DBSCAN 算法是一种基于密度的空间聚类算法。该算法利用基于密度的聚类的概念,即要求聚类空间中的一定区域内所包含对象(点或其它空间对象)的数目不小于某一给定阀值。DBSCAN 算法的显著优点是聚类速度快且能够有效处理噪声点和发现任意形状的空间聚类。但是由于它直接对整个数据库进行操作且进行聚类时使用了一个全局性的表征密度的参数,因此也具有两个比较明显的弱点:
1. 当数据量增大时,要求较大的内存支持 I/0 消耗也很大;
2. 当空间聚类的密度不均匀、聚类间距离相差很大时,聚类质量较差。
DBSCAN算法基于一个事实:一个聚类可以由其中的任何核心对象唯一确定。等价可以表述为: 任一满足核心对象条件的数据对象p,数据库D中所有从p密度可达的数据对象所组成的集合构成了一个完整的聚类C,且p属于C。
密度可达:对于样本集合D,存在一串样本点p1,p2,p3,...pn,其中连续两个点直接密度可达,则 p=p1,q=qn,则p密度可达q;
from matplotlib.pyplot import * from collections import defaultdict import random #function to calculate distance def dist(p1, p2): return ((p1[0]-p2[0])**2+ (p1[1]-p2[1])**2)**(0.5) #randomly generate around 100 cartesian coordinates all_points=[] for i in range(100): randCoord = [random.randint(1,50), random.randint(1,50)] if not randCoord in all_points: all_points.append(randCoord) #take radius = 8 and min. points = 8 E = 8 minPts = 8 #find out the core points other_points =[] core_points=[] plotted_points=[] for point in all_points: point.append(0) # assign initial level 0 total = 0 for otherPoint in all_points: distance = dist(otherPoint,point) if distance<=E: total+=1 if total > minPts: core_points.append(point) plotted_points.append(point) else: other_points.append(point) #find border points border_points=[] for core in core_points: for other in other_points: if dist(core,other)<=E: border_points.append(other) plotted_points.append(other) #implement the algorithm cluster_label=0 for point in core_points: if point[2]==0: cluster_label+=1 point[2]=cluster_label for point2 in plotted_points: distance = dist(point2,point) if point2[2] ==0 and distance<=E: print point, point2 point2[2] =point[2] #after the points are asssigned correnponding labels, we group them cluster_list = defaultdict(lambda: [[],[]]) for point in plotted_points: cluster_list[point[2]][0].append(point[0]) cluster_list[point[2]][1].append(point[1]) markers = ['+','*','.','d','^','v','>','<','p'] #plotting the clusters i=0 print cluster_list for value in cluster_list: cluster= cluster_list[value] plot(cluster[0], cluster[1],markers[i]) i = i%10+1 #plot the noise points as well noise_points=[] for point in all_points: if not point in core_points and not point in border_points: noise_points.append(point) noisex=[] noisey=[] for point in noise_points: noisex.append(point[0]) noisey.append(point[1]) plot(noisex, noisey, "x") title(str(len(cluster_list))+" clusters created with E ="+str(E)+" Min Points="+str(minPts)+" total points="+str(len(all_points))+" noise Points = "+ str(len(noise_points))) axis((0,60,0,60)) show()