c++ 从标准异常类别(Exception Classes)派生新类别


namespace MyLib {
  /* user-defined exception class
  * derived from a standard class for exceptions
  class MyProblem : public std::exception {
    MyProblem(…) { // special constructor }
    virtual const char* what() const throw() { // what() function
  void f() {
    // create an exception object and throw it
    throw MyProblem(…);


namespace MyLib {
  /* user-defined exception class
  * derived from a standard class for exceptions
  * that has a constructor for the what() argument
  class MyRangeProblem : public std::out_of_range {
    MyRangeProblem (const string& whatString)
      : out_of_range(whatString) {
  void f() {
    // create an exception object by using a string constructor and throw it
    throw MyRangeProblem(“here is my special range problem”);

【学习资料】 《c++标准程序库》

posted on 2012-12-30 14:18  zhuyf87  阅读(492)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
