必须明确他们的任务、目标、责任与权力。


全句可翻译为:In order for people to cooperate effectively,  they must know their roles, their objectives, their responsibilities, and authority. // their task, objective, responsibility and right must be identified.


3. 这需要设立一个专门的正式的组织来规约他们相互之间的种种关系,为决策的交流与沟通提供方便。

要点:“需要设立” “规约”

全句可翻译为:This requires a formal structure to define relationships and to facilitate the communication of decision.


4. 如果这样的组织能使所有个体以最低的成本实现企业目标,那么它就是有效的。


全句可翻译为:Such a structure is efficient if it makes it possible for individuals to contribute to the attainment of the objectives of the enterprise with minimum costs.


5. 基本功能:basic function // 管理员工: supervise staffs // 任命下级经理:appoint subordinate manager  // 管理费用:administrative cost


6. 这种监控跨度会因组织的不同而有所差异。


全句可翻译为:The span of control varies in different organizations.


7. 尽量… :尽量减少管理的级别数:have the minimum possible number of levels  // 尽量设宽一些:as broad as possible


8. 如果一家企业地域宽广,那么根据地理特点来设立部门也许是有效的做法.

要点: 突出"地域"

全句可翻译为:If an enterprise covers a broad geographic area, it may be efficient to have departments based on geography.


9. 项目经理要对该项目负责并行使权力,其属下人员将从各职能部门调派。


全句可翻译为:The project manager has the responsibility and authority for a given project, and personnel are assigned to this manager from  the functional departments.


10. Cease to exist : 不再存在


11. 如果项目经理对完成项目有明确的目标,那么这种组织体系是富有效率的。


全句可翻译为:This System is efficient in that the project manager has clear objective in the completion of the project.


12. 在某些复杂的现在企业中,或许还有专门的顾问部门,负责协助管理,但无权直接管理下级各部门。


全句可翻译为:In complex modern enterprise, there may also be specialized advisory departments which have responsibilities for assisting management but which lack authority over lower levels.


13. 这样的职权必须明确,以免破坏线式组织中各级经理领导的统一性。


全句可翻译为:Such functional authority must be clearly defined, so as not to violate the unity of command of the line managers.


posted @ 2012-05-02 21:58  KingsLanding  阅读(351)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报