A linked list consists of a series of structures, which are not necessarily adjacent in memory. We assume that each structure contains an integer key 阅读全文
To store English words, one method is to use linked lists and store a word letter by letter. To save some space, we may let the words share the same s 阅读全文
容器类放入的都是元素的拷贝,而非引用。所以如果需要对元素做出改动,最好是把元素存在data[N]数组中,而仅仅在容器中存放数组下标。 函数传递容器类参数时,需要传引用,否则会超时。 vector vector作为数组,vector <int> num[ N ],可以当作二维数组使用,由于所有的vec 阅读全文
Mice and Rice is the name of a programming contest in which each programmer must write a piece of code to control the movements of a mouse in a given 阅读全文
Given a stack which can keep M numbers at most. Push N numbers in the order of 1, 2, 3, ..., N and pop randomly. You are supposed to tell if a given s 阅读全文