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1. 删除字符串两端的特殊符号:

string str = "***This string has special characters***";
char[] trimChars = new char[] { '*', '!' };
string trimmed = str.Trim(trimChars); // trimmed will be "This string has special characters"

2. 清理文本输入框中的内容:

string input = " John Doe ";
string trimmed = input.Trim(); // trimmed will be "John Doe"
// Trim() removes whitespace by default, but you can also specify other characters to trim.
string trimmedWithSpecificChars = input.Trim(new char[] { ' ', ',' }); // trimmedWithSpecificChars will be "John,Doe"

3. 比较两个字符串,忽略空格和其他符号:

string str1 = "This is a string";
string str2 = " This is a string ";
// Using Trim() ensures that the strings are compared without any extra characters.
if (str1.Trim().Equals(str2.Trim()))
Console.WriteLine("The strings are equal.");

4. 从文件名中删除扩展名:

string fileName = "my-file.txt";
string trimmedFileName = fileName.TrimEnd(new char[] { '.', 't', 'x', 't' }); // trimmedFileName will be "my-file"

5. 从路径中删除多余的斜杠:

string path = "\\\\server\\share\\folder\\\\";
string trimmedPath = path.Trim('\\'); // trimmedPath will be "\\server\share\folder"

6. 处理 CSV 文件中的数据:

string csvLine = "123,John Doe,New York,USA";
string[] columns = csvLine.Split(',');
// Trim() removes any extra spaces from each column value.
string name = columns[1].Trim();
string city = columns[2].Trim();
string country = columns[3].Trim();

7. 从 HTML 代码中删除空格:

string html = "<html> <head> <title>This is a title</title> </head> <body> <h1>This is a heading</h1> </body> </html>";
string trimmedHtml = html.Replace(" ", ""); // trimmedHtml will be "<html><head><title>Thisisatititle</title></head><body><h1>Thisisheading</h1></body></html>"
// This is just a basic example. You can use more sophisticated methods to remove whitespace from HTML code.

8. 从 XML 代码中删除注释:

string xml = "<xml> <element>This is an element</element> </xml>";
string trimmedXml = xml.Replace("", ""); // trimmedXml will be "<xml><element>Thisisanelement</element></xml>"
// This is just a basic example. You can use more sophisticated methods to remove comments from XML code.
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