

1. 关闭 bluetooth
2.  设置bt_stack.conf中所有的levels 为 6 。
把bt_stack.conf 从到 /system/etc/bluetooth/ pull出来,修改后push会之前目录

adb root

adb disable-verity

adb remount

#adb push bt_stack.conf /system/etc/bluetooth/

adb reboot

3.  #adb shell
#logcat -v threadtime > /mnt/sdcard/DUT-logcat &
// Bluetooth hci log
4.  Setting->Developer Options(If not this item, please Click "About phone">Click "Version" several times)>Click "Enable Bluetooth HCIsnoop log"
btsnoop log will be saved into

/sdcard/btsnoop_hci.cfa 或者 data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnoop_hci.cfa 
5.  打开 bluetooth
6,  开始复现问题,直到问题复现。



1.Turn off bluetooth
2.Set all trace levels to 6 in bt_stack.conf
Pull the /system/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf file out, and push it back to the previous directory.
#adb push bt_stack.conf /system/etc/bluetooth/
3.#adb shell
#logcat -v threadtime > /mnt/sdcard/DUT-logcat &
// Bluetooth hci log
4.Setting->Developer Options(If not this item, please Click "About phone">Click "Version" several times)>Click "Enable Bluetooth HCIsnoop log"
Btsnoop log will be saved into /sdcard/btsnoop_hci.cfa
5. Turn on bluetooth
6. Reproduce the problem from pairing until the problem reappears.
posted @ 2019-01-03 14:32  演武_zhuwei  阅读(3997)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报